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Spitfire 40 + Strike Force Harrier
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INTRODUCTION S P I T F I R E _ _ Spitfire '40' is not only the closest you're likely to come / /| / \ O to flying one of the most famous aircraft of all times - O /_|_ | | / it's a spectacular war-time adventure too. | | | Picture the scene - it is the Summer of 1940 and you are a | \_ _/ newly trained pilot, posted to a Spitfire Squadron somewhere in the South East of England. Like so many of those young men in 1940, you will learn that a Spitfire is no ordinary plane. you will discover its special capabilities and, most of all, how to handle it in combat. As you learn, you can save your growing experience on cassette. With practice and your increasing skill, you can rise through the ranks, gaining medals, to reach for the highest accolade - to achieve the rank of Group Captain and the coveted VC, DSO and DFC medals. Spitfire '40 gives you not just valuable experience in the principles and techniques of flight and combat; it's a lot of fun too! INTRODUCTION === STRIKE == === FORCE === STRIKE FORCE HARRIER is not just a flight simulator. It's also ------------- a full battlefield simulation, complete with strategic planning H A R R I E R and overall objective. Operating from small ground sites in the ------------- Harrier's own unique way, your task is to destroy the enemy HQ some 500 mile away, at the same time making the best use of your ground forces. At its simplest level, the program is an exciting arcade-style shoot-em-up with ground and air targets. At its most complex, however, STRIKE FORCE HARRIER demands informed and accurate handling of your aircraft and an appreciation of modern ground attack and air combat techniques. This level of skill will naturally require considerable practice and experience, assisted by an in-depth study of this manual. The version of the Harrier used in this simulation combines the features of all three aircraft in a multi-role capability. In addition, certain features, particularly in the instrument display (eg FOFTRAC 0 Friend or Foe Tracking Radar), have been included as being plausible for a Harrier of the future. Obviously, for security reasons, the handling characteristics and performance should not be taken as an exact replication of today's Harrier. The are, however, closely representative of a modern combat aircraft of this type. KEYBOARD CONTROLS S P I T F I R E Joystick up + _ _ Joystick down ? / /| / \ O Joystick left A O /_|_ | | / Joystick right S | | | Fire Shift | \_ _/ Left rudder Z Right rudder X Increase power Q Decrease power W Flaps F Screen switch Space Gear up/down G Brakes on/off B Map M Expand map N Or use joystick When loaded, you will then be asked: ORIGINAL LOG SAVED LOG Use joystick and fire to make your choice. You will be shown a list of pilots' names on the flight log. Choose your pilot by moving the joystick and pressing fire. The log of the pilot you have chosen will be shown including his rank, medals, flying hours and victories. Press fire and you will then see a menu of FLIGHT MODES: PRACTICE COMBAT COMBAT PRACTICE Make your selection with joystick and fire. FLIGHT MODES PRACTICE This option puts you into the cockpit at the take off point on the runway to enable you to practice flying your Spitfire before you head off into combat. If you can then land successfully on a runway, you can save your log on cassette to start building up your experience. To save, follow the screen instructions and then press RETURN. COMBAT This mode is the heart of the program. On selection you will be given your combat instructions, eg: ENEMY 3 (No. of aircraft) INTERCEPT 14 (The distance in miles) BEARING 200 (The bearing from the runway) HEIGHT 6000 (The enemy's height) Now you must take off and engage the enemy in combat. The enemy will remain at roughly the height first given in the combat instructions. If you are successful and return to a runway safely, you can save your combat record. COMBAT PRACTICE The purpose of this option is to enable you to gain some elementary experience in handling the Spitfire in combat. You will find yourself at 10,000 feet with enemy aircraft coming at you in frontal attacks. Practice following and firing at them allowing for deflection shooting, which requires you to judge where the enemy will be by the time your bullets have reached the target. Yours successes in combat practice are not recorded and you can return to the main menu by pressing RETURN or by crashing. INSTRUMENT PANEL Clockwise from the upper left of the panel, the instruments are: FUEL GAUGE: indicates the amount of fuel remaining. You have enough for 45 minutes' flying. AIR SPEED INDICATOR: Indicates air speed in units of 100mph. An indicator on this gauge shows the tail speed. ARTIFICIAL HORIZON: Represents the view from the cockpit, with blue for the sky and brown for the ground. The Spitfire's altitude is