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The Appleby Cracker v1.89
TXT (2)
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (18.97 Ko)
; ORG #40 ; The Appleby Cracker adam EQU #1900 ; V1.89 Written By Jason Brooks 1989 loadfile EQU #2000 ; Option C 47K Files xaddress DEFW #1000 ; Option AX - Revised 1/3/91 filelen DEFW 0 flag DEFB 0 duff DEFM APPLEBY .BIN print EXX LD a,(hl) OR a RET z INC hl CALL #bb5a JR print basic LD hl,mess CALL print JP appleby1 mess DEFM A Basic File Has Been Det DEFM ected DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM There May Be A Long Paus DEFM e Before The DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Loader Is Found. DEFB 13,10,10,0 mess1 DEFB 12,7 DEFM The Appleby Tape - Disk DEFM Copier DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM (C) 1989 Jason Brooks. DEFB 13,10,10,15,2 DEFM Please DEFM Insert Your Destination DEFM Disk DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Put Your Fully Rewoun DEFM d Cassette Into DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Your Tape Deck DEFM And Press Play On Tape. DEFB 13,10,10 DEFB 0 DEFM Dedicated To SAMMY & ER DEFM IC Two Dogs Gone DEFM But Never Forgotten. DEFM Created By Jason Brooks DEFM 1989. Thanks To COLIN, I DEFM AN SHARPE, CHRIS PRICE, M DEFM Y PUBLISHERS & All My Fre DEFM inds. mess2 DEFB 12,15,3 DEFM Decodeing.... DEFB 13,10,10,15,1,0 ; appleby ENT $ DI LD sp,#bff8 CALL #bd37 LD a,1 CALL #bc0e LD bc,0 LD a,b CALL #bc32 LD a,1 LD bc,#1a1a CALL #bc32 LD a,2 LD bc,#606 CALL #bc32 LD a,3 LD bc,#1818 CALL #bc32 LD hl,mess1 CALL print appleby1 DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,#1000 LD de,#1001 LD bc,#a100 LD (hl),l LDIR LD hl,getlen LD de,#be00 LD bc,#100 LDIR LD hl,tapedisk LD de,#be80 LD bc,#bff0-#be80 LDIR CALL #bd37 CALL #bc65 LD a,#ff CALL #bc6b LD de,#2000 LD b,0 CALL #bc77 JP nc,0 LD (laddress),de LD b,8 LD de,filename LD (filetype+1),a gname LD a,(hl) OR a JR z,blank CP 32 JR z,blank CP "'" JR z,blank LD (de),a INC hl INC de DJNZ gname JR loadin blank LD a,b CP 8 JR nz,blank1 LD hl,duff LD de,filename LD bc,8 LDIR JR loadin blank1 LD a,32 LD (de),a INC de DJNZ blank1 loadin LD hl,(laddress) CALL #bc83 JP nc,0 CALL #bc7a JP nc,0 filetype LD a,0 BIT 1,a JP z,basic ; LD hl,mess2 CALL print LD hl,(laddress) LD de,#17 ADD hl,de LD (naddress),hl return DI LD sp,#c000 LD bc,#7f8e XOR a EXX EX af,af LD hl,(number) INC hl LD (number),hl detect ; Detect Various Routines LD hl,(naddress) LD a,(hl) CP #c3 JP z,hackit ; Refresh Waste Type Routine CP #f3 ; End Of Decode Sequence JP z,hackit LD hl,(number) LD de,140 AND a SBC hl,de JP z,hackit t1a ; Converted For Appleby Protections LD de,#b120 LD b,26 CALL compare JP c,clcjrnz t2a LD hl,(naddress) LD de,#14 ADD hl,de LD de,#fdb5 LD b,10 CALL compare1 JP c,type18 t3a ; Is it Type 13 Encryption ??? t5a LD de,#b4c2 LD b,20 CALL compare JP c,clcjpnz ; LD de,#23c2 LD b,20 CALL compare JP c,clcjpnz LD de,#ebb2 LD b,40 CALL compare JP c,type25 LD de,#28d9 LD b,40 CALL cmp1 JP c,type13 t4a LD de,#2028 LD b,30 CALL cmp1 JP c,type3 JP hackit type25 CALL copyrest PUSH de PUSH hl LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+10 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,t25a INC hl t25a LD (hl),#21 INC hl PUSH hl POP de INC de INC de LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d INC hl LD (hl),0 POP hl POP de LD a,#c0 LD (de),a INC de JR jace type3 CALL copyrest DEC de DEC de LD a,2 ;LD (de),a INC de INC de LD (de),a INC de LD a,#fd LD (de),a INC de LD a,#e9 LD (de),a INC de PUSH hl PUSH de LD de,Decrypt+Restorel+10 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+2 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,t13a INC hl INC de t13a LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d LD hl,(naddress) INC hl INC hl LD (naddress),hl POP de POP hl JR jace type13 CALL copyrest LD a,#e9 LD (de),a INC de PUSH hl PUSH de LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+11 LD de,Decrypt+Restorel+13 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,ta INC hl INC de ta LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d POP de POP hl JR jace type18 ; Type 18 Xor Routine CALL copyrest CALL update LD a,#20 LD (de),a INC de PUSH de LD de,#ed5f CALL cp1 POP de DEC hl DEC hl JR c,clcjrnz1 JP hackit clcjrnz ; Calculate JR NZ,xxxx CALL copyrest PUSH de LD de,#7eaa CALL cp1 POP de JR nc,rrc clcjrnz1 DEC hl CALL clcjr jace CALL copypres CALL update CALL swichcol CALL checkout JP Decrypt clcjpnz ; Calculate JP NZ,xxxxx CALL copyrest PUSH de LD de,#ed5f LD b,10 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel CALL compare1 POP de DEC hl EX de,hl LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d EX de,hl CALL update INC de JR jace JP hackit update LD hl,(naddress) INC hl LD (naddress),hl RET rrc PUSH de LD de,#cb0e CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#ed5f CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 PUSH de LD de,#7ec6 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#cb06 CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7e2f CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ed6 CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7eed CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ec6 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ece CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 PUSH de LD de,#7eac CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ede CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#0b35 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; ; PUSH de LD de,#0b78 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; JP hackit cp1 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+5 LD b,11 JR compare1 clcjr PUSH de PUSH hl EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de LD a,l CPL POP hl POP de LD (de),a INC de RET checkout LD b,#f0 LD de,#ed49 LD hl,Decrypt CALL compare1 RET nc LD (hl),0 DEC hl LD (hl),0 JR checkout compare LD hl,(naddress) compare1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP d JR nz,compare2 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP e JR z,compare3 compare2 DJNZ compare1 OR a RET compare3 SCF RET cmp1 LD hl,(naddress) cmp2 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP d JR nz,cmp3 INC hl INC hl LD a,(hl) CP e JR z,compare3 cmp3 DJNZ cmp2 OR a RET swichcol PUSH af PUSH bc LD a,(BordeR) XOR #10 LD (BordeR),a LD bc,#7f10 OUT (c),c OUT (c),a POP bc POP af RET ; ; Restore ; Restore Registers To Original Content DI LD sp,Stackreg-20 LD a,0 refresh EQU $-1 LD r,a POP hl POP de POP bc POP af EX af,af EXX POP iy POP ix POP hl POP de POP bc POP af ; Decryption Starts Here ;LD sp,(Decstak) Restorel EQU $-Restore copyrest PUSH hl PUSH de PUSH bc LD hl,#2000 LD de,#2001 LD bc,#200 LD (hl),l LDIR POP bc POP de LD hl,Restore LD de,Decrypt LD bc,Restorel LDIR POP hl LD bc,(naddress) AND a SBC hl,bc INC hl PUSH hl LD hl,(naddress) POP bc LDIR LD (naddress),hl RET copypres LD hl,Preserve LD bc,Preservl LDIR RET Preserve ;LD (Decstak),sp LD sp,Stackreg PUSH af PUSH bc PUSH de PUSH hl PUSH ix PUSH iy EXX EX af,af PUSH af PUSH bc PUSH de PUSH hl LD a,r SUB 31 RES 7,a LD (refresh),a JP return Preservl EQU $-Preserve Decstak DEFW 0 Stackreg EQU #c000 naddress DEFW 0 naddresx DEFW 0 laddress DEFW 0 Decrypt EQU #2000 BordeR DEFB #54 offset DEFB 0 number DEFW 0 ; hacki DEFW 0 hackit DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,(naddress) INC hl LD e,(hl) INC hl LD d,(hl) EX de,hl LD bc,#29 ADD hl,bc LD (hacki),hl hack1 LD hl,(hacki) INC hl LD (hacki),hl LD a,(hl) CP #21 JR nz,hack1 INC hl INC hl INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #e JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #ff JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #d5 JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #c9 JR nz,hack1 LD hl,(hacki) INC hl LD e,(hl) INC hl LD d,(hl) EX de,hl LD (hacki),hl ; Execution Address Is Now In Hacki LD (e1),hl pshsppop LD hl,(e1) INC hl LD (e1),hl LD a,(hl) CP #e1 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #31 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #f8 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #bf JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #e5 JR nz,pshsppop eiret ; Command That Finally Executes The Gam LD hl,(e1) INC hl LD (e1),hl LD a,(hl) CP #fb JR z,eiret1 CP #f3 JR z,eiret1 CP #cd JR nz,eiret INC hl LD a,(hl) CP 9 JR z,call1 CP 3 JR nz,eiret call1 ; Is There A Call To #b909/3 & Ret ? INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #b9 JR nz,eiret INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #c9 JR nz,eiret LD (e1),hl JR call2 eiret1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #c9 JR nz,eiret call2 LD hl,(e1) LD (hl),#f7 LD hl,runit LD de,#b000 LD bc,#50 LDIR JP #b000 runit DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,(hacki) PUSH hl LD hl,(laddress) LD de,#3d0 ADD hl,de PUSH hl POP bc LD hl,#40 LD de,#41 LD (hl),0 LDIR LD hl,(#bd17) LD a,h AND #3f LD h,a EX de,hl POP hl LD (#b03f),hl LD hl,#b033 PUSH de LD bc,#7f8b OUT (c),c LD c,#ff RET hello LD hl,#30 LD (hl),#c3 INC hl LD (hl),#00 INC hl LD (hl),#be jump JP 0 e1 DEFW 0 getlen ; Get Program Start And Length LD hl,#3f upl INC hl LD a,(hl) OR a JR z,upl LD (gs+1),hl LD de,#b000 downl DEC de LD a,(de) OR a JR z,downl LD a,d CP #a7 JR c,downl1 XOR a DEC a ; LD A #FF LD (bigk),a ; Is It A Lot Of K ? LD de,#a001 dl1 DEC de LD a,(de) OR a JR z,dl1 EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de INC hl LD (gl+1),hl LD hl,#a000 LD de,#c000 LD bc,#1e80 LDIR JP #be80 downl1 EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de INC hl LD (gl+1),hl JP #be80 tapedisk ORG #be80 DI POP hl POP hl LD sp,#c000 PUSH hl CALL #b903 CALL #b909 LD hl,loader LD de,#b050 LD bc,#100-#50 LDIR LD a,(bigk) OR a JR nz,sv LD hl,0 LD (cold),hl sv LD hl,filename LD de,file LD bc,8 LDIR LD a,#30 LD (file+9),a CALL #bc11 LD (mode),a CALL #bc3b LD a,b LD (border),a LD ix,inks XOR a getink PUSH af CALL #bc35 LD (ix+0),b POP af INC ix INC a CP #f JR nz,getink LD hl,#afff LD de,#40 LD c,7 CALL #bcce LD hl,#b050 LD de,#100-#50 LD b,8 CALL save POP hl LD (exe+1),hl LD hl,filename+9 LD (hl),#30 LD hl,#c000 LD de,#4000 LD b,len CALL save gs LD hl,0 gl LD de,0 LD b,len CALL save RST 0 save PUSH hl PUSH de LD hl,fnext INC (hl) LD hl,filename LD de,#c000 CALL #bc8c POP de POP hl exe LD bc,#b050 LD a,2 CALL #bc98 JP #bc8f filename DEFS 8,32 DEFM . fnext DEFB #1f,32,32 len EQU $-filename bigk DEFB 0 ; loader ORG #b050 DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,#abff LD de,#40 LD c,7 CALL #bcce LD a,(mode) CALL #bc0e LD a,(border) LD b,a LD c,b CALL #bc38 LD ix,inks XOR a set PUSH af LD b,(ix+0) LD c,b CALL #bc32 INC ix POP af INC a AND #f JR nz,set CALL load CALL load LD hl,copy LD de,#be80 LD bc,#50 LDIR gex LD hl,0 JP #be80 copy DI PUSH hl LD hl,#c000 LD de,#a000 LD bc,#1e80 cold LDIR RET load LD hl,filee INC (hl) LD hl,file LD b,len LD de,#c000 CALL #bc77 EX de,hl CALL #bc83 LD (gex+1),hl JP #bc7a file DEFS 8,32 DEFM . filee DEFM 0 mode DEFB 0 border DEFB 0 inks DEFS 16,0 ;
