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Gem Jam - A Bejeweled Clone
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;=================================== ;== GEM JAM - A BEJEWELED CLONE == ;== for the Amstrad CPC == ;== nostalgia Project 2021 == ;=================================== ;========== ;CONSTANTS ;========== upperleftcorner equ &C108 ;top left of the gem field ;process keyboard input and cursor movement mvright equ 1 mvleft equ -1 mvup equ -8 mvdown equ 8 ;exitgame messages: exit_timeup equ &E1 exit_aborted equ &E2 exit_nomoves equ &E3 menu_selected equ &E4 afterexplosion equ &B ;the variable set after the explosion of a tile (empty) shortwaitinterval equ &2000 longwaitinterval equ &FF00 tilesetsize equ &1c0 statusline1 equ &C6E0 statusline2 equ &C730 statusline3 equ &C780 ;============= ;PROGRAM START ;============= org &7000 call Init_InitializeMemory ;set our Vars & Tileset to initial state (in case game was restarted) call Init_InitializeScreen ;set mode &colors using firmware routines call wait_short ;and let the firmware interrupts process it ;install interrupt handler, thank you Keith (ChibiAkumas) di exx push BC ;The CPC needs BC' to be backed up or the firmware will die exx ld HL,(&0038) ;Back up the CPC interrupt handler (at RST7) push HL ld HL,(&003A) push HL ld A,&C3 ld (&0038),A ;Overwrite RST7 with JP ld HL,InterruptHandler ld (&0039),HL ;Put our label address after the JP ei ;Let our interrupt handler run when it wants call Gfx_DrawIntro jp Menu_Main ;========== ;GAME MENUS ;========== Menu_WaitForSelection: ld A,(menu_confirm) or A jr z,Menu_WaitForSelection xor A ld (menu_confirm),A ld A,(menu_highlighted) ret Menu_Main: ;Initialize the global Variables to Menu mode call Gfx_Clean_TimerArea ld A,1 ld (toggle_menucursoractive),A ld (menu_highlighted),A xor A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ;check, if we played for the first time ld HL,toggle_firstload xor A cp (HL) jr Z,Main_Menu_Loop ld IX,message_menumanual;if so, show the manual call Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea xor A ;and don't show the score ld (toggle_drawscore),A ;ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A Main_Menu_Loop: ld IX,textMenu_Main ld HL,statusline1+25 call Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu call Wait_Short call Menu_WaitForSelection cp 3 jp Z,Exit_Game cp 2 jr Z,Menu_Settings ;else startGame call Gfx_Clean_MenuArea call Init_SetVarsNewGame jp Game_Main Menu_Settings: ld IX,menutext_settings ld HL,statusline1+29 call Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu call Menu_WaitForSelection cp 3 jr Z,Menu_Instructions cp 2 jr Z,Menu_GameSpeed ;Menu_Tileset comes next automatically Menu_Tileset: ld IX,Menu_Text_Tileset ld HL,statusline1+25 call Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu call Menu_WaitForSelection dec A call Init_Load_Tileset xor A ld (toggle_menucursoractive),A call Gfx_Clean_MenuArea call Gfx_DrawIntro jp Menu_Main Menu_GameSpeed: ld IX,Menu_Text_GameSpeed ld HL,statusline1+24 call Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu call Menu_WaitForSelection call Init_SetGameSpeed jp Menu_Main Menu_Instructions: ld IX,Menu_Text_Instructions ld HL,statusline1+1 call Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu call Menu_WaitForSelection jp Menu_Main Time_Up: xor A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A call IR_DrawCursor ld IX,message_timeup call Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea call Wait_Long call Wait_Long call Logic_Delete_GameTable call Gfx_CleanGameField jp Menu_Main No_More_Moves: ld a,(logic_gametimer) push AF ;first, save the timer xor A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A call IR_DrawCursor call Gfx_Clean_TimerArea ld IX,message_nomoves call Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea call Wait_Long call Wait_Long call Logic_CreateNewGameTable call Gfx_Clean_TimerArea call Gfx_DrawGamedecoration ld A,1 ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ld A,8 ld (logic_checkmovesindex),a ;reset the index for searching moves pop AF ld (logic_gametimer),a ;after the animation, restore timer jp Game_Loop Exit_Game: ;restore the interrupt handler, thank you Keith (ChibiAkumas) di pop HL ;Restore the firmware interrupt handler ld (&003A),HL pop HL ld (&0038),HL exx pop BC ;restore BC' to keep the CPC happy exx ei ld A,2 call &BC0E ;set mode 2 call Wait_Short ld IX,after_game_instructions ld HL,statusline3 call Gfx_PrintMenu call wait_long ret Wait_Long: push BC ;backup BC push AF ;and A ld BC,longwaitinterval jr wait_loop ;do the loop of the other wait routine Wait_Short: push BC ;backup BC push AF ;and A ld BC,shortwaitinterval wait_loop: nop nop nop nop nop dec BC ld A,0 cp B jr NZ,wait_loop pop AF pop BC ret ;================ ; INITIALIZATION ;================ Init_InitializeMemory: ;first, erase all old data that might be at the end (nothing was ;loaded there but we will store variables there now) ld HL,gfx_spriteblacktile ld (HL),0 ld DE,gfx_spriteblacktile+1 ld BC,&269 ldir xor A ld (toggle_menucursoractive),A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ld (toggle_drawscore),A inc A ;A=1 ld (toggle_firstload),A ;is set to 1 bc first load inc A ;A=2 ld (logic_gametimer),a ;set timer to more than 0 (or we get a panic blink) call Init_SetGameSpeed ;is set to 2, bc medium is standard xor A call Init_Load_Tileset ;to standard: Gems ;prepare the starfield (each time different!) ld HL, gfx_starpositions ld B,63 preparestarsloop: getrandomstarpos: ld A,R ;get "random" 0-127 ld E,A ld A,R add E ;+ another "random" 0-127 add B ;without that, it's just too evenly distributed cp 239 jr nc,getrandomstarpos ld (HL),A ;load the offset to the list inc HL djnz preparestarsloop ret Init_SetVarsNewGame: xor A ld (logic_gameinfo),A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ld (toggle_menucursoractive),A ld (toggle_firstload),A ;clear score (A is still 0) ld HL,logic_gamescore ;reset logic_gamescore ld (HL),A inc HL ld (HL),A inc HL ld (HL),A inc A ld (toggle_drawscore),A ;set to 1, now we show the score call Gfx_Clean_TimerArea ld A,8 ;reset CheckForMoves Index ld (logic_checkmovesindex),a ld A,20 ;reset timer ld (logic_gametimer),a ld a,&1C ld (logic_cursorposition),a call Gfx_CleanGameField ret Init_Load_Tileset: ;a is tileset Number from 0 to x ld HL,gfx_alltilesets ld BC,tilesetsize CompareZeroTileset: cp 0 jr Z,dotheldir add HL,BC ;add the increment as often dec A ;as a jr CompareZeroTileset dotheldir: ld DE,gfx_spritetiles ldir ret ;a is ruined Init_SetGameSpeed: ;a=1 (slow) -3 (fast) cp 1 jr NZ,speednotone ld C,24 ;C is gonna be the Clock Speed ld B,4 ;B is gonna be the Rasterbar Speed jr savespeedvars speednotone: cp 2 jr NZ,speednottwo ld C,16 ld B,3 jr savespeedvars speednottwo: cp 3 ret NZ ;a has no valid number