JEU -> Action
© Amsoft (1985)
17.00 / 20.00
Satellite Warrior

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Jeudi 05 Mars 2015

@bowspearer : How come I’ve never heard of this Amsoft game ? Your comment makes me want to try it ! It sounds really great!


18 / 20
This is old school gaming at its best. In terms of what was the standard for the time, the graphics are certainly solid and do a fantastic job as the backdrop to the action. However where this game excels is in the actual gameplay.

The first step of course is attracting merchants- which can come in the form of satellite body merchants, defence merchants and arms merchants. Not only do you bid for them to come to you, but for them to go to the other player - at which point you are visited by another merchant. This in itself makes for an interesting aspect of the gameplay. It's also a tactical way of blocking the other player from access to certain resources.

Then once the merchants are out of the way, it's time to not only build your satellite, but choose which moon to send it to. While the process is randomised, each moon gives you certain resources in the form of defensive systems, armaments and motors and satellite bodies. Designing your satellite and choosing where to send it also have a significant effect on gameplay, as how you construct your satellite affects how it'll handle should you get into a battle.

From there it's a matter of flying to the satellite- literally. If you fail to launch your satellite into orbit around the moon you have chosen before your fuel runs out, it will explode.

Once you get your satellite to the right moon though, one of 2 things happen - either you arrive uncontested and the resources are yours, or "there can be only one!"

The battles in this game are a very original concept and make fantastic use of 1 button joysticks. When the button isn't pressed, the control stick moves around your satellite. However pressing the fire button, changes the function of the control stick to controlling exactly which system of the satellite you wish to operate - which is where the real fun begins. The grabber claw is simple enough to operate, however the missiles are figures by targeting exactly where on the other satellite you want them to hit, while the plasma guns fire guided rounds- by you.

Meanwhile if a satellite takes enough damage, its health bar will naturally decrease on its own.

Satellite combat can really unleash the inner sadist - there's nothing quite like destroying an opponent's motors, leaving the satellite immobile and then tearing it to pieces with your grabber claw or smashing it to pieces with your plasma gun.

Is this a terribly long game? No, you'll typically be finished with a single game in the space of under 30 mins. Are the graphics great? No, they were reasonable even back in the day and are utterly primitive by today's standards. Storyline? All you know is you and the other player are at war - no reason given.

Yet the gameplay itself makes this game shine and makes you want to go back for more and is one of my fondest memories of my childhood, spending hours playing on my Amstrad 6128.

This game is a diamond in the rough - on the outside, seemingly not much going for it, but play it with an open mind and you'll very quickly discover what a gem it is. A must have for any Amstrad or retro gamer.


Mardi 23 Novembre 2010

16 / 20
Très sympathique jeu de stratégie en semi "temps-réel" (il n'y a pas de tour de jeu) qui offre un bon nombre de combinaisons à explorer.
Dommage que la réalisation soit si datée, surtout le graphisme.



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