Session end : 11h59m53s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2025 : 170.00 € |
Leaderboard - now this one is interesting. the main code is the c64 6502 running in an emulator put together by Roy Gibson and Ian. Ian and I did system emulation, the C64 was typed in by the secretary, Roy also did optimisation where needed to make the game releasable. The original programmer was the programmer of Thrust and I'd been helping them via the phone but they made no progress and the game needed to come out soon (USG pressure). So I'd just finished PSI5 and Roy and Ian were free. The CPC, Spec and PCW versions where put together in a week (if memory serves), actually the pcw version of psi5 and leaderboard were put together by me in a 24 hours period (a sunday to monday morning). Slept from noon on Monday to supper time on Tuesday after being up nearly two and a half days. I never got paid for it or the final payment for PSI5 or the first payment for Road Runner (which someone else did after I'd started it). I walked with some of their equipment (worth more than they own new but I guess not worth trading for payment).