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Databox 08-09-90 (G) (2 faces) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [COMPILATION].zip 127.4 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24) | |||
Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face A) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk [CRC:955A91A7] [HexaDump] [SectorView] [SectorData] (72.76 Ko-190.25 Ko) | |||
Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face B) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk [CRC:CEA037D1] [HexaDump] [SectorView] [SectorData] (54.11 Ko-190.25 Ko) | |||
INFOSSTRUCTURE Chargement Face A : RUN"CPCDATAB.BAS Chargement Face B : RUN"CPCDATAB.BAS - COMMENTAIRE -Dumpé par : CPCManiaco, Kukulcan, Robcfg Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face A) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [COMPILATION].dskCreator : Arkos RDSK1.0! / EXTENDED CPC DSK File.. 1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side. -- SIDE 1 -- Sectors used : 358 / 360 Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360) Minimum of sectors in one track : 9 Maximum of sectors in one track : 9 Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face B) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [COMPILATION].dskCreator : Caprice32..... / EXTENDED CPC DSK File.. 1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side. -- SIDE 1 -- Sectors used : 262 / 360 Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360) Minimum of sectors in one track : 9 Maximum of sectors in one track : 9 |
Databox 08-09-90 (G) (2 faces) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION] [Bugs].zip 115.32 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24) | |||
Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face A) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].cdt [CRC:CA990FEC] [HexaDump] [CdtView] (59.57 Ko-165.2 Ko) | |||
Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face B) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION] [Bugs].cdt [CRC:798DC465] [HexaDump] [CdtView] (55.18 Ko-146.56 Ko) | |||
INFOSSTRUCTURE Chargement : |TAPE puis RUN"" ou CTRL+ENTER(pavé numérique) Dumpé par : Robcfg CORRUPTIONFace B : le fichier DD.BIN n'a pas le block 1 Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face A) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].cdtCreator : ZXTape! Total of blocks : 169 Blocks format : PAUSE (1), TURBO LOADING DATA (168) Databox 08-09-90 (G) (Face B) (1990) [PC Amstrad International] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION] [Bugs].cdtCreator : ZXTape! Total of blocks : 137 Blocks format : PAUSE (1), TURBO LOADING DATA (136) |