indicated. VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR (VSI): Represents vertical speed and vertical movement at intervals of 1000 feet per minute in the climb or descent section. ENGINE REV INDICATOR: This indicates the engine speed in 100's of revolutions per minute. SLIP & TURN INDICATOR: The top needle represents the sideways movement through the air (slip). the bottom needle measure the rate of turn; the more displace the needle, the higher the rate of turn. COMPASS: Indicates compass heading. ALTIMETER: Shows height above the ground. The large needle indicates 100' of feet and the small needle 10000's of feet. The instrument panel view is a faithful reproduction of that in the original Spitfire. However, two additional instruments have been included for ease of use: RUDDER INDICATOR (above compass): Shows the position of the rudder. PITCH INDICATOR (bottom left): Represents a sideways view of the Spitfire. Although this duplicates part of the function of the artificial horizon, it does also assist orientation when diving or climbing steeply. AIRCRAFT CONTROLS JOYSTICK The basic joystick controls are as follows: Pulling the joystick backwards will raise the nose of the aircraft; pushing the joystick forward lowers it. The sideways movement of the joystick controls the ailerons, which in turn will make the Spitfire roll or bank to the left or right. A secondary effect of rolling is that i causes the aircraft to turn and change direction. The joystick fire button activates the eight Browning machine guns. The aircraft's joystick is self-centring when the computer's joystick is in the central position. You should be aware that there is an inevitable time lag between the movement of the joystick and the reaction of the aircraft, particularly when applying an opposite correction such as reversing the joystick when rolling the aircraft back to straight and level flight after completing a turn. THE MAP: The maps is a representation of the South East of England. A red aircraft symbol indicates the Spitfire's current position, and a black aircraft symbol shows the position of the enemy. The three squares represent areas which can be examined in greater detail. Looking at the map also has the effect of freezing the simulation and can therefore be used as a pause key. If the Spitfire is within one of the three squares, then pressing N will show the ground in detail; further presses will first expand the area, and then contract it. Ground detail is shown in a position relative to the Spitfire's current heading. COCKPIT VIEW When the Spitfire is below 800 feet, you will see a thin black line at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This is an indication of your height when close to the ground. At the bottom of the screen there are white dots of either side of the cockpit. The left-hand dot indicates speed, whilst the right-hand dot indicates rudder position. CHECKLIST 1) Flaps up. 2) Push throttle to give power of 1,800 rpm. 3) Brakes off. 4) Increase power to 3,200 rpm. 5) As speed approaches 90 mph switch to cockpit view. 6) Ease gently back on the joystick. 7) When the Spitfire lifts off, retract undercarriage. Check the instrument panel to see that the red light is on. 8) Do not attempt a steep climb until the speed is over 140 mph. 9) After completing your climb, reduce cruising power to around 2,900 rpm for cruising speed and level flight. COMBAT It is important to understand something of the air combat techniques that were relevant in 1940. There were four golden rules in air combat: 1) Climb quickly to give yourself a height advantage in attack. This enable the pilot to climb away after and attack, as the speed gained in diving could be translated into momentum to regain height. 2) Never fly straight and level in the combat zone for more than a few seconds. - weave about as much as possible this increased the areas of the sky observed and made th Spitfire a moving rather than a static target. The key was to watch your mirror constantly. 3) In reality, attacks usually cam from the rear and at an angle. To evade these, it was necessary to turn as sharply as possible towards the direction of attack, increasing speed if possible. Turning in the opposite direction would place the defender in a stationary position in relation to the attacker. More often than not, air combat ended up as a dog-fight with two aircraft trying to out-turn each other in ever-tightening circles, enevitably reducing height. Maintaining accurate turns was therefore a vital factor. 