NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (22.86 Ko)
System 3 Software have created a new era in home and personal computer
entertainment software. This has been achieved by combining the excitement of
dynamic arcade action, breathtaking graphics and thrilling original music.
With an established insight into the gameplayers' needs, we aim to bring you
products that continue to set new standards for innovative design and give good
value for your money. Having again achieved that goal, we are proud to present
to you our new game . . . MYTH.
This atmospheric platform adventure through the mythological eras of time,
casts you, the game's player, as the hero, settting the history books straight
and stopping the spread of the mighty evil dameron.
We hope you get as much enjoyment from playing this exciting new product as we
had in creating it and we look forward to entertaining you long into the
future . . .
Magical tales of intrigue and mystery were spawned thousands of years ago, as
the world's civilisations believed that mythological gods and demons carved out
the way of the world. They were said to have dealt their own hand in the epic
game of life and ruled their domains with cast iron law and powerful sorcery,
not known to mere mortals. The subsequent fear of which enabled the gods
to mould their own world, like an elaborate game of chess, and pre-ordain the
fate and destiny of their minions.
The combination of ruling bodies kept the world in balance and laid the
foundations of our history.
Only a mortal can attempt to change the eras of time.
An everyday lad lounges at his desk fully submerged in an article he reads
aloud in his complex mind, about Medusa, the terrifying snakes that entwine her
scalp, and shivering coldness of her black-eyed stare as she turns courageous
men to solid stone. The lad seems arrogantly amused with what he reads and
curls his upper lip in an aggrieved sneer, signaling his resentment at the
brash, uninformed way in which his favorite daydreams had been handled.
"This guy's a jerk", rolls off his silver tongue as he hurls the trash magazine
into an overused bin. It seems near bursting with a hive of knowledgeable
mythological drawings, screwed up and scribbed out, that weren't quite good
enough or didn't depict how a certain fable was meant to annihilate all who
dared challenge it or who didn't respect its vital role in the strategic game
of life and history. He would spend hours thumbing through books and sketching
the theories as he understood them, believing that mythology was for real,
believing everything was there for a reason, believing that Titanic gods
watched his every move and even played some of them for him so as to ensure
that foreseen destiny would indeed take its course.
This guy was hooked, at times he wore blinkers to everyday life, or upset
school teachers with his hankering on about myths and how they were the only
history any of us need learn if we were to ensure the future turns of the world
were in the right direction.
Maybe he seemed a little confused, strange to some teachers, but everyone
warmed to him. He wore the right trainers, the right jeans, he hung out with
the right guys, danced to the right music. His cockiness and arrogance was a
lure to all the best girls in school and his contempt for those who wouldn't
listen to him, shielded him, and gave him bigger following than the school
football captain. This guy was a happening, a hero to younger kids, a thorn in
the side of history teachers and a real worry to his parents who had seen his
obsession grow from a passing interest to the only supporting crutch his life
seemed to be leaning on. This obsession wooed him to sleep at night and led him
through everyday life with hypnotic effect. He couldn't wait to get home and
lose himself in mythological literature, to draw his favourite characters and
dream of long-fought battles through time itself.
If only he knew. Word of his undying loyalty to mythology had not only spanned
the length and breadth of the school playing fields and formed major points of
discussion over school dinners, but had astonishingly penetrated the heavens.
The last remaining good Titans had been casting a hopeful net over our planet
for some time, a global search that had them clammering for a mortal with
character, cunning, and most of all, belief. These great universal dictators
had swallowed their pride and had finally succumbed to the fact that their
means of rulership was now rapidly becoming a laughing stock. Strong, steadfast
beings who aggressively ruled the heavens, the seas, the land, were now in a
state of panic. The evil god Dameron had become a self-appointed leader,
turning the skies black with rage and the seas red with the blood of many a god
who dared question his tyranny. Bloodbaths arose in the heavens, death was
meeting those who refused to control their part of history in his way and the
once seemingly solid temple of this history was now being severely rocked to
its very foundations.
The law stated that the great gods could not interfere directly with the
destiny of modern history, but that the world's future lay with its past and
therefore by changing the past, Dameron will conquer the future and forever
destroy mortal life.
An encouraging fire engulfed the era of time as they found who they were
looking for and with the discovery of a mortal with such a belief they breathed
tentative, if not premature, sighs of relief into the soul of our hopeful
They were to visit him in his sleep and bargain with mortality, convince him
that his relentless pursuit of mythology was to be rewarded by actually meeting
the gods he dreamt of by battling the demons he scribbled on pieces of old
paper, by solving the life and death riddles of ancient leaders. He must
confront the twisted power of Dameron and struggle through all the cornerstones
of time, putting right the evil god's wrong doing and setting the wheels of our
history in motion once again in the right direction.
