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Multiface-II Protection. Multi-Coloured-Moving-Border-Scroll date: 15/8-1987. Multi-Coloured-Full-Screen-Scroll date: 20/10-1987.
Both scrolls were old routines I had lying around, and so I just put them in. The Raster-bars screen was the "main-event" of the demo; I kept adding "stuff" to the screen, after I had made the raster bar routine, until there were no more CPU time left.
I had finally got the timing of raster's perfect!
I'm not sure if it is the first perfectly timed raster on CPC - the game Zynaps is close I think. I did not have the game when I made Remix-I and I had not seen perfect raster's on CPC until I made them myself (Speed-Lock tape load had flashing in the border, but not perfectly timed...).
I was of the opinion that it was impossible on CPC, because there is no raster interrupt, and I was told that was how it was done on C64.