NOTICE TEXTE n° 2 (18.1 Ko)
; ORG #40 ; The Appleby Cracker adam EQU #1900 ; V1.89 Written By Jason Brooks 1989 loadfile EQU #2000 ; Option C 47K Files xaddress DEFW #1000 ; Option BX - Revised 1/3/91 filelen DEFW 0 flag DEFB 0 duff DEFM APPLEBY .BIN print LD a,(hl) OR a RET z INC hl CALL #bb5a JR print basic LD hl,mess CALL print JP appleby1 mess DEFM A Basic File Has Been Det DEFM ected DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM There May Be A Long Paus DEFM e Before The DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Loader Is Found. DEFB 13,10,10,0 mess1 DEFB 12,7 DEFM The Appleby Tape - Disk DEFM Copier DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM (C) 1989 Jason Brooks DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Revised Edition : 1/3/91 DEFB 13,10,10,15,2 DEFM Please DEFM Insert Your Destination DEFM Disk DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Put Your Fully Rewoun DEFM d Cassette Into DEFB 13,10,10 DEFM Your Tape Deck DEFM And Press Play On Tape. DEFB 13,10,10 DEFB 0 DEFM Dedicated To SAMMY & ER DEFM IC Two Dogs Gone DEFM But Never Forgotten. DEFM Created By Jason Brooks DEFM 1989. Thanks To COLIN, I DEFM AN SHARPE, CHRIS PRICE, M DEFM Y PUBLISHERS & All My Fre DEFM inds. mess2 DEFB 12,15,3 DEFM Decodeing..... DEFB 13,10,10,0 ; appleby ENT $ CALL #bd37 LD a,1 CALL #bc0e LD bc,0 LD a,b CALL #bc32 LD a,1 LD bc,#1a1a CALL #bc32 LD a,2 LD bc,#606 CALL #bc32 LD a,3 LD bc,#1818 CALL #bc32 LD hl,mess1 CALL print appleby1 DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,#1000 LD de,#1001 LD bc,#a04f LD (hl),l LDIR LD hl,getlen LD de,#be00 LD bc,#100 LDIR LD hl,tapedisk LD de,#be80 LD bc,#c000-#be80 LDIR CALL #bd37 CALL #bc65 LD a,#ff CALL #bc6b LD de,#2000 LD b,0 CALL #bc77 JP nc,0 LD (laddress),de LD b,8 LD de,filename LD (filetype+1),a gname LD a,(hl) OR a JR z,blank CP 32 JR z,blank CP "'" JR z,blank LD (de),a INC hl INC de DJNZ gname JR loadin blank LD a,b CP 8 JR nz,blank1 LD hl,duff LD de,filename LD bc,8 LDIR JR loadin blank1 LD a,32 LD (de),a INC de DJNZ blank1 loadin LD hl,(laddress) CALL #bc83 JP nc,0 CALL #bc7a JP nc,0 filetype LD a,0 BIT 1,a JP z,basic ; LD hl,mess2 CALL print LD hl,(laddress) LD de,#17 ADD hl,de LD (naddress),hl puthere ; return DI LD sp,#c000 LD bc,#7f8e XOR a EXX EX af,af LD hl,(number) INC hl LD (number),hl detect ; Detect Various Routines LD hl,(naddress) LD a,(hl) CP #c3 JP z,hackit ; Refresh Waste Type Routine CP #f3 ; End Of Decode Sequence JP z,hackit t1a ; Converted For Appleby Protections LD de,#b120 LD b,26 CALL compare JP c,clcjrnz t2a LD hl,(naddress) LD de,#14 ADD hl,de LD de,#fdb5 LD b,10 CALL compare1 JP c,type18 t13a1 ; Is it Type 13 Encryption ??? t5a LD de,#b4c2 LD b,20 CALL compare JP c,clcjpnz ; LD de,#23c2 LD b,20 CALL compare JP c,clcjpnz LD de,#ebb2 LD b,40 CALL compare JP c,type25 LD de,#28d9 LD b,40 CALL cmp1 JP c,type13 t4a LD de,#2028 LD b,30 CALL cmp1 JP c,type3 JP 0 type25 CALL copyrest PUSH de PUSH hl LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+10 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,t25a INC hl t25a LD (hl),#21 INC hl PUSH hl POP de INC de INC de LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d INC hl LD (hl),0 POP hl POP de LD a,#c0 