They were to take him through all mythological eras of time, including
Roman, Greek, Norse, Viking and Egyptian. Then onwards towards the greatest
challenge for no mere mortal, except this one, Dameron. The world's future is
at stake and must be brought back to tranquil normality. He must remember his
arrogance, he must have faith in the prophecies he tried to enforce upon
He must believe that this is HISTORY IN THE MAKING!
Set up your COMPUTER system as detailed in your user manual. Ensure that all
non-essential peripherals - such as cartridges, printers, etc. are
DISCONNECTED. Failure to do so may cause loading DIFFICULTIES.
1 If you are using your Commodgre 64/128 with the cassette version of MYTH
. . .
Connect your data cassette player and switch your computer and TV/monitor
on. C128 owners should now select C64 mode by typing G064, pressing RETURN
then Y, then RETURN again.
Insert the MYTH cassette into the data cassette player, ensuring that it is
fully rewound.
Hold down the SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys on the computer together. Then press
the PLAY key on the data cassette player. The game should then load.
2 If you are using your Commodore 64/128 with the disk version of MYTH . . .
Connect your disk drive to your computer and switch the disk drive, computer
and TV/monitor on. C128 owners should now select C64 mode by typing G064,
pressing RETURN, then Y, then RETURN again,
Insert the MYTH disk into the disk drive, label side up. Now type
LOAD"*",8,1 and hit RETURN. The game should then load.
3 If you are using your Amstrad CPC 464, 664 or 6128 with the cassette version
of MYTH . . .
Switch your TV/monitor and computer ON.
If your computer has a built-in disk drive you should now connect a
compatible cassette player to your computer. Then type '|' symbol, press the
SHIFT key and @ key together.
Insert the MYTH cassette into the tape player. Ensure that the cassette
label marked side one is facing upwards and that the cassette is fully
Press the CTRL and small ENTER keys together, then press the PLAY button on
your cassette player. The game should then load.
4 If you are using your Amstrad CPC 464, 664 or 6128 with the diskette version
of MYTH . . .
If your computer has a built-in cassette player, first switch your computer
OFF and connect a compatible disk drive to your computer. Now switch the
disk drive and the computer ON. Then type ""disk and hit RETURN. Now your
computer will be ready to load data from disk. To obtain the '|' symbol,
press the SHIFT key and '@' together.
Insert the MYTH diskette into your disk drive, label side up. Type RUN"DISC
then hit the ENTER key.
5 If you are using your ZX Spectrum, Spectrum+, Spectrum 48K, Spectrum 128K,
Spectrum +2 with the cassette version of MYTH . . .
Connect your cassette player to your Spectrum as advised in the user manual.
If you are using a joystick then insert the necessary interfaces NOW.
Switch your TV/monitor, cassette player and computer ON. If your Spectrum
now displays a menu screen you may select with 48K or 128K Basic.
Insert the MYTH cassette into the cassette player, with the cassette label
marked "side one" facing upwards. Ensure that the cassette is fully rewound.
Type LOAD" " and then hit the ENTER key. Now press the PLAY button on your
cassette player. The game should now load.
6 If you are using your Atari ST, Amiga or Spectrum +3 with the diskette
version of MYTH . . .
Connect your disk drive to your computer - if your computer features a
built-in disk drive you will not have to do this.
Insert the MYTH diskette into the disk drive, label side up. Switch your
TV/monitor, computer and disk drive ON.
For ST and Amiga users the game will now load automatically. Spectrum +3
users should then press RETURN and the game will load automatically.
MYTH is a multi-load game. Each level will be loaded as you complete the
previous one. This means that to enjoy continuous play you MUST keep your MYTH
cassette in your data cassette player, or your MYTH disk in your disk drive, at
all times during a session with the game. On screen, prompts will appear when
you complete a level, telling you what to do next.
When loading cassette versions of the game you will be prompted to turn over
the tape, rewind fully and load the next level.
For C64, Amiga and Atari ST owners
Greater than/less
than (on . and ,)- cycle through icons in window.
Space bar - Select weapon to use from middle window.
- Press at beginning of each level to continue with weapon.
P - Pause the game.
The game can only be played on these formats with a joystick.
For Spectrum and Amstrad owners
Space bar - Cycle through and select icon in window.
- Press again outwards to get back in the game.
Q - Left.
W - Right.
I - Up.
J - Down/small jump.
O - Fire.
H - Pause game.
If these keys prove unsuitable to some games players, there is an option to
define the keys at the beginning of the game.
