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THE GAME TERMINUS: PRISON PLANET In the year 5027 A.D. the most notorious gang of villains are the Wanglers. A teenage group, from various worlds in the Empire, they have spread chaos throughout the Galaxy with their anti-education campaign. School computers have been deactivated on hundreds of planets due to their insidious activities leading to more free time for the pupils and an increased level of social satisfaction (ie. happiness) across the Empire. THIS MUST STOP AT ONCE. We are not to enjoy ourselves. We are here to serve the Emperor and all this playing of games during indoctrination time has to be stamped out. It could lead to an independent thinking generation that will question that status quo. They will want CHANGE!!! We have the Wanglers leader locked up at last, on Terminus our most impregnable prison planet. He must not be allowed to escape at any cost. Ever. If the gang is foolish enough to try to get him out, let them. We will annihilate them one by one and rid ourselves of the menace of Wangling once and for all. No-one will ever wangle a day of school ever again. Long live the System! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 464 - Press CNTRL and small ENTER 664/6128 - Type |TAPE and press RETURN. Press CNTRL and small ENTER. The program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Mastertronic and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Mastertronic. All rights reserved. © Mastertronic Limited 1987 Made in Great Britain Design: Words & Pictures Ltd., London THE GANG'S ALL HERE Now are you gonna let them get away with that or are you gonna do something about it? Without their leader the Wanglers need help. Yours. Take them into the prison planet and get Brains out of the clutches of the System. The gang consists of four Wanglers, all of whom have different abilities, which will be of great use in different parts of the prison complex:- MOBOD & XANN: Move by flying. Once their thrust energy drops off, they get grounded until they can recharge. The indicators are at the top centre of the screen, under the characters name. As with all four Wanglers their suits protect them from the energy fields and hostile objects as long as the batteries are charged. If you are using keyboard for control, Mobod and Xann respond to:- A = fly up K = left L = right SPACE = fire MAGNO: is an expert cat burglar and hangs from the ceiling a lot! Handy for getting him past most traps, as long as there is a ceiling to cling to. A = fly up SPACE = fire K = left L = right Z = detach SPEX: by far the WEIRDEST Wangler ever. SPEX can walk around, but prefers to bounce everywhere steering around in the air as he does so. To get him to climb vertical shafts is thus difficult at first, but once you get the knack this is one useful character! A = increase bounce height Z = decrease bounce K = left L = right SPACE = fire To climb walls, bounce against it, cling on by keeping the direction key pressed. Letting go releases SPEX legs to climb the wall. Intermittently tap Q, but your timing must be good or he will fall. Joystick will control all the Wanglers movement. Esc to quit. INSIDE INFO There is not much known about the insides of Terminus, because very few have ever come out to describe it in any detail. What is certain is that Brains will be right in the middle somewhere and will be well guarded. The Wanglers have captured the Teleport Command, and it is from here that your attack will commence. Only one gang member can go in at any one time since that's all the teleport can send. If you want to change a Wangler, you must get him to a teleport terminal. The few facts that are known about how the prison works might help:- 1. Transports link the different security zones. In addition the main teleport will return you to Command centre, where the rest of the gang are waiting. You will know what the teleports look like since you will appear at one! The transports will be unknown until you find them. No idea what they're like or where they are. From the Command Centre: Q = teleport to last visited computer terminal (see below) M = teleport to last teleport terminal (see below) P and O select character to go. 2. To keep the guards alive there are recharge units throughout the complex which will replace the lost energy in your suit batteries, if you can find them. (Once your energy goes down it's goodbye hero). 3. All the prisoners in Terminus are held by a Statis field, which keeps them from getting around - and out! The only things roaming around are guards and they're looking for you. Don't try and start a conversation with them, just blow them up fast before they get to you. Life is simple in Terminus. 4. There are energy looks restricting movement around the complex. They are controlled by computer activators which look like huge TV sets. At the left side of the screen is a platform. Standing on it will turn the machine on; selecting one of four possible doors. Leave the platform when the arrow on the screen points to the one you want open. To the right is the teleport receiver. Stand on it to "login" your position. 5. Your scanner has a range of 1/16th the width of the prison cells and 1/32nd of the height. At any one time, therefore you can only see 1/512th of the entire complex. 6. There are many many traps built into the prison. Watch out for lava pools, needle beams, compressor rooms (activated by touching wall sensors)... It 'ain't gonna be easy to get Brains out, but the Wanglers can do it if you can. Take your time, watch your energy and let's be careful in there!
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