4) Another method of escaping attack was to dive away. In 1940, this was an option open to the enemy fighters but not to the Spitfire. In the Spitfire, pushing the nose forward caused the engine to cut (under negative G) and valuable seconds were lost, whereas enemy fighters did not suffer this problem. This is the reason why films of the period will show Spitfires rolling on to their backs before diving (hence maintaining positive G). Such problems do not occur in this program. SIMULATION COMBAT In Spitfire '40, the enemy appear in different colours; each colour indicates different speed and skills They will also appear in different positions, flying at a variety of speeds. Some may be approaching, and some flying away; you will have to vary your tactics accordingly. The key rules of air combat have been built into the simulation. If you are under attack from behind, the enemy aircraft will appear in the mirror. Try to increase speed to escape and turn as sharply as possible. Use your rudder to induce slip or skid. If you lose contact with the enemy during combat, get back to the height of the original contact and check the map. In keeping with one of the key rules, a climbing turn is preferable in regaining height. There is a much higher chance of hitting an enemy aircraft the closer you are to it. If you manage to shoot some or all of the enemy aircraft down, you can return to a runway and, on landing safely, save your latest status. FLIGHT CHECK LIST FOR YOUR SPITFIRE TAKE OFF 1) Brakes off 2) Engine revs at 3,400 rpm 3) Lift off at 90 mph 4) Retract gear. LANDING APPROACH 1) Reduce speed to 140 mph 2) Lower flaps and gear 3) Final approach between 80 mph and 100 mph. OPTIMUM CLIMB Varies with height: 200 mph at 2,850 rpm giving 2,500 ft per minute OPTIMUM CRUISE 200 mph at 1,900 rpm Level flight is achievable between speeds of 90 mph and 35 mph. FLYING LIMITS STALL: Approx 65 mph with gear and flaps down. DIVING: 450 mph. LOOP: Enter with a speed of greater than 250 mph. ROLL: Between 180 mph and 300 mph. Nose just above horizon. Higher speed for an upward roll. CEILING: 35,000 ft. OUT OF CONTROL AND DISORIENTATED 1 Reduce power 2 Apply joystick in opposite direction to turn indicator. 3 If appropriate apply rudder in direction of slip indicator. Centralise when indicator at zero. 4 Ease back on joystick if in a dive. © Alternative Software Limited 1992 PROGRAMMERS - If you have written a good program for ANY home computer, send it to us now for evaluation. We pay EXCELLENT royalties!! Your program could be in the shops within 3 months!! SEND TO: ALTERNATIVE SOFTWARE, Units 5-7 Baileygate Industrial Estate, Pontefract, West Yorkshire. We will acknowledge receipt of your program same day. STRIKE FORCE HARRIER === STRIKE == NOTE: From this point on wherever joystick controls are === FORCE === mentioned, the equivalent keyboard commands can be ------------- substituted. H A R R I E R When the program has loaded, select practice mode and pilot ------------- ability level by pressing SPACE when an * appears beside the correct option. The screen will show an out-of-cockpit view with the Harrier positioned at the edge of the first landing site. Select Keyboard or Joystick. Increase thrust to 80% of maximum. When your speed has reached 125 knots (just above the second mark on the Air Speed Indicator), ease back on the joystick and adjust it to give a pitch of 20 degrees. Raise the undercarriage. If you don't, the Harrier will vibrate and a "TOO FAST" message will appear. This vibration will also occur if there is too much power for a given situation, so in this situation reduce power until the appropriate level is achieved. Fly straight and level, with the pitch at around 0 degrees. The slight oscillation of the horizon gives the impression of movement and perspective. If you explore your immediate area, you will see your course pattern appear on FORTRAC. Note the ground details of the small hillocks, mountains enemy targets, and SAM (Surface-to-Air-Missiles) sites. If you fly above 10,000 feet, you will break through the cloud cover. In practice mode, you can fortunately ignore aircraft attacks, or attack with impunity. If you leave the operational area, you will receive a "FORTRAC WEAK" signal. To get back, fly on a heading of 045 degrees. To land, you will first have to locate a suitable ground site. Select 'HOMER' followed by the codes for the prepared landing sites. Alter direction so that the line on the HUD is long and vertical - this gives you the heading to take. A DETAILED GUIDE TO YOUR INSTRUMENTS HUD (Head Up Display) Overlaid on the view from the cockpit is the HUD, which provides vital in-flight information. From left to right, the displays are: VSI Vertical Speed Indicator. Shows whether you are gaining or losing height. ASI Air Speed Indicator. Shows speed through the air. The scale is graded in steps of 50 knots. GYRO Shows the direction in which you are travelling. SIGHT Acts both as gunsight and as a roll indicator, showing the position of the Harrier's wings and tail relative to the horizon. HEIGHT Height in feet above ground level. PITCH Indicates pitch, or altitude, above or below the horizontal. The HUD can also display additional information when the appropriate key is pressed. BOMB SIGHT Shows the direction and projected point of impact (indicated by a small horizontal line) if a bomb is released. Note that