COMPILATION -> Officielle
© WACCI (19??)
Wacci Public Domain Disc 47 - Amsdos - Utilities Disc One

Mots Clefs


COMPILATION -> Officielle               
Side A
A-to-B, Turn ASCII files into Basic DATA statements.
Adv-Text, Advanced Text Editor.
ASCII, Creates an ASCII dump of the CPCs memory.
BigDump, 15 shade screen dump utitity.
Calendar, Prints a calendar for years 1000 - 9999.
CMaf, Convert binary file to ASCII for use in Maxam.
Cutout, Stop Press cutout viewer.
Discopy, CP/M or DATA disc copier, quick but 6128 only.
DiscTrac, Keep track of your, ermmmm, discs.
DiscUtil, View files, print CATs, search files etc.
DiskDog, CAT discs, get file info, zap file etc.
DiskMenu, Make a menu and even print the CAT.
Filecopy, It certainly does.
Graph, Draws graphs for you.
Hardcopy, Prints Mini Print Shop pictures.
Magdos, Three and Half Inch Disc Operating System.
Convert, Multiface screen to AMSDOS screen.
MPack, Alternative to BANKMAN.
Multi-Ren, Multiple renaming utility.
Organize, Keep track of your discs and files.
PB6128, Print buffer and file spooler program.
Pokes, Pokes for games in an ASCII file.
Readage, Reading age checker for ASCII files.
ReadWrit, Read and write disc sectors.
Spread, A spreadsheet program.
SQ23, Squeeze files.
Symbol, Symbol designer.
TVSat, Geostationary satellite program.
USQ2, Un-SQueeze files.

Side B
BigChars, Big character RSX.
Cutedisc, Disc utility program for the 464.
Compact, Compress text files.
DiscSped, Speeds up disc drive access.
ENC-DEC, Encode a file or message.
Fonts, Alter internal fonts.
Minifile, Database.
ModeInks, RSX for modes and inks.
Monymate, Look after your money.
Page, Run basic programs from anywhere in memory.
Procs, Procedure RSX.
RD, Turn 2nd 64K into a RAMDISK (6128 only).
Romscan, ROM utility.
ScrnCrve, RSX to add curvy effect to your screens.
ScrnGrab, RSX to grab screens.
TurbText, Speed up the text output to the screen.
Variable, Check BASIC's variables.
Viewtext, View text in any program.

Edité par : WACCI


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