LD (de),a INC de JR jace type3 CALL copyrest DEC de DEC de LD a,2 ;LD (de),a INC de INC de LD (de),a INC de LD a,#fd LD (de),a INC de LD a,#e9 LD (de),a INC de PUSH hl PUSH de LD de,Decrypt+Restorel+10 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+2 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,t3a INC hl INC de t3a LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d LD hl,(naddress) INC hl INC hl LD (naddress),hl POP de POP hl JR jace type13 CALL copyrest LD a,#e9 LD (de),a INC de PUSH hl PUSH de LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+11 LD de,Decrypt+Restorel+13 LD a,(Decrypt+Restorel) CP #d9 JR nz,t13a INC hl INC de t13a LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d POP de POP hl JR jace type18 ; Type 18 Xor Routine CALL copyrest CALL update LD a,#20 LD (de),a INC de PUSH de LD de,#ed5f CALL cp1 POP de DEC hl DEC hl JR c,clcjrnz1 JP 0 clcjrnz ; Calculate JR NZ,xxxx CALL copyrest PUSH de LD de,#7eaa CALL cp1 POP de JR nc,rrc clcjrnz1 DEC hl CALL clcjr jace CALL copypres CALL update CALL swichcol CALL checkout JP Decrypt clcjpnz ; Calculate JP NZ,xxxxx CALL copyrest PUSH de LD de,#ed5f LD b,10 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel CALL compare1 POP de DEC hl EX de,hl LD (hl),e INC hl LD (hl),d EX de,hl CALL update INC de JR jace update LD hl,(naddress) INC hl LD (naddress),hl RET rrc PUSH de LD de,#cb0e CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#ed5f CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 PUSH de LD de,#7ec6 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#cb06 CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7e2f CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ed6 CALL cp1 POP de JR c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7eed CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ec6 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ece CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 PUSH de LD de,#7eac CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#7ede CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; PUSH de LD de,#0b35 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; ; PUSH de LD de,#0b78 CALL cp1 POP de JP c,clcjrnz1 ; JP 0 cp1 LD hl,Decrypt+Restorel+5 LD b,11 JR compare1 clcjr PUSH de PUSH hl EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de LD a,l CPL POP hl POP de LD (de),a INC de RET checkout LD b,#f0 LD de,#ed49 LD hl,Decrypt CALL compare1 RET nc LD (hl),0 DEC hl LD (hl),0 JR checkout compare LD hl,(naddress) compare1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP d JR nz,compare2 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP e JR z,compare3 compare2 DJNZ compare1 OR a RET compare3 SCF RET cmp1 LD hl,(naddress) cmp2 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP d JR nz,cmp3 INC hl INC hl LD a,(hl) CP e JR z,compare3 cmp3 DJNZ cmp2 OR a RET swichcol PUSH af PUSH bc LD a,(BordeR) XOR #10 LD (BordeR),a LD bc,#7f10 OUT (c),c OUT (c),a POP bc POP af RET ; ; Restore ; Restore Registers To Original Content DI LD sp,Stackreg-20 LD a,0 refresh EQU $-1 LD r,a POP hl POP de POP bc POP af EX af,af EXX POP iy POP ix POP hl POP de POP bc POP af ; Decryption Starts Here ;LD sp,(Decstak) Restorel EQU $-Restore copyrest PUSH hl PUSH de PUSH bc LD hl,#2000 LD de,#2001 LD bc,#200 LD (hl),l LDIR POP bc POP de LD hl,Restore LD de,Decrypt LD bc,Restorel LDIR POP hl LD bc,(naddress) AND a SBC hl,bc INC hl PUSH hl LD hl,(naddress) POP bc LDIR LD (naddress),hl RET copypres LD hl,Preserve LD bc,Preservl LDIR RET Preserve ;LD (Decstak),sp LD sp,Stackreg PUSH