NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (4.35 Ko)
An opulent, mysterious, and perilous fortress is the setting as Bruce
Lee seeks to claim infinite wealth and the secret of immortality from
the wizard who dwells within.
You begin your search for the wizard at the entrance to his fortress.
This chamber, and each chamber here, is sealed off from the other
rooms. The only way to get from one room to the adjoining room is to
jump up and take the lanterns which hang from the ceiling. When you
get all the lanterns (or at least certain lanterns) for that room, the
door opens. (Watch the edges of your screen so that you'll see when
your exit is possible.) Hint: You must get all of the lanterns in the
first three rooms in order to proceed. Then go to the middle room and
look for the opening through which you can exit.
Throughout your search for the wizard, you are attacked by the ninja
brandishing their BOKKEN sticks. Even more dangerous is the Yamo, who
runs after you and delivers crushing kicks. Duck and run away to foil
their attempts to harm you, then come back kicking and chopping - the
Yamo can survive only three blows and the ninja can survive only two.
Take as many lanterns and cover as much ground as you can before these
foes reappear.
To get around each room, you can climb vines (up, down, or sideways),
ride on waves of particles which change direction at random, leap from
ledge to ledge, and jump down from a ledge without injury.
Hazards and traps await you in rooms close to the wizard's chamber.
You must avoid electrical charges passing through gaps between ledges,
PAN lights streaming across the floor, and exploding T'SUNG-LIN
(bushes) appearing from nowhere.
When you finally reach the wizard, keep away from the fire balls
streaming from his eyes. Press the button which destroys the wizard -
and his fortunes are yours! Enjoy them, because your next foray into
the fortress will be more difficult!
NUMBER OF PLAYER is selected by pressing the A key.
In a ONE-PLAYER GAME, you are Bruce competing against the Yamo and
ninja. You can take five falls before the game is over.
In a TWO-PLAYER GAME, you and another person take turns being Bruce,
competing against the Yamo and ninja. As soon as you (Bruce) take a
fall, the other player takes a turn as Bruce. The computer keeps track
of each player's score.
BEGIN PLAY by pressing ENTER.
PAUSE the game by pressing the ENTER. To resume play, press ENTER again.
You may use Kempston, Protek or Interface 2 joysticks.
RUN left and right by moving the joystick left and right.
KICK by pressing the joystick button while you are running. You will
deliver a kick in that direction.
CHOP by pressing the joystick button while you are standing still. You
will execute a chop in the direction you are facing.
LEAP to get from one ledge to another by moving the joystick up and to
the left or right. You may find that Bruce will have to leap to avoid
hazards along some passageways.
JUMP to take a lantern or to grab on to a vine.
CLIMB up a vine by positioning yourself under it, moving the joystick
up, and holding it there until you reach the top. You can climb down
the vine by pulling the joystick down and across it by moving the
joystick left or right.
DUCK to avoid a blow from the Yamo or ninja by pulling the joystick
Q - up
A - down
O - left
P - right
Z-M - punch/kick
ENTER - pause
SYMBOL SHIFT - sound on/off
SHIFT/BREAK - restart game
At the top of the screen from left to right you will find: player
"up", that player's score, top score for this session of play, and the
number of falls in reserve before the game is over.
Lantern 125 Knocking out ninja 200
Chopping ninja or Yamo 100 Knocking out Yamo 450
Kicking ninja or Yamo 75 Destroying wizard 3000
Entering new room 2000 Landing on ninja or Yamo 50
Programming by Richard Mirsky
Concept by Ron J. Fortier and Kelly Day
Computer graphics by Kelly Day
Documentation by Ingrid Holcomb
Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
19808 Nordhoff Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311
Licensed by Ziv International
Bruce Lee(TM) designates a trademark of Linda Lee.
Datasoft(R) is a registered trademark of Datasoft Inc.
(C) 1984 Datasoft Inc. All rights reserved.