Session end : 11h59m58s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2024 : 920.48 € |
Spectrum conversion by Steve Ward also Amstrad to follow.
To whom it may concern, There was no room in the program so I had to put this here.
Short history follows... (Musical Interlude..)
87, Speccy & Amstrad "Killed Until Dead"
86, Speccy & Amstrad "Silent Service"
86, Speccy, Amstrad & Commodore "Mission Omega"
85, Speccy, "Nick Faldo's Golf"
85, Speccy+part Commodore "Give My Regards to Broadstreet"
84, Speccy "Cloak of Death" (who?)
84, Dragon "Pedro" Yeah!
84, Dragon "Android Invaders"
84, Dragon "Picture Puzzles"