Session end : 11h59m49s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2025 : 170.00 € |
While I was browsing through some old 5" 1/4 discs I accidentally discovered this slide show I once compiled. I didn't remember creating it and was pleasantly surprised to find these images stored on one of these old discs.
Like all the other digitized images I converted to the CPC at that time these were also scanned with a black and white scanner with 16 brightness levels. Then I converted the images on my RiscPC and send them to the CPC through a serial link between the RiscPC and the CPC. It was quite a tedious procedure and the results weren't really great. I intended to improve the conversion program on the RiscPC so that it would use more colors and probably some shading algorithms to mix pixels of different colors to create a new color. I never found the time or interest to do that though.
Anyway, most of these pictures come from the Castle Party 1 and the Castle Party 1a and some are from the HJT trip to the Euromeeting 2 in Reims, France in 1992. Some pictures suffered from read errors and now have artefacts in them, but that's not unusual for discs that were stored away for almost 10 years. I should be happy that so many pictures survived all these years on these 40 tracks discs. All of the XDDOS discs didn't make it...