The communications programs on this disc have been compiled by the
Amstrad North West User Club, for the benefit of all Amstrad users
everywhere. The programs remain in the public domain and have been
supplied to you without charge. You pay only for the disc and
distribution costs. You are free to make as many copies as you wish
and pass them around. You may not sell these programs or include
them with any other software which is produced for commercial gain.
File transfer on the Amstrad CPC and PCW computers require the
fitting of a suitable Serial Interface (RS232 V24/V28). In general
ASCII files (ie those containing characters 32 to 127 which are the
upper and lower case alphabet, numerals and punctuation) can be
transferred without modification.
Two programs are included on this disc to allow the transfer of
non-ASCII files (ie those with characters less than 32 or more than
128). These are UNLOAD and MLOAD. File transfer is possible by
UNLOADing at the sending end and MLOADing at the receiving end.
The communications programs are UK MODEM7, KERMIT and MEX. Each
provides an environment for the transfer of files from one computer
to another. Examples include transferring text files and programs
to an associate elsewhere in the country (or world if you can afford
the telephone bill), accessing a public database, acessing a
bulletin board etc.
File transfer normally involves the use of a pair of modems; one at
the local end and one at the remote end. Connection to the local end
modem is via a straight one-to-one (DTE to DCE) cable between your
computer and modem.
The modems are linked via the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN). A wide variety of modems is available ranging from simple
manually controlled, low-speed ones to sophisticated auto-dial,
auto-answer machines with many speeds and functions, error
correction etc. If these terms are a mystery to you may we suggest
that you obtain a book or magazine articles on the subject before
running up a big telephone bill during your experiments.
File transfer can also be achieved locally between two computers
using a "twitched" RS232 cable between their respective serial
ports. Unfortunately, as with most "international" standards, there
are many variations on the RS232 interface therefore the method of
interconnection can vary. In general however the "NULL MODEM" cable
illustrated below should be suitable for connection of two local
computers. The pin numbers refer to the 25 way "D-TYPE" connectors
and the cable between the computers must have a minimum of four
TxD Pin 2 ------------ RxD Pin 3
RTS Pin 4 -- -- RTS Pin 4
ù ù
ù ù
DSR Pin 6 -- -- DSR Pin 6
ù ù
ù ù
DCD Pin 8 -- -- DCD Pin 8
CTS Pin 5 ------------ DTR Pin 20
RxD Pin 3 ------------ Txd Pin 2
DTR Pin 20------------ CTS Pin 5
Alternatively, the RTS of COMPUTER1 can be connected to the DSR and
DCD of COMPUTER2 and vice versa. This requires more wires in the
cable but is a more "complete" simulation.
This version of improved directory lists files in alphabetical
order, gives the name and type, separated by a dot and the size in
kbytes. The bottom line shows total files, system files, space used
and space remaining on disc.
An improved version of the LOAD utility used for converting .HEX
files to .COM executable programs. Read the documentation file
MLOAD.DOC for more information.
Performs the reverse function of LOAD, generating an ASCII .HEX file
from a .COM executable file. The output file will have the same
name as the original, unless otherwise specified, with the type .HEX
The Modem 7 program was originated by Ward Christensen several years
ago and has undergone many modifications and patches since that
time. The versions supplied on this disc have been rewritten for the
Z80, refinements added and configured for Amstrad computers. The
programs supports speeds of up to 31250 bps. Rewrite by Sorab Both
and Mark Lee, post-graduate students at Manchester University.
A documentation file is included, under the name UKM7.DOC.
This version of the Kermit Communications System has been adapted to
run on all Amstrad CPC and PCW computers. A documentation file
(KERMIT.DOC) has been written by Jur Van Der Burg.
Specially adapted for the CPC 6128 and expanded CPC 464/664 this
communications package offers many program-controlled options and
features its own control language. The program supports most speeds
including 1200/75 (the text of the program says 710 bps).
Supplied with MEX is an on-line HELP facility (MEX11.HLP) and a
comprehensive documentation file (MEX11.DOC). The index for the MEX
documentation is in a separate file called MEX11.IND. Both MEX11.DOC
and MEX11.IND may be viewed using the TYPE command.
Several other files are associated with MEX. These are:-
MEX.SET - A sample control file for MEX. A customised control file
can be written by the user.
MEXPAT11.HEX - Patches overlay for raw MEX.
MXO-CPC .HEX - MEX overlay for CPC range. Written by Phil Coull.
MXO-PCW .HEX - MEX overlay for PCW range. Written by Steve Jonas
MXO-SM14.HEX - MEX overlay for Hayes-compatible modems. Allows
auto-dial, etc. Note that this is not implemented in the files on
this disc.
This program is specifically for the Cirkit Prestel Link and
acoustic coupler used at 1200/75 bps.
A file of the US CP/M Software Exchange System List is also included
for information. This may be viewed using the TYPE command.
CP/M is the registered trade mark of Digital Research Inc
Amstrad is the trade mark of Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc