Notice en espagnole (15 pages)
Version cassette
Scanné par CPCManiaco
NOTICE PDF n° 2 (147.5 Ko)
Notice en anglais (8 pages)
Version Pride Utilities
Transféré par CPCManiaco
NOTICE PDF n° 3 (2.27 Mo)
Notice en espagnole Microbyte (7 pages)
Version disquette
Transféré par CPCManiaco
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (5.08 Ko)
SYSTEM X uses external commands which
are identified by the | ( vertical bar )
which precedes the name. This is
achieved by pressing SHIFT and the @
key. The name can be in lower or upper
case and is converted to upper case
within a BASIC listing.
|CAPOFF No Parameters
This will turn off the CAPS LOCK within
a program. All character read from the
keyboard will be in lower case.
|CAPON No Parameters
This will turn on the CAPS LOCK within a
program. All characters read from the
keyboard will be in upper case.þ+
|CIRCLE One or two parameters
This will draw a circle with the centre
of the circle at the current position of
the graphics cursor. The command is
followed by the radius of the circle and
is drawn using the current graphics pen.
Ovals can also be drawn with this
command by adding a second parameter. In
this case the first parameter refers to
the horizontal radius and the second
parameter refers to the vertical radius.
|CUROFF No Parameters
This will turn the text cursor off
|CURON No Parameters
This will allow the text cursor to be
displayed on the screen.
|DEPRO No Parameters
BASIC programs saved with the P option
cannot be listed. With this command you
can turn off the protection from within
the program.
|DPEEK Two Parameters
This is a double peek. It will return
the result of the contents of two
consecutive memory locations in RAM.
|DPOKE Two Parameters
This is a double poke. It will put a
signed 16 bit number into two
consecutive memory locations in RAM.
|DSCREEN No Parameters
The whole screen will be moved down one
line using this commandþ
|FILL One Parameter
This will fill any shape area with the
specified pen colour. It will fill an
area up to a line which is drawn in the
current graphics pen or to a line drawn
in the pen being used to fill.
|FLUSH No Parameters
This is used to clear the input buffer
to prevent a build up of characters.
|FRAME No Parameters
Smooth movement of characters on the
screen can be achieved by using the
command. It will wait for a frame
flyback pulse before continuing.
|GETCHAR One Parameter
This will read from the screen at the
current text cursor position.
|GETKEY One Parameter
This will stop the program and wait for
a key press. The character assigned to
that key will be returned in a string.
|GPEN One Parameter
This will change the graphics pen.
|GOVER One Parameter
This will turn on or off the graphics
XOR mode to enable you to rub out line
setc. A parameter of 1 will turn it on
and a parameter of 0 will turn it off.
|XHELP No Parameters
This will print all the new commands
available from SYSTEM X.
|INVIS No Parameters
This will make the screen invisible.
|INVERSE No Parameters
Pen and paper colours are swapped with
this command.
|LSCREEN No Parameters
This will move the whole screen left.
|MOTOR One Parameter
This will operate or release the relay
which controls the cassette motor. A
parameter of 1 will turn it on and a
parameter of 0 will turn it off.
|PROFF No Parameters
This will turn off the printer function.
|PRON No Parameters
Issuing this command will cause all
character printing to the screen to be
echoed onto the printer.
|PROTEC No Parameters
With this command it is possible to
protect a BASIC program from within that
program so that it will destroy itself
upon return to the direct command mode.
|RPEEK Three Parameters
This command allows you to peek into any
ROM. The result of the peek is returned
into an integer variable.
|RESET No Parameters
This will reset the screen to the
default mode, inks, border, pen and
paper. |R is a shorthand version of
|RESET which is easier to use if you
cannot see what you are typing.
|RSCREEN No Parameters
This will move the whole screen right.
|SHIFT Three Parameters
A Block of memory can be moved with this
|USCREEN No Parameters
The whole screen will be moved up one
line using this command.
|VIS No Parameters
This will make the screen visible after
using the |INVIS command.
|ZIP One parameter
This is similar to SPEED WRITE except
that it offers seven speeds instead of
two. These are:
|ZIP,0 1000 baud |ZIP,1 1500 baud
|ZIP,2 2000 baud |ZIP,3 2500 baud
|ZIP,4 3000 baud |ZIP,5 3500 baud
|ZIP,6 4000 baud