ld C,8 ld B,1 savespeedvars: ld HL,__gamespeed_1-1 ;16 standard ld (HL),C ;clock speed ld HL,__rasterspeed_1-1 ;3 standard ld (HL),B ;rasterSpeed ret Init_InitializeScreen: xor A ;(a=0) call &BC0E ;set mode ld B,0 call &BC38 ;border 0 ld HL, gfx_maininkcolors xor A ;(a=0) SetColorLoop: ;read palette from gfx_maininkcolors and set inks ld B,(HL) ld C,B push AF push HL call &BC32 pop HL pop AF inc HL inc A cp &10 jr NZ,SetColorLoop ret ;============ ; GAME LOGIC ;============ Logic_GetRandom1to7: ;returns a random number between 1 and 7 in A. push DE ld HL,logic_randomnumbers ;by looking up in a table loadnumber: ld A,R cp 126 jr NC,loadnumber ;the lookup table only contains 126 values (7*18) ld E,A ld D,0 add HL,DE ;add the offset ld A,(HL) ;and get the number pop DE ret ;random number is in A. HL is corrupted Logic_CreateNewGameTable: ld HX,&C jr startdeletegametable Logic_Delete_GameTable: ;if IXH=0 only delete table ;if IXH=&C also create another one ld HX,0 startdeletegametable: ld HL,logic_gametable ld DE,logic_gametable+1 ld (HL),0 ld BC,63 ldir xor a ld (logic_tableanimationtilescounter),a ;tiles Counter dgt_outerloop: call GfxC_WaitForDrawing ld IY,logic_gametable dgt_innerloop: ld A,(IY) ;Lies Tile an Position cp 8 ;7? ;if it's a tile jr C,dgt_nextposition ;do nothing cp &D ;if it's destroyed jr Z,dgt_nextposition ;neither cp &A jr NZ,dgt_drawtile ;If not afterexplosion ld HL,logic_tableanimationtilescounter inc (HL) ld A,&C ;check if we delete or rebuild cp HX ;if we delete, leave a &C jr NZ,dgt_afterincrement call Logic_GetRandom1to7 ;if not, get a random tile jr dgt_afterincrement dgt_drawtile: inc A ;Wenn explo (8-A) - Inc dgt_afterincrement ld (IY),a ;write it to this position ld B,LY call GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos push HL ld A,(IY) call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress pop HL call Gfx_DrawSprite dgt_nextposition: inc IY ld A,72 cp LY jr NZ,dgt_innerloop ld A,(logic_tableanimationtilescounter) cp 64 ;if counter is here, field is full ret Z cp 62 jr NC,dgt_outerloop dgt_getrandom: ld HL,logic_gametable ld A,R res 6,A ; (0-64) add 8 ld L,A xor A cp (HL) ;Is there already anything here jr NZ,dgt_getrandom ld (HL),8 ;(gfx_spriteexplosion1) ld B,L call GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos ld DE,gfx_spriteexplosion1 call Gfx_DrawSpriteTransparent jp dgt_outerloop Logic_CheckValidRows: ld HL, logic_gametable ;Copy Contents of Game Table To Evaluation Table ld DE, logic_evaluationtable ;(is this clever?) ld BC, 64 ldir ld C,8 ;C is Y (we run coordinates for border check parallel to incrementing IX) ld IX,logic_gametable ld E,0 ;evaluation flag - if it's 1, there's at least one row gtr_yloop: ld B,8 ;B is X gtr_xloop: ;evaluate horizontal rows: ld A,1 ;don't check tiles at the cp B ;border bc/ they could have jr Z, evaluatevertical ;wrong "neighbors" in the ld A,8 ;previous/next row cp B jr Z, evaluatevertical ld A,(IX) cp (IX-1) ;check for horizontal row jr NZ,evaluatevertical cp (IX+1) jr NZ,evaluatevertical ld E,1 ld (IX+63),0 ;if all true, set all 3 ld (IX+64),0 ;to Zero (in the Eval ld (IX+65),0 ;Table, hence the offset) evaluatevertical: ;evaluate vertical rows: ld A,&0F cp IXL jr nc,evaluationdone ;don't check for verticals in the upper row (if IXL<16) ld A,&40 ;??? cp IXL jr c,evaluationdone ;neither check for verticals in the bottom row (if IXL>64) ld A,(IX) CP (IX-8) ;check for vertical row jr NZ,evaluationdone cp (IX+8) jr NZ,evaluationdone ld E,1 ld (IX+56),0 ;same as above ld (IX+64),0 ld (IX+72),0 evaluationdone: inc IXL djnz gtr_xloop dec C jr NZ,gtr_yloop ret ;E is 1 if we found row(s) Logic_Set_EmptyToZero: ;transfer the zeroes of the evaluationtable to the gametable ld HL,logic_gametable ld DE,logic_evaluationtable ld B,64 SELoop: ld A,(DE) or a jr NZ, SEGoon ld (HL),0 SEGoon: inc HL inc DE djnz SELoop ret Logic_TileSwap: ;B=tile Position+8 ;A=direction ld HL,logic_gametable ld L,B ;use as offset ld C,(HL) ;tile at cursor position ld D,L ;backup position add L ld L,A ;move hl to the right direction ld B,(HL) ;tile to swap with ld (HL),C ;put c in swap position ld L,D ld (HL),B ;put b in original position ret Logic_CheckForPossibleMoves: ;is called after every move by setting logic_checkmovesindex to 8 ;while waiting for [logic_gameinfo] input, it's called again and again ;every time called, it checks, if the horizontal or the vertical ;swap from logic_checkmovesindex leads to a valid row. ;If it does, logic_checkmovesindex is set to 0. If not, it's incremented. ;After the check, you have always to swap back ;If it reaches 64, logic_gameinfo is set to exit_nomoves ld A,(logic_checkmovesindex) ;7 means zero, bc we work directly with the adress cp 0 ret Z ;if a is to zero, we don't have to look anymore ;horizontal (to the left) ld B,A ;Logic_TileSwap needs b as origin tile and %00000111 ;check if it's the leftmost tile (8,16,24...) jr Z, CFPverti ;if it is, skip over to the vertical check ld A,mvleft call Logic_TileSwap call Logic_CheckValidRows :horizontal ld A,(logic_checkmovesindex) ld B,A ld A,mvleft call Logic_TileSwap ;swap back immediately, E (the flag set by Evaluate) stays preserved xor A cp E ;check if rows found jr NZ,CFPMEnd ;vertical (down) CFPverti: ld A,(logic_checkmovesindex) ;get it again cp &40 ;check if bottom row jr NC,CFPChecksdone ;if so, skip over ld B,A ld A,mvdown call Logic_TileSwap call Logic_CheckValidRows :hverticaal ld A,(logic_checkmovesindex) ld B,A ld A,mvdown call Logic_TileSwap ;swap back immediately, E (the flag set by Evaluate) stays preserved xor A cp E ;check if rows found jr NZ,CFPMEnd CFPChecksdone: ld A,(logic_checkmovesindex) inc A ld (logic_checkmovesindex),A cp 72 ret NZ ;if a is still below 72, we're done. next call uses next index ;if a=64 i.e. did the whole loop without finding good moves: ld A,exit_nomoves ld (logic_gameinfo),A CFPMEnd ;If we found rows, we just land here xor A ld (logic_checkmovesindex),A ret Logic_FallUntilNoZeroesLoop: xor A ;reset after being ld (logic_gameinfo),A ;moved (???) call Logic_FillInvisibleAndSetFalling call GfxC_PrepareSpriteAdressesforFalling call Gfx_FallingTilesListAnimation ;write the falling in Gametable: ld DE, logic_fallingtileslist ld HL, logic_gametable ld C,8 ;column index (+8 bc. GameTable) EnterFallingLoop: ld L,C EFLnexttile: ld A,(DE) inc E cp &FF ;check if end of list jp Z,EnterFallingDone cp &F0 ;check if end of column jp z,EFLnextcolumn: ld (HL),A ;write in table ld A,8 ;and go to tile add L ;below ld L,A jp EFLnexttile EFLnextcolumn: inc C jp EnterFallingLoop EnterFallingDone: ld A,(logic_fallingcolumnsamount) or a jr NZ,Logic_FallUntilNoZeroesLoop ret Logic_FillInvisibleAndSetFalling: ;Fill up Invisible line: ld DE,logic_invisibletopline ld B,8 FillInvisible: ;fill the Invisible line call Logic_GetRandom1to7 ld (DE),A ;and put it in