David Carter's second graphics disc. The disc contains 47 screen pictures. The pictures were drawn for and used on the Amiga, however, David has now converted them for use on the CPC. The pictures include: Ice Cream, Abe, Jett Amiga, Lamborgini, Art Deco, Lost In Space, Bike, Eye, Minion, Bird Woman, Plane, Bugatti, Ruger, Champagne, Sachshom, Strawberries, F15, Self Portrait, Fighter, Wood, Shuttle, Grand Canyon, Hotdog, Lizard, Amigac, Model T, Bugs Bunny and the Bull, New Tut, Butterfly, Rayball, Caught, Scream, Celtic, Serpent, Crash, Fam Photo, Skull, Fighter 1, Walker, Float, Yoda, Witch, Garfield, Legends and Ywing.
These screens are supplied in a squeezed format to ensure you receive value for money. Please use RUN "DISC to view the screens and to unsqueezed the screens use:
20 LOAD "filename.SCR",&4000: 'load screen
30 CALL &4000: 'auto-unsqueeze
40 WHILE INKEY$="":WEND: 'wait for keypress
50 SAVE "filename.ext",B,&C000,&4000: 'save screen
A noter : Au début de la demo, on peut choisir les couleurs pour moniteur vert ou couleur.