the impact position cannot be computed if the line is at 12 o'clock. HOMER When in the air, select Homer followed by the code for your chosen landing site. If your first selection does not indicate a landing site nearby, try the other sections until you find a convenient one. If you find a long vertical line, this indicates that you are heading towards a landing site; a short line indicates that you are heading away from that site - change course until it becomes long and vertical. If you've landed away from a ground site you can call upon ground staff to prepare your current position as a designated ground site. Select Homer followed by the base code. MISSILE SIGHT Produces a line indicating which enemy aircraft your Sidewinder Air-to-Air missiles have locked on to. This only operates when you hear the growling sound of your Sidewinders. With multiple targets, it is essential to know which one you have locked onto - it may not be the one you want. STANDARD DISPLAY Clear bomb and missile sights and Homer to the standard HUD display. INSTRUMENT PANEL From left to right, the panel shows: MFD Multi Function Display. Operated as a toggle, it shows flight information or weapon status. Flight information includes: Thrust or power level Position of thrust vector (horizontal, 45 degrees, or vertical). Fuel supply (about 20 minutes at maximum thrust). Position of under carriage (green for down). Brakes (green for off). At take-off, weapon inventory is: 2 Sidewinder AIM-9L Air-to-Air missiles with a 5-mile range (AAM). 31,000lb bombs. 250 rounds of cannon shell with a 2 mile range you can only rearm at a designated landing site. Once landed, reduce power to zero and select 'REARM'. FOFTRAC Friend or Foe Tracking Radar. A combined map and updating target display of your area of operation - approximately 24 miles by 12 miles or one square on the map grid. As Foftrac is a continuously updating display with flashing moving targets, you can use it to track enemy movements and plan your tactics, to clear FOFTRAC of no longer valid tracks, select 'CLEAR FOFTRAC'. The message screen will also show the grid reference of the area. Note that when you fly into a new combat area, FOFTRAC will not show ground targets until you have flown a reconnaissance mission at about 16,000ft to the centre of the area (marked by a white dot). At this point your camera will automatically photograph the area and FOFTRAC will then operate. AAR Air Attack Radar. Indicates the position of enemy aircraft (red) and AAMS (white) and SAMs (green) within a radius of 5 miles and within a height band of plus or minus 5,000 ft. The scale on the left indicates the height of missiles above or below you, and that on the right the height of the enemy aircraft. MESSAGE DISPLAY During your sortie, messages and warnings will be displayed in this panel when necessary. LANDING YOUR HARRIER 1. Vertical Landing (i) Approach your proposed landing area at 500 ft and 400 knots. Each step on the A.S.I. represents 50 knots. (ii) Select the 45 degrees thrust vector and use the joystick to maintain a level flight. Wait until your speed falls to 200 knots. (iii) Lower the undercarriage and flaps. Maintain a level flight and wait until your speed falls to 120-100 knots. Do not allow your speed to fall below 100 knots. (iv) Push the joystick forwards to lose height. At 200 ft pull back on the stick to level the plane. (v) Select 90 degree thrust vector and you will now be hovering above the ground. (vi) Reduce power carefully to achieve a slow, steady descent. 2. Short Landing (i) Approach your proposed landing area at 500 ft and 400 knots. (ii) Select the 45 degree thrust vector and use the joystick to maintain a level flight. Wait until you speed falls to 200 knots. (iii) Lower the undercarriage and flaps. Wait until your speed falls to 120-100 knots. Keep the pitch between 0 and -6 degrees and make sure your speed does not fall below 100 knots. (iv) Adjust power and pitch to keep the rate of descent under 10 feet per second (one mark on the VSI). (v) On landing, take off all power and apply the brakes. (vi) Select 'REARM' for refuelling, rearming, and any necessary battle damage repairs. 3 Conventional Landing A conventional landing is possible but very difficult as the touch-down must be at the extreme edge of the landing site. Don't worry if you find it difficult at first to land accurately at a ground site. The simplest way is to land vertically, then press the Homer key followed by the nearest ground site key to call up the ground crew. Other uses of Vector Thrust Vector thrust techniques can also be used in fast forward flight (VIFFing) to useful effect. Experiment by selecting 45 degree thrust, which will cause rapid deceleration combined with an increase in height. Then try the same angle of thrust in a steep bank - this causes a sharp increase in the rate of turn. Both techniques have important implications for certain combat situations. COMBAT Levels of