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Everyone's A Wally - Meet The Gang
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NOTICE PDF n° 1 (75.95 Ko)
Notice en espagnole (4 pages)
Version Zafiro Software
Transféré par CPCManiaco
Taille réelle : 1452 * 2006 px = 425.92 Ko
Taille réelle : 3194 * 1210 px = 514.34 Ko
Taille réelle : 1665 * 1191 px = 387.23 Ko
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (4.28 Ko)
To load, type CTRL/SMALL ENTER KEY AT SAME TIME The game starts with the whole gang in the town square by the fountain. You have control of Wally, so the rest of the gang wander off to go about their own business. As Wally can't do everything himself, you will have to select other characters (except for Herbert, who is quite uncontrollable) to perform various tasks. This is achieved by pressing the appropriate character select key while they are on the current screen. If the character is elsewhere, pressing the key will inform you of their location. While a character is not under your control, he or she will be carrying out actions which may either help or hinder you. Unfortunately, being friends of Wally, they are much more likely to be a hindrance. If you reach the edge of the screen while walking around the town, you will continue to the next location. However, some of the screens have exits other than at the extreme left or right e.g. a door or road. To leave at these points you should press the exit key while at the appropriate position. There is another, faster way of getting across town, but it is more risky than walking. (It's for for yoohoo!) The object of the game is to open the safe in the bank, in order to pay the gangs wages. As your wages increase, you will be given tea, lunch and coffee breaks, and these will measure your progress through the adventure. This is much more difficult than it sounds because the combination has been scattered around the town. As the gang does the days work, they must discover the parts of the combination, which then have to be taken to the safe in the correct order. To pick up an object, simply pass over it and it will be exchanged for one already carried. The two objects you are currently carrying are displayed at the top of the screen. The gangs list of jobs for the day includes mending the fountain, building a wall, repairing the gas main, taking a parcel to the ship etc. There are lots of other seemingly straightforward tasks, most of which need tools or parts, and may be dependent on other jobs having been completed first. All this rushing around is hard work, so the characters must eat and drink to keep themselves going. Wally is not too particular about what he eats, but the others are more choosy. Each character has his part to play. Wally is the gaffer. He is a builder and odd job man by trade, so you should use him for things like mixing cement. Wilma is Wally's wife. She might do the shopping etc. Herbert (Wally and Wilma's pride and joy) doesn't do anything except get in everyone else's way. Tom the Punk is the mechanic, Dick is the plumber and Harry the Hippie is the electrician. You will find it necessary to complete the many and varied arcade sequences in order to get certain objects. In some of the arcade sequences, the controls alter to suit the type of game (see below). Controls Keyboard O - move left Joystick Left - move left P - move right Right - move right E - exit screen Forwards - exit SPACE - jump Fire - jump 1 - select Wally Select characters as for 2 - select Wilma keyboard option. 3 - select Tom 4 - select Dick 5 - select Harry Arcade sequences In a chase sequence operate the left and right controls alternately. The faster you do it, the faster you go. In a space sequence, use the left and right controls to rotate left and right, the jump control for fire and the exit control for thrust. Clues are available for this and other Mikro-Gen games on our Help-line. Phone: 0344 56447 ©MIKROGEN All rights of the owner, producer and the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, lending, hiring, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is strictly prohibited. 44 The Broadway, Bracknell, Berks. 0344 427317
NOTICE TEXTE n° 2 (3.13 Ko)
"Everyones a Wally" Loading instructions:- Hit CTRL ENTER together, then press PLAY then any key. Wally is back, this time with his family in the first ever Multi Role Arcade Adventure. Not only does Wally appear fully animated, but also Wilma, Herbert, Tom, Dick and Harry. The purpose of the game is to find the combination for the safe and then pay the gang's wages. The combination is split and can be found in different locations. Not only must the combinations be identified, but also the right items to collect the combination must be used. The locations are many and varied, and contain zany arcade sequences which must be completed to finish the adventure. Each character has specific abilities and it is up to the player to select which one will perform a particular task. The game starts with the whole gang in the Town Square by the fountain. You have control of Wally, so the rest of the gang go off about their own business. As Wally cannot do everything himself, you will have to select one of the other characters, (except for Herbert, he is totally uncontrollable) to perform the various tasks. This is achieved by pressing the appropriate Character Select key while they are on the current screen. While a character is not under your control, he or she may be carrying out other tasks, which may help or hinder you. If you reach the edge of the screen while walking about town, you will continue to the next location. However, some of the screens have exits other than at the extreme left or right, e.g. a door or a road. To leave at these points you should press the exit key whilst at the appropriate position. There is another, faster way of getting across town, but it is more risky than walking. To complete the game, all of the pieces of the safe's combination, must be taken to the safe in the correct order. To pick an object up, simply walk in front of it. It will then be exchanged for one already carried. The two objects carried, are displayed at the top of the screen. All this rushing around is hard work, so the characters must eat and drink to keep themselves going. Wally isn't too fussy about what he eats, but the rest of the gang may be more choosey. Each character has a part to play. Wally is a builder and odd job man by trade, so you should use him for mixing cement etc. Wilma is Wally's wife, and so might do the shopping. Herbert, Wally and Wilma's pride and joy, doesn't do anything except get in the way. Tom, the punk, is a mechanic, Dick is the plumber and Harry is the electrician. You will find it necessary to complete the varied arcade sequences to obtain certain objects. In some arcade sequences, the controls will alter to suit the game. All controls are redefinable. © Alternative Software Limited 1987 PROGRAMMERS-If you have written a good programme, for ANY home computer, send it to us now for evaluation. We pay EXCELLENT royalties!! Your programme could be in the shops within 3 weeks!! SEND TO: ALTERNATIVE SOFTWARE Units 3-6 Baileygate Industrial Estate, Pontefract, West Yorkshire. We will acknowledge receipt of your programme same day.
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