For Commodore 64, Amiga and Atari ST owners
< | >
\ | /
\ | /
RUN <------- WITHOUT -------> RUN
For Commodore 64, Amiga and Atari ST owners
\ | /
\ | /
NOTE: DIrections are for facing right. When facingleft, reverse all directions.
NOTE: Some weapons have to be worked with fire button in conjunction with
joystick movement.
For Spectrum and Amstrad owners
RUN LEFT <------- WITHOUT -------> RUN RIGHT
For Spectrum and Amstrad owners
| NOTE: Collect icons by
| walking over them.
The first aspects of the game you should MASTER are the JOYSTICK controls. The
highly interactive nature of the game is required because of some of the
COMPLEX MOVES the main character has to perform. A high level of competence at
the controls will enhance your game play CONSIDERABLY.
Because of the adventure elements, our second suggestion is that you should get
into the habit of RECORDING what happens on each screen. This will enable you
to obtain HIGHER SCORES with repeated play.
The last point is, NEVER take anything FOR GRANTED - some things are not as
they appear. Be curious, nosey, etc. and examine everything.
For Spectrum and Amstrad owners
--------------- --------------- ---------------
--------------- --------------- ---------------
--------------- --------------- ---------------
| | | ITEMS | | CONS |
--------------- --------------- ---------------
LIVES - Amount of lives (up to six).
SCORE - Current score.
AMOUNT - Shows the number of times the currently selected item can be
ITEMS - Shows what you are holding. Press space to select them, and
left and right to move.
ENERGY - Shows your energy. When energy is low the man will pulse
colours. When energy reaches zero a life is lost and energy
reset to maximum.
ICONS - The amount of these you have collected so far. When all have
been collected they will flash continuously to confirm that the
master icon is on the map.
For Commodore 64, Amiga and Atari ST owners
----------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------
----------- | | | | | | ---------- ---------
------ ------ ------
SCORE - Current score.
ITEMS - Shows what have been collected, "greater than" and "less than"
keys cycle through them. Space bar selects item in middle window
to use.
ENERGY - Shows you energy as beads which change colour as it is drained.
Resets to maximum once life is lost and game restarted.
LIFES - Appear in number form (up to nine).
The following are clues to some of the objects and hazards you may come across
in your travels, and are not necessarily the order in which you have to find
In the spirit of all good adventures . . .WE HAVE NOT TOLD YOU THE WHOLE STORY
. . .
For Spectrum and Amstrad owners
Collect all the "TELEPORT ICONS" to reveal a "MASTER ICON". This is then used
on the "TELEPORT PAD" to get results.
CHEST Treasure what you may find.
VASES Take a welcome break and your quest could
prove fruitful.
GEMS Just what the doctor ordered.
HEART Conserve your strength and realise your
ITEM limitations.
DOVE Be flightly and cause a major coo!
SKULLS A burning desire brings out the devil in
MEDUSA Head off in the right direction and open
your eyes to all around you.
TRIDENT Be a kill joy, two's company but three's
a crowd.
SACK As you journey onwards, remember you have
certain statutory rights.
BOLTS It all adds up to a lot, so save some for
a rainy day.
For Commodore 64, Amiga and Atari ST owners
SWORD Don't make any bones about the job in
FIRE No need to harp on about it, just make
BOLTS them green with envy.
TRIDENT Bring out the demon by killing the
skeleton and knocking his skull in the
flames. Once out, kill the demon with
collected firebolts, these are limited,
so use them wisely. The trident can only
be used once, so be sure!
NYMPH If she beckons approach with caution, you
should come out a stronger player than
SHIELD Once you have brought the Greeks to heel,
their idols are brought crashing down to
CHIMERA Be a kill joy, two's company but three's
a crowd.
MEDUSA Head off in the right direction and open
your eyes to all around you.
FIREBRAND Alter yourself accordingly and give it
some stick.
HEADDRESS Useful when mummy's around, but if you
get it wrong, tut, tut, tut.
CANOPIC JARS You must retain order if you are to
We are always seeking to improve the quality of our product range, and have
developed high standards of quality control to bring you this product. If you
experience any difficulties whilst loading, it is likely to be a fault other
than the product itself. We therefore suggest that you switch your computer off
and repeat the loading instructions carefully, checking that you are using the
correct set of instructions for your computer and software. If you still have
problems, consult the User handbook that accompanied your computer or consult
your software dealer for advice. In the case of continued difficulty and you
have checked all of your hardware for possible faults, may we suggest that you
return the game to the place of purchase.
Customer Enquiries/Technical Support 01-886-5692
System 3 Software Limited
Blenheim House, 1 Ash Hill Drive, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 2AG
Copyright 1989 System 3 Software Limited