Difficulty On selecting combat mode from the main menu, three levels of skill are available to you - Pilot, Commander and Ace. Pilot This is the basic level, and is recommended for your first few missions. Commander At this level, you will begin to encounter the effects of G forces. If too much backward joystick is applied, you will black out (blood rushing from your head) when you reach 9G positive. If too much forward joystick is applied, then red out (blood rushing to your head) will occur at 3G negative. Carefully apply the opposite joystick movement to correct the situation. More careful fuel management is also required at this level as the rate of consumption is higher. Ace In addition to the factors encountered as a Commander, this level requires greater accuracy in aiming and firing cannon, and the cannon's effective range is reduced. YOUR MISSION Your mission is to destroy the enemy HQ 500 miles NNE of your starting position. To reach enemy HQ, you will need first to destroy the enemy tanks threatening your ground sites. When you've done this, your next move is to set up a new ground site in an adjacent operational area. Unfortunately, these will also come under threat from enemy tanks which will in turn have to be destroyed - and so the process goes on. There are a total of 512 operational areas at your disposal, but obviously not all need to be taken to reach your goal. It is suggested that you draw a map on a grid 16 squares by 32 high, marked A to P and A to Z with [,\,],^,-,£ respectively. The enemy HQ lies in P,£ (top right corner). Your bases lie at A,A (base Q) A,C (base W) B, C (base R) and B, A (base E). Identifying Ground Sites When you fly into a new area, begin by making a reconnaissance flight to photograph it so that FOFTRAC is available to your. This will enable you to select an area which is relatively clear of enemy ground forces. Setting up Ground Sites Unprepared ground requires a vertical landing with zero horizontal speed. When you've landed, use the Homer to select which of your landing sites you wish to move up. Your ground forces will be automatically moved up by an airborne drop at a speed of around 600 knots. If you hear a high pitched note when the ground forces have moved up, you know that they will be able to prepare a landing site around you. If you don't hear the high pitched note then the location you have selected is not ideal and the site has been prepared close by. You should take off again and use the Homer to locate the position of the landing site. You cannot rearm or refuel until they arrive, so if you have sufficient of both in hand you can carry out local missions while you wait. Remember you can pause at any time to stop and plan your next move. Battle Damage Damage caused by ground or cannon fire is indicated by the progressive failure of your instruments until you are finally shot down. A missile hit is, naturally enough, terminal. Ground attack Techniques The ground defences stacked against you are: SAM Surface to Air Missiles Radar controlled, they can destroy targets above 2000 ft. They may be fully radar guided right to the target or become an infra red homing device locking on to your heat sources. AAA Anti-Aircraft ARtillery. Usually radar-controlled, they are usually located near SAM sites. Ground Fire Small arms fire from ground troops, although unnerving, is unlikely to cause any real damage. The most effective ground attack method would therefore seem to be approach fast and low at or below 500 ft and weaving. Remember that mountains offer some protection from enemy radar. This can, however mean that you will not see the target until the last minute. A useful alternative might be to approach high and attack low. Both bombs and cannon can be used to attack ground targets. Bombs are relatively easy to use as the predicted point of impact can be obtained by using the bomb sight. Normally, you would fly over the target after releasing the bomb, but this can sometimes be risky. Cannon are not as flexible, as they entail diving directly towards the target, selecting a pitch between -5 and +5 will help to maintain a constant height. RADAR EVASION Your Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) will alert you to enemy radar locking on by a warning sound and a message screen. The Harrier has an electronic counter-measure system which will attempt automatically to break or jam the lock. Changing course will help, as will diving to below 500 ft. AIR COMBAT Ideally, try to position yourself within a 30 degree 'cone' behind the enemy at a range appropriate for your chosen weapon. Having achieved this position you will need to be aware of: 1. The characteristics of your own and the enemy's aircraft. 