the line inc E djnz FillInvisible ;set Falling columns: ;"logic_fallingtileslist" contains a list of the tile ids in every falling column ; separated by &F0. If there's just F0, this column doesn't fall ld C,0 ;column index ld B,0 ;counter of how many columns have zeroes/are gonna fall ld DE,logic_fallingtileslist ;adress of the list ld HL,logic_invisibletopline setfallingcolumnloop: ld L,C ;set L to the column processtileoffallingcolumn: ld A,(HL) ;get tile type cp afterexplosion ;if tile has just exploded jr Z,bottomofcolumn ;this is the bottom of the falling column ld (DE),A ;add tile to list inc E ld A,8 add L ld L,A ;go to next line ld A,71 ;if L => 72 cp L ;we reached the bottom w/o finding zeroes jr c,bottomandnozeroes jr processtileoffallingcolumn ;if not process this tile bottomandnozeroes: ld A,E ;so go back in DE!!! sub 9 ;(up to 9 positions bc we start at ld E,A ;the invisible line jr fallingcloumnloopend ;and write the columnend sign bottomofcolumn: inc B ;one falling column more fallingcloumnloopend: ld A,&F0 ;sign for column end ld (DE),A inc E inc C bit 3,C ;=8 jr Z,setfallingcolumnloop ld A,&FF ld (DE),A ;&FF marks end of list ld A,B ld (logic_fallingcolumnsamount),A ret Logic_Add_Points: ;add a*2 to gamescore ld B,0 ;reset our 100 mark flag push AF add A cp 10 ;in case it's bigger than 9 jr C,scoreunder10 sub 10 ;we have to convert A add &10 ;to BCD scoreunder10: ld HL,logic_gamescore+2 ;logic_gamescore has 6 digits adc (HL) daa jr NC,nocarry ld B,1 ;set the flag if score passed a 100 mark nocarry: ld (HL),a dec HL ld A,0 adc (HL) daa ld (HL),a dec HL ld A,0 adc (HL) daa ld (HL),a ld A,B ;check the flag or A ;we stored in B jr Z,addatotimer ;if it's 0, skip the color change ld A,(logic_gamescore+1);if not, let's check if the third digit and &0F ;is zero (that means 1000 mark passed) jr NZ,addatotimer ;if not, skip color change ld A,(gfx_mode1colors) ;if not -> color reward add 3 ;we increase the offset for cp 16 ;starfield Colors jr NZ,savenewstarfieldcoloroffset ld A,1 savenewstarfieldcoloroffset: ld (gfx_mode1colors),A addatotimer: ;add A to timer pop AF ;and add A to timer ;sra A ld HL,logic_gametimer add (HL) cp 32 jr C,timernotovermax ;if it's too high, ld A,32 ;reset timer to max timernotovermax: ld (HL),A ret ;========== ; GAMEPLAY ;========== Game_Main: call Gfx_DrawGamedecoration call Logic_CreateNewGameTable ld A,1 ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A ld A,8 ld (logic_checkmovesindex),A ;reset the index for possible move search Game_Loop: ;that's the main game loop call Logic_CheckValidRows ;look if there are rows xor A cp E jr Z,Game_WaitForEvent ;if not, wait for input or events call Logic_Set_EmptyToZero ;if yes, processs call Gfx_ExplosionAnimation ;explode call Logic_FallUntilNoZeroesLoop ;and refill jr Game_Loop Game_WaitForEvent: call Logic_CheckForPossibleMoves ;while waiting for input, we check if there are any moves. ld A,(logic_gameinfo) ;check if something is or a ;going on jr Z,Game_WaitForEvent ;if not return to loop cp exit_timeup jp Z,Time_Up ;is the time up? cp exit_nomoves jp Z,No_More_Moves ;are there no more moves? cp exit_aborted jp Z,Game_aborted ;did the player abort the game? ;nothing of these? -> then it's a tile swap: xor A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ;deactivate cursor call Game_TileSwapByInput call Logic_CheckValidRows ;check if the swap is allowed xor A cp E ;(were there any changes at all?) jr NZ,Game_ProcessChanges call Wait_Short call Game_TileSwapByInput ;if not swap back! Game_ProcessChanges: call Logic_Set_EmptyToZero ; xor A ld (logic_gameinfo),A ;reset swap info inc A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ;reactivate cursor ld A,8 ld (logic_checkmovesindex),A ;reset the index for possible move search call Gfx_ExplosionAnimation ;todo - sion call Logic_FallUntilNoZeroesLoop jr Game_Loop Game_aborted: xor A ld (toggle_gamecursoractive),A ld (toggle_IR_DrawTimer),A call IR_DrawCursor ld IX,message_aborted call Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea call Logic_Delete_GameTable call Gfx_CleanGameField jp Menu_Main Game_TileSwapByInput: ld HL,logic_cursorposition ld B,(HL) ;get the cursor position ld A,(logic_gameinfo) cp 128 ;check if the number is negative (->right or up movement) jr C,movementOK ;if not, go on ld C, A ;if so, invert it- Backup A add B ;add the movement ld B,A ;save it as the new position xor A sub C ;and turn A positive (movement in other direction) movementOK: call Logic_TileSwap push BC ;back up the positions ld B,L call GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos ;needs b as input ld A,H ld (swapanimorigintile-1),A ld A,L ld (swapanimorigintile-2),A pop BC call Gfx_TileSwapAnimation ret ;====================== ; GRAPHIC CALCULATIONS ;====================== GfxC_GetSpriteAdress: ;A is gem type -> DE contains address ADD A,A ;2 bytes per aderss ld HL, gfx_tileslookuptable ;(reads the adress ld D,0 ;from a lookup table) LD E,A add HL, DE ld E, (HL) inc HL ld D, (HL) ;sprite address is now in DE ret GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos: ;B = Tile Number ld A,%11111000 ;reduce to highest 5 bits to calc x and B sra A ;half ld HL, gfx_screenmemoryoffsets ;(aligned to &100, so we can operate with L alone) ld L, A ld E,(HL) inc HL ld D,(HL) ld A,%00000111 ;reduce to the lowest 3 bits to calc y and B sla A ;double twice sla A ;-> Y ld HL,upperleftcorner :TopLeftAdressPlusTwo ;top left corner ADD L ld L,A add HL,DE ;->HL=Screen Adress ret GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem: ld A,H ;Add &08 to H (each CPC line is &0800 bytes below the last add &08 ld H,A bit 7,H ;Change this to bit 6,h if your screen is at &8000! ret NZ ld A,C ;save C for indexing in Drawing routines ld BC,&c050 ;if we got here we need to jump back to the top of the screen - the command here will do that add HL,BC ld C,A ret GfxC_PrepareSpriteAdressesforFalling: ld BC, logic_fallingtileslist ld IX, gfx_fallingspritesaddresses PSAFFloop ld A,(BC) inc BC cp &FF ret z ;&FF marks End of Table cp &F0 jr nz,normalSpriteAdress ld (IX),&F0 inc IX jr PSAFFloop NormalSpriteAdress: call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress ld (IX),E ld (IX+1),D inc IX inc IX jr PSAFFloop GfxC_WaitForDrawing: push HL ld hl,toggle_drawgamefieldnow xor A waitforgoodtime: cp (HL) jr Z,waitforgoodtime ld (HL),0 pop HL ret ;================== ; DRAWING ROUTINES ;================== Gfx_Clean_TimerArea: ld HL, &C107 ld DE, &2208 call Gfx_DrawBlack ret Gfx_Clean_MenuArea: ld HL,statusline1 ld DE,&8018 call Gfx_DrawBlack ret Gfx_CleanAndPrintMenu: xor A ;this is just a service push HL push IX call Gfx_Clean_MenuArea pop IX pop HL Gfx_PrintMenu: ;IX Adress of String, any letter higher than "Z" ends ;HL dest on screen ;load DE with adress of char - gfx_menufont has to be aligned to 100 