Session end : 11h59m44s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2025 : 170.00 € |
198B: LD HL,(&1911)
198E: INC L
198F: LD A,(HL)
1991: INC L
1991: CP &06
1993: LD A,&82
1995: JR NZ,&19CA
1997: LD DE,&02F2 --- pointer to the word "Hit"
199A: LD (&0287),DE
199E: ADD A
199F: ADD A
19A1: LD A,&03 --- Hit counter (Replikants) - could be 1,2 or 3
19A3: DEC A --- Sub one hit
19A4: (&19A2),A --- save new hit counter
19A7: JR NZ,&19C9 --- if not zero then jump to &19c9 - Try change to jump to &19c2 (&19a8,&19)
19A9: LD DE,&02FA
19AC: LD (&0287),DE
19B0: LD A,&C9
19B2: LD (&1BF5),A
19B5: LD A,&FE
19B7: LD (&2040),A
19BA: LD (&1C47),A
19BD: LD A,&AF
19BF: LD (&17E4),A
19C2: LD A,(&19CC)
19C5: INC A --- add one hit (Pedestrian)
19C6: LD (&19CC),A
19C9: POP AF
19CA: LD (HL),A
19CB: LD A,&05 --- Hit Counter (Pedestrians)
19CD: DEC A --- Sub one hit
19CE: LD (&19CC),A --- save new hit counter
19D1: SRL A
19D3: JP Z,&1AAC --- If Zero the jump to dead
19D6: LD HL,&03F8 --- else pointer to the message "Warning Pedistricide is an ....."
19D9: DEC A
19DA: JR Z,&19E2