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© Home Computing Weekly (1985)
It's A Game


It's A Game (UK) (1985) [Home Computing Weekly] [EDUCATIF]  
elementIt's A Game (UK) (1985) [Home Computing Weekly] [EDUCATIF].zip
7.1 Ko (Date : 2023-08-11)
It\ It's A Game (UK) (1985) [Home Computing Weekly] [EDUCATIF].dsk
[CRC:1BF539E8]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (6.89 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Version de : Ross SIMPSON


PT#PROG#.BAS <- Are main programs from each part. The first digit "#" is the part and the second the program number.
PT#EXAM#.BAS <- Other little experimental programs which were embedded as part of the tutorials. I haven't attached some of those from the earlier parts mainly because they are 464 only, which use direct addressing to POKE values to generate a GRAPHICS PAPER effect (which a 464 normally doesn't support from BASIC).

It's A Game (UK) (1985) [Home Computing Weekly] [EDUCATIF].dsk

Creator : WinAPE 2.0A18 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 36 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par Kukulcan © 2007-2025 tous droits réservés.
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