ld (gfx_textpositionbackup),HL NextCharacter ld DE,gfx_menufont ld A,(IX) inc IX sub 32 ;ascii 32 is our 0 cp "["-32 ;after letter Z means EOF ret NC cp "#"-32 ;means carriage return jp NZ,normalCharacter ld HL,(gfx_textpositionbackup) ;if not, calc NewLine ld BC,&50 add HL,BC ld (gfx_textpositionbackup),HL jp NextCharacter ;and go to next normalCharacter: sla A ;*2 sla A ;*4 sla A ;*8 jp NC,aftersettingD inc D ;if A*8 > &FF we have to increase D aftersettingD: ld E,A ld B,8 charlineloop: ld A,(DE) inc DE ld (HL),a ld A,&08 add H ld H,A djnz charlineloop ld De,&C001 ;=-&3800, +1 add HL,DE ;returns HL on the next position jp NextCharacter Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea: ;IX Adress of String, always 18 Symbols long ;Dest on screen is always over timer bar textdest equ &C106 ;load DE with adress of char - gfx_menufont has to be aligned to 100 ld HL,textdest NextCharacter1 ld DE,gfx_menufont ld A,(IX) inc IX sub 32 sla A ;*2 sla A ;*4 sla A ;*8 jp NC,aftersettingD1 inc D ;if A*8 > &FF we have to increase D aftersettingD1: ld E,A ld B,8 charlineloop1: ld A,(DE) inc DE ld C,A and %11110000 ld (HL),A ;left bit in ink 2 inc L ld A,C and %00001111 ;sla A ;sla A ;sla A ;sla A ld (HL),a ;right bit in ink 1 dec L ld A,&08 add H ld H,A djnz charlineloop1 inc L inc L ld A,&2A ;(&08 + 2*18 ) cp L ;check if after position 18 ret Z ld H,&C1 ;if not, set H back to first row (L) is already incremented jp NextCharacter1 Gfx_TileSwapAnimation: ;has to be called dircetly after TileSwap ld A,C ;in order to have the registers correct call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress ld HL,gemaplustwo-2 ;load the adresses of the sprites ld (HL),E ;directly to the code in Gfx_TileSwapAnimation inc HL ld (HL),D ld A,B call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress ld HL,gembplustwo-2 ld (HL),E inc HL ld (HL),D ld A,(logic_gameinfo) ;a is logic_gameinfo ;sprite adress of left/upper gem is in "gemaplustwo"-2 ;sprite adress of right/lower gem is in "gembplustwo"-2 ;HL is screen adress of left tile ;left tile is always in foreground bit 0,A jr NZ,horizontalswap ld IY, gfx_swapanimationvertical ld HL, neighbortileoffsetplustwo-2 ld (HL),0 inc HL ld (HL),00 jr swapanimloop horizontalswap: ld IY, gfx_swapanimationhorizontal ld HL, neighbortileoffsetplustwo-2 ld (HL),&64 inc HL ld (HL),&FF swapanimloop: call GfxC_WaitForDrawing ld A,(IY+1) cp 1 ;end marker ret Z ld HL,&c150 :swapanimorigintile push HL ld DE,gfx_spriteblacktile call Gfx_DrawSprite ld DE,&FF64 :neighbortileoffsetplustwo add HL,DE ld DE,gfx_spriteblacktile call Gfx_DrawSprite pop HL ld E,(IY) ld D,(IY+1) add HL,DE ;new adress in HL ld DE,&0000 :gemaplustwo call Gfx_DrawSprite ;pos 1, LT ld E,(IY+2) ld D,(IY+3) add HL,DE ;new adress in HL ld DE,&0000 :gembplustwo call Gfx_DrawSpriteTransparent ;pos 1, RT ld DE,4 add IY,DE jr swapanimloop ret Gfx_ExplosionAnimation: call GfxC_WaitForDrawing call GfxC_WaitForDrawing ld HL,logic_gametable ld IXH,0 ;reset counter EAMainLoop;go through all Tiles ld A,(HL) cp 0 ;if you find a 0 jr nz,EAGoOn ld (HL),8 ;change it to gfx_spriteexplosion1 (8) push HL ld B,L call GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos ld DE,gfx_spriteexplosion1 call Gfx_DrawSpriteTransparent ld A,IXH ;this way, the points rise exponentially call Logic_Add_Points ;(...i believe...) pop HL jr Gfx_ExplosionAnimation ;restart from beginning EAGoOn: cp 8 ;if you find >7 and <A: jr C,EANextTile cp &B jr NC,EANextTile inc IXH ;inc counter inc a ;inc explosion status ld (HL),A ;and put it back ld IYL,A ;and save it to IYL push HL ;the index in GameTable ld B,L call GfxC_GetScreenPosFromTilePos push HL ;screen des ld A,IYL call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress pop HL ;screen dest call Gfx_DrawSprite pop HL ;the index in GameTable EANextTile: inc L ;next tile ld A,72 cp L jr NZ,EAMainLoop xor A cp IXH ;if flag=0 done ret Z jr Gfx_ExplosionAnimation Gfx_FallingTilesListAnimation: ;New Version ;this is an idea I'm quite proud of. After messing around with whole ;sprites coming from above the 8x8 field And then having to redraw ;the upper border of the game field over them, I thought it would ;be easier to just draw the visible part of the appearing tile ;-) ;So I created he "Gfx_DrawSpriteformA"-Routine ld A,48 ;loop from line 12 to line 0 step 4, saved in tilesvisiblepart AnimationSection: ld (gfx_tilesvisiblepart),A ld HL,&C1A4 ;origin of Table-4 bc addition is at beginning of loop push HL call GfxC_WaitForDrawing ld IY, gfx_fallingspritesaddresses ;list contains the Addresses of the sprites FSASColLoop: pop HL ld A,4 add L cp &C8 ;check if one tile to far right jr Z,endofFAS ld L,A push HL ld A,(IY) inc IY cp &F0 ;if Column End Marker jp Z,FSASColLoop: ;go to next Column ld E,A ;if not, it's the Low Byte of the sprite adress ld D,(IY) ;and here's the High Byte ld A,(gfx_tilesvisiblepart) ;get the current offset call Gfx_DrawSpriteFragment ;draw only visible part of first sprite inc IY FSASRowLoop: ;then draw all the other sprites of the column ld A,(IY) cp &F0 ;(...if there are any others) inc IY jp Z,FSASColLoop ;after last Sprite of column, &F0 marks end ld E,A ld D,(IY) call Gfx_DrawSprite ;normal Sprite after the first one inc IY jp FSASRowLoop endofFAS: ld A,(gfx_tilesvisiblepart) sub 16 jr NC,AnimationSection ;if result negative, end ret Gfx_DrawSpriteFragment: ;Draw only from the byte indicated in A (first line=0) ld C,A ;Backup for second Calc add E ;E=A+E ld E,A ;this is the position in the source memory ld A,64 ;the full byte counter sub C ;...it has to be reduced by that much bytes ld C,A ld B,0 jp RepeatYB Gfx_DrawSprite: ;HL=destination, DE=source sprite adress ld BC,64 ;(16*4 ldis's) RepeatYB: push HL ex DE,HL ldi ldi ldi ldi ex DE,HL ;We need to Put DE back, so swap DE and HL pop HL call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem xor A cp C jr nz,RepeatYB ;Loop if we're not finished ret Gfx_DrawSpriteTransparent: ;DE = Adress of Sprite ;HL = Destination in Screen Memory ld IXL,16 Transrowloop: push HL ld B,4 Transcolumnloop: ld A,(DE) or a jr Z,nextST ld C,A and %10101010 cp C jr Z,orthisbyte ld A,C and %01010101 cp C jr Z,orthisbyte or (HL) ld (HL),C nextST: inc HL inc DE djnz Transcolumnloop pop HL call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem dec IXL jr nz,Transrowloop ;Loop if we're not finished ret orthisbyte: ld A,(HL) or C ld (HL),A jr nextST Gfx_DrawTwoBinaryCodedDigits: ;take the two digits from A ;and write them to HL and HL+3 on the screen ld IXL,A ;compressed binary digital ld A,%11110000 and IXL ;get left digit first - we don't have to *16 bc it's the left half call Gfx_DrawDigitsRepeatlines ld A,%000011111 and IXL ;get right digit sla A ;now we have to shift if 4 times -> *16 sla A sla A sla A call Gfx_DrawDigitsRepeatlines ret Gfx_DrawDigitsRepeatlines: ;HL is dest adress on Screen ;A is digit * 16 (address offset) ld DE,gfx_font_scoredigits ;every symbol has 16 Bytes ld E,A ;A is the adress offset ld B,8 ddrlloop: ;the loop through all lines ld A,(DE) ld (HL),a inc L ;next screenpos inc E ;next source byte ld A,(DE) ld (HL),a dec L ;go back one pos, so we just have to add to H for next line inc E ld A,&08 ;Add &08 to H (each CPC line is &0800 bytes below the last) add H ld H,A djnz ddrlloop ;Loop if we're not finished ld DE,&C003 ;-&4000 (8 lines) and +3 (space to next digit) add HL,DE ret Gfx_DrawBlack: ;HL start Adress ;D width, E height ld IXH,D LineLoopBlack: push HL ld D,IXH ColLoopBlack: ld (HL),0 inc HL dec D jp NZ,ColLoopBlack dec E jp Z,endofBlack pop HL call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem jp LineLoopBlack endofBlack: pop HL ret Gfx_DrawIntro: ld HL,toggle_drawscore ld (HL),0 ld HL,&c000 ld DE,&50C7 call Gfx_DrawBlack ld HL,toggle_firstload xor A cp (HL) jr Z,notfirsttimeintro ld IX,message_opening call Gfx_PrintLineInTimerArea notfirsttimeintro: xor A ld (toggle_drawscore),A ld IXH,18 ld HL,&C46E ld (hlstorage),HL introtilesloop: ld C,IXH ld B,0 ld HL,0 sbc HL,BC ld B,H ld C,L call Logic_GetRandom1to7 add C ld C,A push BC tileLineLoop: call Logic_GetRandom1to7 call GfxC_GetSpriteAdress pop BC ;get BC from before ld A,C add IXH ;add the current offset add 2 ;+2 ld C,A ;if not, take the new value to C push BC ;save BC cp 77 ;see if the line is over the end jr NC,nexttileline ;and jump to next line if so ld HL,(hlstorage) add HL,BC ;and add it to the dest Adress call Gfx_DrawSpriteTransparent jr tilelineloop nexttileline: call GfxC_WaitForDrawing ld HL,(hlstorage) call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem ;move 2 lines down ld (hlstorage),HL dec IXH pop BC jr NZ,introtilesloop call Wait_Long ld DE,gfx_labelGEM ld HL,&C191 call Gfx_PutGEMJAMLabel call Wait_Long ld DE,gfx_labelJAM ld HL,&c190+58 call Gfx_PutGEMJAMLabel call Wait_Long ;clean under gemheap ld HL,&D690 ld D,80 ld E,4 call Gfx_DrawBlack ret Gfx_CleanGameField: ld HL,&C1A8 ;clean in gamefield ld D,32 ld E,128 call Gfx_DrawBlack ret Gfx_DrawGamedecoration: ;call Gfx_CleanGameField ld HL,&C6A8 ;clean under gamefield ld D,32 ld E,4 call Gfx_DrawBlack ;timer Frame ld HL,&C108 ld DE,&C109 ld BC,31 ld (HL),15 ldir ld HL,&E908 ld DE,&E909 ld BC,31 ld (HL),15 ldir ;left and right border ld HL,&C1A6 borderloop: ld (HL),4 inc L ld (HL),128 ld DE,33 add HL,DE ld (HL),132 inc L ld A,(HL) and %01010101 ld (HL),a ld DE,&FFDD add HL,DE call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem ld A,&A6 ;do this until &DEAE cp L jp NZ,borderloop ld A,&DE cp H jp NZ,borderloop ;border patch ld DE,gfx_borderpatchleft ;source ld HL,&c106 ;dest call Gfx_DrawBorderPatch ld DE,gfx_borderpatchright ;source ld HL,&c128 ;dest call Gfx_DrawBorderPatch ld IX,gfx_gamefieldupperborder ld HL,&E158 UPLoop ld A,(IX) cp &FF ret z ld (HL),a ld D,H ld E,L inc E ld BC,&1F ldir inc IX ld DE,&7E1 add HL,DE jr UPLoop ret Gfx_DrawBorderPatch: ld IXL,16 borderpatchloop: ld A,(DE) ld (HL),A inc HL inc DE ld A,(DE) ld (HL),A dec HL inc DE call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem dec IXL jr NZ,borderpatchloop ret Gfx_PutGEMJAMLabel: ld iyl,48 RepeatJJ: push hl ;We have the memory pos of our screen line in HL ld B,0 ;set B to zero (LDIR uses BC ld C,21 ;set C to the width ex de,hl ;We need to write to HL from DE, so swap DE and HL ldir ex de,hl ;We need to Put DE back, so swap DE and HL pop hl call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem ;Get back the memory pos of our screen line dec iyl ;Decrease our line counter jp nz,RepeatJJ ;Loop if we're not finished ret ;================ ; THE INTERRUPTS ;================ InterruptHandler: ;IM1 calls &0038 (RST7) when interrupts occur ;On the CPC this interrupt handler run 6 times per screen (300hz) exx ;Flip over to the shadow registers - we use these so we don't hurt the normal registers ex af,af' ;' ;Read in the screen status - we use this to check if we're at the top of the screen ld b,&f5 in a,(c) ;Actually in a,(b) rra ;pop the rightmost bit into the carry jp nc,AfterCounterReset ld D,1 ;reset d, which counts our (six) different actions AfterCounterReset: ld A,1 cp d jr Z, Interrupt1 inc a cp d jr Z, Interrupt2 inc a cp d jp Z, Interrupt3 inc a cp d jp z, Interrupt4 inc a cp d jp z, Interrupt5 inc a cp d jp z, Interrupt6 FinishInterrupt: ex af,af' ;'Restore the registers exx ei ret Interrupt1: ld BC,&7fAD ;mode 1 out (C),C ld C,&00 ;BG black ld A,&54 out (C),C out (C),A ld C,&10 ;border black out (C),C out (C),A ld HL,gfx_mode1colors ld E,(HL) ;load the offset ld D,0 add HL,DE ;and add it to HL call Set_Inks1to3 ;TimePanic - red blink ld A,(logic_gametimer) cp 10 jr NC,Interrupt1End ld A,(logic_clockfortimer) cp 8 jr C,Interrupt1End ld HL,gfx_paniccolors call Set_Inks1to3 ld A,&10 ld BC,&7F4C out (C),A ;and the border red too out (C),C Interrupt1End: ld D,2 ;next Interrupt next time jr FinishInterrupt Interrupt2: ;draw cursor & timer if needed ld A,(toggle_IR_DrawTimer) or a jp Z,checkIR_DrawCursor call IR_DrawTimer checkIR_DrawCursor ld A,(toggle_gamecursoractive) or a jp Z,EndofInterrupt2 call IR_DrawCursor EndofInterrupt2: ld D,3 ;next Interrupt next time jr FinishInterrupt Interrupt3: ;set border to mode 0 and draw stars or read keyboard if needed ld BC,&7fAC ;mode 0 out (C),C ld HL,gfx_mode0ink1to3 call Set_Inks1to3 ;turn the draw gamefield toggle of, bc now the ray is exactly in the field xor a ld (toggle_drawgamefieldnow),a ;read the toggle what to do next ld A,(toggle_drawstars_readkeyboard) inc A ld (toggle_drawstars_readkeyboard),a bit 0,A jp z,IR_Draw_Stars call IR_ReadKeyboardAndChangeCursor ;if not, Keyboard Game Routine ld a,(toggle_gamecursoractive) or A ;if the gamecursor is active (not zero) call nz,IR_DecreaseTimerRoutine ;take care of the timer jr EndofInterrupt3 ;and then finish keyboardmenu: call ReadKeyboardMenu EndofInterrupt3: ld D,4 ;next Interrupt next time jp FinishInterrupt Interrupt4: ;turn the draw gamefield toggle back on, the ray is past the field ld A,1 ld (toggle_drawgamefieldnow),a ;apart from this we leave IR4 empty, because ;we'll need the processing power for falling tiles etc. EndofInterrupt4: ld D,5 ;next Interrupt next time jp FinishInterrupt Interrupt5: ld A,(toggle_drawscore) or A ;if game is on jr Z,dontdrawscore ;don't draw logic_gamescoreboard jp IR_Draw_Score ;otherwise do dontdrawscore: ld a,(toggle_menucursoractive) or a ;If there is a Menu, draw the bottom raster jr Z,EndofInterrupt5 ld B,&6C wastetimeinsteadofdrawingscore: push BC pop BC djnz wastetimeinsteadofdrawingscore nop nop ;waste time backtoInterrupt5: ld B,&99 waitforhorizontalline: nop djnz waitforhorizontalline ld BC,&7f00 ;BG white ld A,&4B ld D,&10 ;border white out (C),C out (C),A out (C),D out (C),A ld B,&1C