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......Press any key for options.............Welcome to Trailblazer from Gremlin Graphics written by P.Harrap,Shaun Hollingworth,C.Kerry (The young one) and Greg Holmes (too pey?).Game play and some graphic bits by Terry LLoyd (yaki da!) and P.Harrap. Thanks to Ricky from BOOTS for the replacement 6128 after some faulty equipment blew ours up. Oh!,and if you think the levels are too hard then tough!,you can't have expected it to be easy can you? It's no use complaining,we were forced at gunpoint to play ALL the levels completely so we don't see why you should have it easy either.Nearly forgot - the keys are on your computer - oops! I meant the keys are Q-Left,W-right,P-Up,L-Down and Space to jump..........There may be a Cheat mode but I doubt it....Original game design by S.Southern but that was on the Commodore so it doesn't count! P.S don't forget to read the P.S OK or you'll be sorry!.... I suppose you'll want to play the game have been warned......................One last point,..........wait for's nearly here..........Hello Mum!..................Shaun thinks that this is a real GEM of a display..Well AMSTRAD fans,now you really are in for a treat.This is the worlds longest scrolling sit back and have a cup of hot tea...Don't forget to let all Spectrum owners know that their version does'nt have this bit - or the Multi Colour character set.....Thats right,really rub it in to them...Thank's go to Steve Kerry for the additional graphics present only on your Amstrad (yes he really is C.Kerry's brother but don't hold it against him!.......Frank Bruno has finally learnt to sit on the ropes (yeh Harry) One problem with messages like this one is thinking of sensible things to say so I won't bother......Got bored yet,falling asleep on your settee,can hardly keep your eyes open? Press fire on your joystick then idiot - can't you read the simplest of instructions on the inlay card.....Are you wondering why there are no OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 on the OPTION screen (what a load of options!),well I don't know either - why is the sky blue,why is grass orange,why are those men in white coats looking at me,why are YOU still reading this trash.....Tune in next week for the next exciting episode of er,whatever it was that you were watching this week!...Phew! hasn't it been warm recently,no,where have you been all summer,Lapland!.....Try POKE 800,201 for the cheat mode,absolutly nothing happens.More credits now.........Rob Toone,Jason (pinky) Perkins,Mark Rogers (no dee),The GHB,The hard working chap had nothing to do with this game so think yourself lucky...We have just got a new computer with flashing red lights on it,pity I'm an epileptic isn't it!.......Buck Rogers (of the 17th century) is dead......Oh I might as well mention 'THE MANAGEMENT' in this lot,what a load of poseurs!....And now its time for - A hot dog,a cool glass of orange on sale in the Foyer now........Hello Marco are you recieving me over.......I'll say hello to Amtix because I really wouldn't mind a good review of this game (please find a cheque for the usual amount enclosed).....this utter woffle was typed in by Mad Pierre AAARgh . Right thats got Greg off my terminal and I'll have all his royalties He won't be needing them where he'll be going (feet first)........that about sums it up,four=two+two........Look out in the future for Future Knight,Avenger,Bounder 2309,Monty on the run (Oh thats out already,sorry) and The original version of Ping Pong.............Micky Mouse has Big Ears --- But not in the Biblical sense! ......End Of the worlds Longest message - Bye Bye and thanks for all the poisson.....