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Edd The Duck
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDD THE DUCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECTRUM LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------- Type LOAD"", and then press ENTER. Press PLAY on the tape. AMSTRAD LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------------- Type RUN"EDD". Press PLAY on the tape. COMMODORE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ Hold down SHIFT and Type RUNSTOP. Press PLAY on the tape. Disk: LOAD"*",8,1 * SPECIAL FEATURE Edd the Duck's New Series on BBC 1 "Well obviously it's a great thrill to work with a genuine superstar", explained Ivor Rednose, professional clown and supporting character in the new Edd the Duck series, "and to be paid in all the custard pies I could throw was a bonus !" Edd the Duck, superstar, pop singer, and all round cool dude, starts his new series on BBC 1 this week. The series, split into nine episodes, chronicles his escapades around the various departments of the BBC Television Centre. No expense has been spared in bringing this extravaganza to the small screen. Several tons of snow were transported from the Antarctic for use in the Weather Department scenes, and the fearsome Arglefrags were flown in specially from the Alpha Centauri Star System for a guest appearance in the Special Effects episodes. Using a translator, I talked to Norman Zagrajaz, Arglefrags leading actor about appearing with such a household name. "It vaz vorth the zix light year journey to appear vith Edd - he iz a conzumate profezzional, and it vould be a pleazure to vork vith him again." I then asked Norman whether there were any drawbacks to working on the Edd series. "Vell for one thing the green make up I uze zeemz to be in very zhort zupply. You humanz juzt don't zeem to uze it that often." But what of Edd himself? Unfortunately unavailable due to a large signing session of his latest chart topping single, I have been unable to elicit his own opinion of the show. However, I have been assured by an insider close to this wonder duck that this is his finest hour, with a possible Bafta nomination on the cards. Could this be the program to launch Edd's superstardom on to a new plane? Watch out on a small screen near you...... David Taylor * GAMESPLAY EDD THE DUCK has to out manoeuvre his opposition as he travels upwards through the bowels of the BBC. To help him succeed, the Special Effects Boffins have developed a Snowball Shooter which Edd can use to Freeze his opponents for short periods of time. Pressing Fire allows Edd to throw a snowball. On each scene, Edd has to collect all of the 20 Stars before he can progress to the next episode. If he falls, the filming must stop and Edd loses one of his four takes. Edd has to collect stars from the following Departments in the Television Centre, whilst avoiding Wilson the Butler and his cronies: Weather Special Effects Childrens' TV The ON AIR light is flashing, and the audience is just a buzz in the background - EDD THE DUCK is off on yet another smash success !! JOYSTICK CONTROLS ----------------- JUMP UP ^ DIAGONAL JUMP | DIAGONAL JUMP ^ | ^ \|/ JUMP LEFT <------*------> JUMP RIGHT / \ v v DIAGONAL FALL DIAGONAL FALL FIRE - SNOWBALL LAUNCH SPECTRUM 48/128 INSTRUCTIONS ============================ After the game has loaded, you can either begin 'the shoot' straight away by pressing 0, or the control methods can be set by pressing 1. * CONTROL METHODS 1. Sinclair Joystick 1- Selects Control Method 2. Sinclair Joystick 2- Selects Control Method 3. Cursor Joystick Selects Control Method 4. Keyboard Alters the keys from De-Fault 0. Return to Main Menu- Starts the Game KEYBOARD DE-FAULT KEYS ---------------------- Q.UP ^ | O.LEFT <---+---> P.RIGHT | v A.DOWN SPACE - SNOWBALL LAUNCH 'H' - Freezes the Take '1' - Ends the 'Shoot' On Sinclair Joystick options, pressing Space ends the 'Shoot'. Produced & Directed: Brian Beuken Costume & Set Design: David Taylor Musical Direction: Sound Images AMSTRAD/SCHNEIDER INSTRUCTIONS ============================== After the game has loaded, you can either begin 'the shoot' straight away by pressing 0, or the control methods can be set by pressing 1. * CONTROL METHODS 0. Joystick - Selects Control Method 1. Keyboard - Alters the keys from De-Fault After selection, the game automatically returns to the Main Menu Screen. KEYBOARD DE-FAULT KEYS ---------------------- Q.UP ^ | O.LEFT <---+---> P.RIGHT | v A.DOWN SPACE - SNOWBALL LAUNCH 'H' - Freezes the Take 'Escape' - Ends the 'Shoot' Produced & Directed By: Brian Beuken Costume & Set Design: David Taylor Musical Direction: Sound Images COMMODORE 64/128 INSTRUCTIONS ============================= Edd is controlled by a JOYSTICK connected to the relevant port on the Commodore computer. Pressing Fire allows Edd to begin the game in the Weather Department. 'Runstop'- Freezes the Take 'Space'- Starts the Take 'Q' - Ends the 'Shoot' when the Take has been frozen Produced & Directed By: Ian Copeland Costume & Set Design: David Taylor Musical Direction: Adam Gilmore Edd the Duck is made exclusively in the United Kingdom 'BBC' and 'Edd the Duck' are trademarks of the British Broadcasting Corporation. © BBC 1990. Licensed by BBC Enterprises Ltd. 'IMPULZE' is a trading name of Zeppelin Games Limited. The program code, graphics, music and artwork of this game are the copyright of Zeppelin Games Limited and may not be reproduced, stored or hired without the written permission of Zeppelin Games Limited. © 1990 Zeppelin Games Ltd, PO Box 17, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham England DH4 6JP
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