waitXX1: djnz waitxx1 ld BC,&7f00 ;BG grey ld A,&41 ld D,&10 ;border grey out (C),C out (C),A out (C),D out (C),A ld B,9 waitXX2: djnz waitxx2 ld BC,&7f00 ;BG blac ld A,&54 ld D,&10 ;border black out (C),C out (C),A out (c),D out (c),A ld BC,&7fAE ;mode 2 out (C),C ld A,(toggle_menucursoractive) or a ;either draw the menu bar jp NZ,IR_DrawMenuBar ld A,(toggle_drawscore) or A jp NZ,IR_DrawRasterBarAnim ;or the raster anim EndofInterrupt5: call IR_RasterbarNextstep ld D,6 ;next Interrupt next time jp FinishInterrupt Interrupt6: ;not much happens here, bc the main game ^will be busy drawing tile animations EndofInterrupt6: jp FinishInterrupt IR_DrawMenuBar: ld A,(menu_highlighted) cp 1 jr NZ,notone ld B,&0E jr menudrawingroutine: notone: cp 2 jr NZ,nottwo ld B,&73 jr menudrawingroutine: nottwo: cp 3 jp NZ,EndofInterrupt5 ld B,&D9 menudrawingroutine: waitxx5: nop djnz waitxx5 ld HL,gfx_rasterbarcolors ld A,(HL) ;first number is the offset for animation add L ld L,A ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait inc HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait inc HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait inc HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait inc HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait dec HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait dec HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop nop dec HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop nop dec HL ld A,(HL) call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait ld A,&54 nop call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait jp EndofInterrupt5 IR_DrawRasterBarAnim: ld B,2 waitbbb: djnz waitbbb: ld HL,gfx_rasterbarcolors ld A,(HL) ;first number is the increment for animation, but not 0 add L ld L,A ld E,24 gamerasterloop: ld A,(HL) ld BC,&7f00 ld D,&10 ;draw raster out (C),C out (C),A out (c),D out (C),A ld B,8 waitzzz: djnz waitzzz: inc BC ;just to waste the right amount of time inc HL dec E jp NZ,gamerasterloop ld A,&54 call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop ld A,&40 call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop ld A,&4b call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop ld A,&54 call IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait nop jp EndofInterrupt5 Set_Inks1to3: ld B,&7F ld A,1 siloop: ld C,(HL) out (C),A out (C),C inc A inc HL cp 4 jr nz,siloop ret IR_DrawRasterlineAndWait: ld BC,&7f00 ld D,&10 out (C),C out (C),A out (c),D out (C),A ld B,7 waitXX6: dec B JP NZ,waitxx6 ret IR_RasterbarNextstep: ;and increase Cursor color ld A,1 :countdownrasterbarplusone dec A jr NZ, writerasterbarcounter ;only if the counter is at 0 change to next offset & cursor color ld HL,gfx_ink15blinkingcolors ld A,(HL) inc A cp 13 jr NZ,LoadTheCursorColor ld A,1 LoadTheCursorColor: ld (HL),A add L ;add the offset to HL ld L,A ld A,(HL) ;get the color ld BC,&7f0F ;ink 15 out (C),C out (C),A ld A,(gfx_rasterbarcolors) dec A ;increase offset in the color list jr NZ, writebackrasteroffset: ;if reached 0 ld A,52 ;reset to 52 (length of list) writebackrasteroffset: ld (gfx_rasterbarcolors),A ld A,3 :__rasterspeed_1 ;reset counter = speed of raster animation writerasterbarcounter: ld (countdownrasterbarplusone-1),a ret IR_DrawCursor: ld hl,logic_cursorposition ld B,(HL) call GfXc_GetScreenPosFromTilePos dec hl ld DE,gfx_cursorbitmap ld C,18;x cursorXloop: ld B, 5 ;y cursorYloop: ld A,(DE) or a jr Z,dontdraw OR (HL) ld (HL),A dontdraw: inc HL inc E djnz cursorYloop push DE ld DE,5 SBC HL,DE ;back to first column pop DE call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem dec C ;Decrease our line counter jr nz,cursorXloop;Loop if we're not finished ret IR_EraseCursor: ld HL,logic_cursorposition ld B,(HL) call GfXc_GetScreenPosFromTilePos dec HL ;bc the cursor starts one byte to the left of the tile ld DE,gfx_cursorbitmap ld C,18;x EcursorXloop: ld B, 5 ;y EcursorYloop: ld A,(DE) or a jr Z,ECdoneDrawing CP &FF jr NZ,drawXOR ld (HL),0 jr ECdoneDrawing drawXOR: XOR &FF AND (HL) ld (HL),A ECdoneDrawing: inc HL inc E djnz EcursorYloop push DE ld DE,5 SBC HL,DE ;back to first column pop DE call GfxC_GetNextLineInScreenMem dec C ;Decrease our line counter jp nz,EcursorXloop;Loop if we're not finished ret IR_Draw_Stars: ld HL, gfx_starpositions ;go to beginning of list ld D,&C0 ld B,64 ;counter for speed calc Starloop: ;(0=1px speed, 1=2px, 2=4 px, 3=6px speed) ld A,(HL) ;if the high byte ld E,A ;else make DE complete ld A,(DE) ;and check the pixels ld C,A ;back it up Xor A LD (DE),A ;and overwrite on screen ld A,B and 3 ;get counter mod 4 jp Z,star1pxspeed cp 1 jp Z,star2pxspeed cp 2 jp Z,star4pxspeed ;star6pxspeed: inc E ;go to next byte ld A,C ;First, change the pixel bitmap cp 8 ;if it's (X---) (pen 2) jr NZ,its2at6px ld C,2 ;then change to (--X-) jp checkoverthirdline its2at6px: ld C,8 ;else transfer to X--- inc E ;and go one more byte farther jp checkoverthirdline star1pxspeed: ld A,C cp 136 jp NZ,not136 ld C,68 jp checkoverthirdline not136: cp 68 jp NZ,not68 ld C,34 jp checkoverthirdline not68: cp 34 jp NZ,not34 ld C,17 jp checkoverthirdline not34: ld C,136 inc E jp checkoverthirdline star2pxspeed: ld A,C ;First, change the pixel bitmap cp 8 ;if it's (X---) (pen 2) jr NZ,its2at2px ld C,2 ;then change to (--X-) jp checkoverthirdline its2at2px: ld C,8 ;else transfer to X--- inc E ;and go one byte farther jp checkoverthirdline star4pxspeed: ld C,64 inc E checkoverthirdline: ld A,239 ;check if over third line cp E jr NC, setnewposition ld A,R and %00000111 ld E,A setnewposition: ld A,C ;load the new bitmap to A ld (DE),A ;and draw it on the screen ld (HL),E ;save the new lowbyte of current star inc HL ;and go to next position in the table ld A,8 ;as for the "line" offset add D ;increase (by &800) jr NC,finishstarloop ;if we exceeded &FF, C is set ld A,&C0 ;in this case reset to &C0(00) finishstarloop ld D,A ;ld the hibyte offset djnz Starloop jp EndofInterrupt3 IR_ReadKeyboardAndChangeCursor: ;Keyboard Routine from CPCWiki ;I actually don't understand how it works in detail ld BC,#f782 ;3 out (C),C ;4 ld BC,#f40e ;3 ld E,B ;1 out (C),C ;4 ld BC,#f6c0 ;3 ld D,B ;1 out (C),C ;4 xor A ;1 out (C),A ;4 ld BC,#f792 ;3 out (C),C ;4 ld A,#40 ;2 ld C,#4a ;2 43 ld B,D ;1 out (C),A ;4 select line ld B,E ;1 in A,(C) ld L,A ld A,#41 ld B,D ;1 out (C),A ;4 select line ld B,E ;1 in A,(C) LD H,A ld A,#45 ld B,D ;1 out (C),A ;4 select line ld B,E ;1 in A,(C) bit 7,A jr NZ,afterspacecheck res 5,H ;set bit 5 in H afterspacecheck: ld BC,#f782 ;3 out (C),C ;4 ld A,(kbd_oldinput+1) ;check if CP H ;the keybard jr NZ,kbd_newinput ;status has changed ld A,(kbd_oldinput) CP L ret Z kbd_newinput: ld (kbd_oldinput),HL ;save the keybard status xor a ;see if a key is pressed: xor H ;then it would Be FF now xor L ;and would Be 0 now ret Z notzeroentry: ld