af PUSH bc PUSH de PUSH hl PUSH ix PUSH iy EXX EX af,af PUSH af PUSH bc PUSH de PUSH hl LD a,r SUB 31 RES 7,a LD (refresh),a JP return Preservl EQU $-Preserve Decstak DEFW 0 Stackreg EQU #c000 naddress DEFW 0 naddresx DEFW 0 laddress DEFW 0 Decrypt EQU #2000 BordeR DEFB #54 offset DEFB 0 number DEFW 0 hacki DEFW 0 hackit DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,(naddress) INC hl LD e,(hl) INC hl LD d,(hl) EX de,hl LD bc,#29 ADD hl,bc LD (hacki),hl hack1 LD hl,(hacki) INC hl LD (hacki),hl LD a,(hl) CP #21 JR nz,hack1 INC hl INC hl INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #e JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #ff JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #d5 JR nz,hack1 INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #c9 JR nz,hack1 LD hl,(hacki) INC hl LD e,(hl) INC hl LD d,(hl) EX de,hl LD (hacki),hl ; Execution Address Is Now In Hacki LD (e1),hl pshsppop LD hl,(e1) INC hl LD (e1),hl LD a,(hl) CP #e1 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #31 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #f8 JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #bf JR nz,pshsppop INC hl LD a,(hl) CP #e5 JR nz,pshsppop LD hl,(e1) LD (hl),#c3 INC hl LD (hl),#00 INC hl LD (hl),#be ; call2 LD hl,runit LD de,#b000 LD bc,#50 LDIR JP #b000 runit DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,(hacki) PUSH hl LD hl,(laddress) LD de,#3d0 ADD hl,de PUSH hl POP bc LD hl,#40 LD de,#41 LD (hl),0 LDIR LD hl,(#bd17) LD a,h AND #3f LD h,a EX de,hl POP hl LD (#b03f),hl LD hl,#b033 PUSH de LD bc,#7f8b OUT (c),c LD c,#ff RET hello LD hl,#30 LD (hl),#c3 INC hl LD (hl),#00 INC hl LD (hl),#be jump JP 0 e1 DEFW 0 getlen ; Get Program Start And Length LD hl,#3f upl INC hl LD a,(hl) OR a JR z,upl LD (gs+1),hl LD de,#b000 downl DEC de LD a,(de) OR a JR z,downl LD a,d CP #a7 JR c,downl1 XOR a DEC a ; LD A #FF LD (bigk),a ; Is It A Lot Of K ? LD de,#a001 dl1 DEC de LD a,(de) OR a JR z,dl1 EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de INC hl LD (gl+1),hl LD hl,#a000 LD de,#c000 LD bc,#1e80 LD (scl+1),bc LDIR JP #be80 downl1 EX de,hl AND a SBC hl,de INC hl LD (gl+1),hl JP #be80 tapedisk ORG #be80 DI POP hl LD sp,#bff8 PUSH hl CALL #b903 CALL #b909 LD hl,loader LD de,#b050 LD bc,#100-#50 LDIR LD a,(bigk) OR a JR nz,sv LD hl,0 LD (cold),hl sv LD hl,filename LD de,file LD bc,8 LDIR CALL #bc11 LD (mode),a CALL #bc3b LD a,b LD (border),a LD ix,inks XOR a getink PUSH af CALL #bc35 LD (ix+0),b POP af INC ix INC a AND #f JR nz,getink LD hl,#abff LD de,#40 LD c,7 CALL #bcce LD hl,#b050 LD de,#100-#50 LD b,8 CALL save POP hl LD (exe+1),hl LD hl,filename+9 LD (hl),#30 LD hl,#c000 scl LD de,#4000 LD b,len CALL save gs LD hl,0 gl LD de,0 LD b,len CALL save RST 0 save PUSH hl PUSH de LD hl,fnext INC (hl) LD hl,filename LD de,#c000 CALL #bc8c POP de POP hl exe LD bc,#b050 LD a,2 CALL #bc98 JP #bc8f filename DEFS 8,32 DEFM . fnext DEFB #1f,32,32 len EQU $-filename bigk DEFB 0 loader ORG #b050 DI LD sp,#c000 LD hl,#abff LD de,#40 LD c,7 CALL #bcce LD a,(mode) CALL #bc0e LD a,(border) LD b,a LD c,b CALL #bc38 LD ix,inks XOR a set PUSH af LD b,(ix+0) LD c,b CALL #bc32 INC ix POP af INC a AND #f JR nz,set CALL load CALL load LD hl,copy LD de,#be80 LD bc,#50 LDIR gex LD hl,0 JP #be80 copy DI PUSH hl LD hl,#c000 LD de,#a000 LD bc,#1e80 cold LDIR RET load LD hl,filee INC (hl) LD hl,file LD b,len LD de,#c000 CALL #bc77 EX de,hl CALL #bc83 LD (gex+1),hl JP #bc7a file DEFS 8,32 DEFM . filee DEFM 0 mode DEFB 0 border DEFB 0 inks DEFS 16,0 ;
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