2. The side-effects of certain manoeuvres - your ability to turn tightly is a function of your speed. Too tight a turn at a too low a speed will reduce both height and speed, but at a higher speed, the rate of turn will be slower. Your optimum turning speed should be around 450 knots. ATTACK Once within 30 degree cone, ensure that you also have both a height and speed advantage. This will enable you to zoom away, gaining height, as soon as you have discharged your weapons. Missiles can be used at a relatively fast closing speed, but cannon attack requires a slower approach in order to track the target accurately. But remember that the enemy will of course try to force you to overshoot, reversing the situation in an instant. DEFENCE The classic response to an attack from the rear is to turn towards the enemy in a defensive break. Your attacker can also be forced to overshoot you if you can change direction quicker than he can or by increasing the relative closing speed by deceleration and/or manoeuvring. If you have real problems shaking off the enemy, you can as a last resort try "jinking" - altering course repeatedly so that he cannot keep you constantly in his sights. Pick your moment and disengage. Head for the nearest cloud bank as this will also confuse any Sidewinders or SAMs. The Harrier's VIFFing capabilities can also assist you in getting to a better position for fast evasion and counterattack manoeuvres. Counters to Defence Both you and the enemy aircraft can counter many of the defensive moves described above. THE ENEMY AIRCRAFT Your attacker's characteristics are based on the MIG23, which has a supersonic capability. The Harrier is subsonic, except in a dive. Above 20,000 ft the MIG has different turn rates, speeds, acceleration and rate of climb, so your best shot is to draw him down below 20,000 ft and force him to fight on your terms. Your attacker is armed with cannon and 4 missiles, either Infra Red Homing (IRH) or Radar guided (RG). When he's right on your tail, he will fire cannon or IRH, but RG missiles may be fired from anywhere behind you. In this simulation, although not yet in reality, he may fire "Fire and Forget" missiles when he is ahead of you and flying away. AMSTRAD STRIKE FORCE HARRIER LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Hit CTRL and small ENTER KEYS Z Joystick Left I I R Flares X Joystick Right C Chaff ; Joystick Forward J Joystick/Keyboard / Joystick Back M Clear Message Screen < Rudder Left 1 Multi function/Display --+ /Weapons |- MFD > Rudder Right 2 Rearm --+ + Increase Power 3 0 Thrust --+ Thrust - Decrease Power 4 45 Thrust |- Vectors U Undercarriage 5 90 Thrust --+ Up/Down F Flaps 6 Clear FOFTRAC B Brakes 7 Bomb Sight] --+ A Pause 8 Homer] |_ Head Up Q] --+ 9 Missile Sight] | Display W] |_ Landing 0 Normal HUD] --+ E] | Sites ESC Quit Game R] --+ T Engine Sound On/Off FOFTRAC KEY Mountains Blue Crosses Ground Sites Flashing Green or White Your Track Green or White SAM Sites Static Red Dots Tanks and their Paths Moving Red Lines Enemy Aircraft and their Paths Moving Red Dots GETTING STARTED To get a feel for the way the Harrier handles, take the aircraft up for a short test flight. Follow the instructions given here, which are for standard rather than V/STOL take off and landing. COMMADORE 64 STRIKE FORCE HARRIER LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Hit SHIFT/RUN STOP and press PLAY KEYS ; Joystick Forward / Joystick Back Z Joystick Left X Joystick Right Space Bar Fire < Rudder Left > Rudder Right F Flaps A Pause O Power Up P Power Down 5 Vector Thrust Up 4 Vector Thrust 45 Down 3 Vector Thrust Down C Chaff I Flare U Undercarriage UP/DOWN B Brakes T Sound On/Off M Clear Message Q, W, E, R Ground Sites 1 Multi Function Display/Weapons 6 Clear FOFTRAC 7 Bomb Sight 8 Homer 9 Missile Sight 0 Normal HUD Run/Stop Quit Game FOFTRAC KEY Mountains Peaks Ground Sites Flashing Green or White Your Track Green or White SAM Sites Static Red Dots Tanks and their Tracks Moving Red Lines Enemy Aircraft and Missiles Moving Red Dots GETTING STARTED To get a feel for the way the Harrier handles, take the aircraft up for a short test flight. Follow the instructions given here, which are for standard rather than V/STOL take off and landing. SPECTRUM LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Type LOAD "" then ENTER KEYS P Joystick Forward L Joystick Back Z Joystick Left X Joystick Right Caps/Shift Fire J Rudder Left K Rudder Right F Flaps A Pause I Power Up O Power Down E Vector Thrust Up D Vector Thrust Down C Chaff H Flare G Undercarriage Up/Down B Brakes S Sound On/Off V Clear Message N, M, Space, Symb Shift Ground Sites Q Multi Function Display/Weapons W Clear FOFTRAC R Bomb Sight T Homer Y Missile Sight U Normal HUD Symb Shift/Enter Quit Game FOFTRAC KEY Mountain Peaks Ground Sites Flashing White Your Track White SAM Sights Static Red Dots Tanks and their Tracks Moving Red Lines Enemy Aircraft and Missiles Moving Red Dots GETTING STARTED To get a feel for the way the Harrier handles, take the aircraft up for a short test flight. Follow the instructions given here, which are for standard rather than V/STOL take off and landing.
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