A,(toggle_menucursoractive) or A ;if the Menu is active, go on with its own routine jr nz, ReadKeyboardMenu ld HL,logic_cursorposition ld B,(HL) push BC ;backup cursor position for processing afterwards ;erase the cursor bc we're gonna draw it somewhere else call IR_EraseCursor pop BC ;B contains cursor ld C,0 ;C will contain direction ld HL,(kbd_oldinput) ;L - 6. ENTER , 2.DOWN 1.RIGHT 0.UP ;H - 5.SPACE 0.LEFT ;check he space bar: checkspace: bit 5,H jr NZ, checkleft bit 6,L ;check if enter was pressed jr NZ,checkleft ;(copy+enter ends game) ld C,exit_aborted jr writelogic_gameinfo checkleft: bit 0,H jr NZ, checkright ld A,%00000111 ;check if movement possible AND B jr Z, checkright ld C,mvleft checkright: bit 1,L jr NZ,checkup ld A,%0000111 ;check if movement possible AND B; cp %111 jr Z, checkup ld C, mvright checkup: bit 0,L jr NZ,checkdown ld A,&F cp B ;not possible if top row jr NC,checkdown ld C, mvup checkdown: bit 2,L jr NZ,allcursorchecksdone ld A,&3F cp b ;not possible if bottom row jr C,allcursorchecksdone ld C, mvdown allcursorchecksdone: xor a cp c ret Z bit 5,H ;check again if copy jr NZ, cursormovement writelogic_gameinfo: ld A,C ld (logic_gameinfo),a ret cursormovement: ld A,B add C ;a has now the new position ;or a8 ld (logic_cursorposition),a ret ReadKeyboardMenu: ;where we only check up,down and space ld HL,(kbd_oldinput) ;check space: bit 5,H jr NZ,checkmenuup ld A,1 ld (menu_confirm),A ;that's the variable the waitforkey routine expects ret checkmenuup: bit 0,L ;up jr NZ,checkmenudown ld A,(menu_highlighted) cp 1 ;if it's 1 you can't go up ret Z dec a ld (menu_highlighted),a ret checkmenudown: bit 2,L ;down jr NZ,nomenurelevantkeys ld A,(menu_highlighted) cp 3 ;if it's 3 you can't go down ret Z inc a ld (menu_highlighted),a ret nomenurelevantkeys: ret IR_DecreaseTimerRoutine: ld A,(logic_clockfortimer) ;load the clock for the clock inc a ;increment it ld (logic_clockfortimer),a ;load it back cp 16 :__gamespeed_1 ;self-modifying variable for game speed ret NZ ;if it's not there, we're done xor A ld (logic_clockfortimer),a ;reset clock for the clock ld A,(logic_gametimer) ;load the actual gametime dec a ;and decrease it cp 0 ;check if 0 jr NZ,WriteTimeBack ;if not, finish ld A,exit_timeup ;if so, ld (logic_gameinfo),a ;tell the main game WriteTimeBack: ld (logic_gametimer),a ret IR_Draw_Score: push IX ;backup these push IY ;(bc we did't when starting the interrupt) ld hl,&c06F ;screen adress of the score Table ld IY,logic_gamescore ld A,(IY) ;the six digits are stored and drawn in pairs call Gfx_DrawTwoBinaryCodedDigits ld A,(IY+1) call Gfx_DrawTwoBinaryCodedDigits ld A,(IY+2) call Gfx_DrawTwoBinaryCodedDigits pop IY pop IX jp backtoInterrupt5 IR_DrawTimer: ld HL,logic_gametimer ld C,(HL) ;load current time to C ld A,32 sub C ld E,A ;E is now the "black" part of the bar ld C,(HL) ;anc C is the "white" part. ld HL,&C908 ;starting address on screen ld D,4 ;counter for four lines timerlines: push HL ;for adding line later ld B,C whitepart: ;the "time" part of the bar ld (HL),240 ;bitmap for all ink 3 inc L djnz whitepart xor A cp E ;in case time is full jr Z,finishtimerlines ;don't draw blackpart ld B,E blackpart: ;the "no more time" part ld (HL),0 ;bitmap for all ink 0 inc L djnz blackpart finishtimerlines: pop HL ;restore from before ld A,&08 ;add one line offset add H ld H,A dec D jr NZ,timerlines ret ;============== ; MENU TEXTS ;============== textMenu_Main: db ' START A NEW GAME#CONFIGURATION AND INSTRUCTIONS# EXIT GEM JAM_' menutext_settings: db ' SELECT TILESET# CHOOSE GAME SPEED#READ THE INSTRUCTIONS_' Menu_Text_Tileset: db " PLAYING WITH PRECIOUS GEMS# JAMMING WITH HEALTHY FRUIT#PUZZLING WITH ABSTRACT SHAPES_" Menu_Text_GameSpeed:db " SLOW (FOR BEGINNERS & LEARNERS)#MEDIUM (FOR OCCASIONAL PLAYERS)# FAST (FOR THE MASTERS OF ZILOG)_" Menu_Text_Instructions: db "BLOW UP TILES BY BUILDING ROWS OR COLUMNS OF THREE OR MORE MATCHING TILES.#" db "BUT BE CAREFUL, THE CLOCK IS RUNNING! MOVE THE CURSOR WITH THE ARROW KEYS.#" db " PRESS SPACE+ARROW TO SWAP TWO TILES. PRESS SPACE+ENTER TO ABORT GAME._" message_opening: db " LEOSOFT PRESENTS " message_nomoves: db " - NO MOVES LEFT -" message_menumanual: db " </>/SPACE " message_aborted: db " - GAME ABORTED - " message_timeup: db " ! TIME IS UP ! " after_game_instructions: db 'RESTART WITH "RUN 50"_' align &10 gfx_ink15blinkingcolors: db 1, &4B, &4B, &43, &4B, &4B, &5B, &4B, &4B, &59, &4B, &4B, &4B gfx_mode1colors: db 1 ;offset db &53, &5F, &55 ;blue db &59, &52, &56 ;green db &4F, &4D, &58 ;Magenta db &4E, &45, &4C ;red db &4B, &4A, &5E ;yellow gfx_paniccolors:db &4C, &4C, &5C ;panic red gfx_mode0ink1to3: db &4B, &40, &4E ;the first three colors of the main screen gfx_starbitmaps: db &44, &08, &80, &02, &22, &02, &20, &08, &11, &02, &40, &08, &88, &08, &10, &02 gfx_tileslookuptable: db &40, &94 ;empty db &80, &92, &C0, &92, &00, &93, &40, &93, &80, &93, &C0, &93, &00, &94 ;tiles db &C0, &91, &00, &92, &40, &92 ;explosions (come first in memory, but later in indexing) db &40, &94, &40, &94, &40, &94 ;afterexplosion align &100 gfx_font_scoredigits: db &47, &2E, &8F, &1F, &2E, &47, &0C, &03, &0C, &03, &2E, &47, &8F, &1F, &47, &2E db &11, &0C, &23, &0C, &47, &0C, &06, &0C, &66, &0C, &00, &0C, &00, &0C, &00, &0C db &47, &2E, &8F, &1F, &00, &17, &47, &1F, &8F, &2E, &0C, &00, &0F, &0F, &0F, &0F db &47, &2E, &8F, &1F, &00, &17, &23, &1F, &23, &0F, &00, &03, &0F, &0F, &8F, &1F db &03, &06, &47, &06, &17, &06, &8E, &06, &0F, &0F, &0F, &0F, &00, &06, &00, &06 db &8F, &0E, &8F, &0E, &AE, &00, &8F, &1F, &8F, &0F, &00, &03, &0F, &0F, &8F, &1F db &47, &2E, &8F, &1F, &2E, &00, &0F, &1F, &0F, &0F, &0C, &03, &0F, &0F, &8F, &1F db &0F, &0F, &0F, &1F, &00, &2E, &01, &4C, &23, &08, &03, &88, &03, &00, &03, &00 db &47, &2E, &07, &0E, &06, &06, &47, &2E, &8F, &1F, &2E, &47, &0F, &0F, &8F, &1F db &47, &2E, &07, &1F, &06, &57, &07, &0F, &47, &0F, &00, &03, &0F, &0F, &8F, &1F gfx_borderpatchleft: db &00, &01, &00, &23, &00, &23, &00, &23, &00, &23, &00, &01, &00, &00, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &0C, &04, &48, &04, &C0, &04, &84 gfx_borderpatchright: db &08, &00, &4C, &00, &4C, &00, &4C, &00, &4C, &00, &08, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &08, &00, &0C, &00, &84, &00, &84, &00 align &100 gfx_screenmemoryoffsets: defb &00,&00, &50,&00, &A0,&00, &F0,&00, &40,&01, &90,&01, &E0,&01, &30,&02 defb &80,&02, &D0,&02, &20,&03, &70,&03, &C0,&03, &10,&04, &60,&04, &B0,&04 defb &00,&05, &50,&05, &A0,&05, &F0,&05, &40,&06, &90,&06, &E0,&06, &30,&07 defb &80,&07 gfx_swapanimationhorizontal: ;(from tile a to b and back to next position for a) db &00, &00, &64, &FF db &01, &00, &62, &FF db &02, &00, &60, &FF db &03, &00, &5E, &FF db &04, &00, &5C, &FF db 0, 1 gfx_swapanimationvertical: ;(from tile a to b and back to next position for a) db &00, &00, &00, &00 db &00, &20, &B0, &FF db &50, &00, &60, &FF db &50, &20, &10, &FF db &A0, &00, &C0, &FE db 0,1 gfx_maininkcolors: db 0, 26, 13, 15, 6, 11, 2, 24, 12, 18, 9, 4, 8, 3, 7, 26 gfx_gamefieldupperborder: db 12, 192, 192, 12, &FF logic_randomnumbers: db 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 2, 1, 7, 1, 7, 4, 6, 6, 4, 3 db 6, 2, 2, 7, 1, 2, 6, 3, 6, 7, 2, 1, 7, 5, 7, 6 db 5, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 2, 5, 2, 6, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5 db 6, 6, 6, 2, 7, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, 5, 1, 6, 4 db 1, 7, 1, 4, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3 db 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5 db 4, 6, 6, 7, 6, 3, 1, 7, 1, 1, 3, 5, 3, 7, 5 db 4, 2, 2, 7, 3, 4, 4, 2, 5, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 3 align &100 gfx_rasterbarcolors: db 52 ;starting position db &54, &54, &54, &54, &54, &5C, &4C, &4E, &4A, &4A, &4E, &4C, &5C db &54, &54, &54, &54, &54, &44, &55, &57, &53, &53, &57, &55, &44 db &54, &54, &54, &54, &54, &58, &45, &4D, &4F, &4F, &4D, &45, &58 db &54, &54, &54, &54, &54, &56, &5E, &52, &5A, &5A, &52, &5E, &56 db &54, &54, &54, &54, &54, &5C, &4C, &4E, &4A, &4A, &4E, &4C, &5C db &54, &54, &54, &54, &44, &55, &57, &53, &5B, &57, &55, &44 gfx_cursorbitmap: db &55,&FF,&00,&55,&FF, &55,&FF,&00,&55,&FF db &55,&00,&00,&00,&55, &55,&00,&00,&00,&55 db &55,&00,&00,&00,&55, &00,&00,&00,&00,&00 db &00,&00,&00,&00,&00, &00,&00,&00,&00,&00 db &00,&00,&00,&00,&00, &00,&00,&00,&00,&00 db &00,&00,&00,&00,&00, &00,&00,&00,&00,&00 db &00,&00,&00,&00,&00, &55,&00,&00,&00,&55 db &55,&00,&00,&00,&55, &55,&00,&00,&00,&55 db &55,&FF,&00,&55,&FF, &55,&FF,&00,&55,&FF gfx_alltilesets: ;gems db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &04, &00, &00, &00, &48, &08, &00, &04, &C0, &84, &00, &04, &C0, &AC, &00, &48, &C0, &5C, &08, &48, &C0, &E8, &08 db &48, &D4, &E8, &08, &48, &D4, &C0, &08, &48, &FC, &C0, &08, &5C, &48, &C0, &08, &04, &E8, &84, &00, &04, &C0, &84, &00, &00, &48, &08, &00, &00, &04, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &54, &00, &00, &00, &56, &02, &00, &00, &A9, &A8, &00, &01, &FC, &A9, &00, &54, &56, &56, &00, &56, &FC, &FC, &02 db &FC, &FC, &A9, &A8, &A9, &FC, &FC, &A8, &56, &FC, &FC, &02, &54, &56, &56, &00, &01, &FC, &A9, &00, &00, &A9, &A8, &00, &00, &56, &02, &00, &00, &54, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &14, &B4, &B4, &00, &78, &B4, &78, &28, &F0, &B4, &3C, &A0, &3C, &78, &3C, &28, &B4, &3C, &F0, &A0, &78, &3C, &F0, &28 db &50, &3C, &F0, &00, &50, &3C, &F0, &00, &14, &B4, &B4, &00, &00, &B4, &A0, &00, &00, &B4, &A0, &00, &00, &78, &28, &00, &00, &50, &00, &00, &00, &50, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &10, &00, &00, &00, &64, &20, &00, &10, &CC, &98, &00, &64, &CC, &64, &20, &CC, &CC, &CC, &88, &CC, &CC, &98, &88 db &64, &CC, &CC, &88, &CC, &CC, &CC, &20, &98, &CC, &CC, &88, &CC, &CC, &CC, &88, &64, &64, &CC, &20, &10, &CC, &98, &00, &00, &64, &20, &00, &00, &10, &00, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &05, &C3, &87, &00, &05, &87, &87, &00, &4B, &87, &C3, &0A, &4B, &4B, &C3, &0A, &C3, &4B, &C3, &82, &87, &C3, &C3, &82 db &87, &C3, &C3, &0A, &4B, &C3, &C3, &0A, &4B, &C3, &87, &82, &C3, &C3, &87, &82, &4B, &C3, &4B, &0A, &4B, &C3, &4B, &0A, &05, &87, &87, &00, &05, &C3, &87, &00 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &11, &00, &00, &00, &11, &00, &00, &00, &9B, &8A, &00, &00, &9B, &8A, &00, &00, &33, &22, &00, &00, &33, &22, &00 db &45, &33, &67, &00, &45, &33, &67, &00, &11, &33, &33, &00, &11, &33, &33, &8A, &9B, &33, &33, &8A, &33, &33, &33, &22, &67, &CF, &CF, &22, &33, &33, &33, &22 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &51, &3F, &7B, &00, &B7, &3F, &3F, &A2, &3F, &3F, &B7, &2A, &3F, &3F, &7B, &2A, &3F, &3F, &7B, &2A, &3F, &3F, &3F, &2A db &3F, &3F, &3F, &2A, &3F, &3F, &3F, &2A, &7B, &3F, &3F, &2A, &7B, &3F, &3F, &2A, &3F, &B7, &3F, &2A, &3F, &3F, &3F, &2A, &B7, &3F, &3F, &A2, &51, &3F, &7B, &00 ;fruit db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &51, &88, &00, &00, &44, &A2, &00, &00, &FC, &00, &00, &01, &FC, &00, &00, &54, &A9, &00, &00, &56, &A9, &00 db &00, &FC, &A8, &00, &00, &FC, &A8, &00, &00, &FC, &A8, &00, &00, &FC, &A9, &00, &00, &56, &FC, &00, &00, &54, &FC, &A9, &00, &01, &FC, &FC, &A8, &00, &FC, &03 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &82, &00, &00, &41, &0A, &00, &00, &82, &82, &00, &05, &0A, &0A, &00, &41, &01, &00, &00, &0F, &41 db &00, &00, &82, &41, &00, &B2, &71, &41, &00, &60, &71, &30, &A2, &30, &B2, &90, &20, &30, &B2, &30, &20, &30, &B2, &30, &20, &B2, &B2, &30, &20, &00, &51, &30 db &A2, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &44, &00, &00, &00, &4E, &0A, &00, &00, &C3, &82, &00, &00, &C3, &82, &00, &00, &C3, &82, &00, &00, &C3, &87 db &00, &05, &C3, &87, &00, &4B, &C3, &C3, &0A, &4B, &C3, &C3, &0A, &C3, &C3, &D6, &82, &C3, &C3, &D6, &82, &C3, &C3, &D6, &82, &4B, &C3, &C3, &0A, &05, &C6, &87 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &A7, &C3, &0A, &00, &C9, &C3, &82, &00, &D8, &C3, &0A, &00, &78, &B4, &00, &00, &B4, &F0, &28, &00, &B4, &F0, &B4 db &00, &F0, &78, &F0, &00, &F0, &78, &F0, &28, &78, &B4, &F0, &28, &50, &B4, &F0, &A0, &14, &F0, &78, &A0, &00, &F0, &78, &A0, &00, &F0, &B4, &28, &00, &14, &F0 db &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &A3, &A2, &00, &51, &21, &71, &00, &B2, &98, &98, &A2, &E6, &CC, &CC, &A2, &64, &64, &64 db &20, &CC, &CC, &CC, &88, &98, &98, &98, &88, &CC, &CC, &CC, &88, &64, &64, &64, &20, &E6, &CC, &CC, &A2, &B2, &98, &98, &A2, &51, 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Bytes after GameTable (important offset!) ;but is still avoiding a HiByte break (ends at &90) logic_fallingtileslist: ds 72 ;(80?) also still no HiByte break gfx_fallingspritesaddresses: ds 128 gfx_starpositions: ds 64 ;============== ;GAME VARIABLES ;============== logic_gamescore: ds 3 ;3 Bytes in BCD -> 6 digits toggle_firstload: db 0 ;if the game is loaded for the first time, different stuff happens toggle_drawgamefieldnow: db 0 ;is set by the interrupts when CRT is past the field toggle_drawstars_readkeyboard: db 0 ;1-draw starfield 2-read keyboard (alternates) toggle_gamecursoractive: db 0 ;is the game cursor active i.e. should be drawn and keyboard should be read toggle_IR_DrawTimer: db 0 ;should the score be drawn? toggle_drawscore: db 0 ;should the score be drawn? toggle_menucursoractive: db 0 logic_cursorposition: db 0 logic_gameinfo:db 0 logic_checkmovesindex: db 0 logic_fallingcolumnsamount: db 0 logic_gametimer: db 0 logic_clockfortimer:db 0 logic_tableanimationtilescounter: db 0 gfx_tilesvisiblepart: db 0 gfx_textpositionbackup: db 0,0 kbd_oldinput: ds 2 menu_highlighted: db 0 menu_confirm: db 0 hlstorage: db 0,0
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