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Western Games
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NOTICE PDF n° 1 (840.22 Ko)
Notice en Français. (10 pages)
NOTICE PDF n° 4 (1.32 Mo)
Notice en Français, Anglais. (16 pages)
Transféré par Loïc DANEELS.
NOTICE PDF n° 8 (1.32 Mo)
Notice en français, allemand (16 pages).
Transféré par Milka depuis la GamebaseCPC de Loïc Daneels.
Taille réelle : 2534 * 1546 px = 465.99 Ko
Taille réelle : 1624 * 1195 px = 475.9 Ko
Taille réelle : 4687 * 3027 px = 1.96 Mo
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (12.98 Ko)
WESTERN GAMES Nice to see you, stranger. This day had promised to be dreary and boring in our small town. But now you are here I won't worry about that anymore. And why? Because in the West, everybody who comes into town has to do some tests in order to prove he is a tough guy. This testing has been done ever since I have lived here. Yeah, all who live here have participated in the games once in a while, and the best of us, good old MacSlow, is going to compete with you. What, you laugh? You won't do that anymore after you have seen him! Or, still better, bring a friend with you. Then you can compete against each other on the spot. Okay, let's stop talking. Let's go, chop-chop, into the saloon over there, where all the people are waiting. Idea and Realization: Rolf Lakämper Programmed by: Oliver F. Rauch, Rolf Lakämper, Axel Walsleben, Frank Hartmann, Jörg "Prenzman" Prenzing, Ulrich "Frusty" Schulz, Gerold "Meep" Behlow, Holger P. Krekel, Holger Gehrmann. Graphics by: Bettina Wiedner, Hartwig Nieder-Gassel Sound by: Arno Schröder, Olaf Hartmann, Rolf Lakämper Thanks to: Thomas "Lui" Brendel, Bernhard Morell, Marion Morell, Michael Eves, Draku, T.H. und die sieben Zwerge, Michael "Holztaller" Oelze, Renate Mustermann A Product of Magic Bytes © 1987 micro-partner Copyright subsists in this program recording. Unauthorised broadcasting, diffusion, public performance copying or re-recording, hiring, leasing, renting or selling under any exchange or repurchase scheme in any manner is prohibited. _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * actual strength of one * general strength one player. display. Armwrestling CONTROL (also by keyboard) 1. accumulate strength: This can be done by pulling the joystick back whenever the arm in the central display area has entered an especially "strong" phase. 2. Prop up arm: press joystick button TOTTLE'S REMARKS: Let's go. Beanpole Fred is going to be referee and will make sure that no-one props up his free arm. Unfortunately Fred nods off once in a while, therefore stay alert! Oh yeah, just before you win it might be useful to rattle, as we say in the West. _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * the gun can be drawn * the present target * beating hearts show the after the barman's degree of nervousness signal Beershooting CONTROL (if no joystick at hand, use keyboard): 1. draw guns: player 1 moves joystick to the right player 2 moves joystick to the left 2. aim guns: direct crosshairs by joystick 3. shoot: press joystick button TOTTLE'S REMARKS: Don't get nervous, or your little hands will be a-shakin'. Oh, before I forget, there is an old westerners' trick: Wait until your opponent - nervous as he is - has missed, then pull the trigger calmly. But don't wait too long, because we all want to see some fun this day. Remember that you have not won until you hit all 5 targets faster than your opponent. That means, if you are faster than him four times but don't hit the fifth target, the game starts all over again. _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * Length of the quid; * The figure shows how * After you have stopped there you can also see often the pot has to be chewing the display how big a piece each hit. changes. The left frame player bites off. Then of the display now shows chew thoroughly! the strength of spitting; the figures on the right show the angle of spitting. Quid-Spitting CONTROL (also by keyboard): 1. lift arm and bite off quid - push joystick forward 2. chew - pull joystick fast left and right 3. stop chewing - joystick forward 4. determine angle of spitting - pull joystick back determine strength of spitting - press joystick button 5. spit - let go joystick button TOTTLE'S REMARKS: Well, I think you all chew quids of tobacco regularly, don't you? - What do I hear, you never tried it before? Well, then listen to some of good old Sam's tips: The greatest risk with quid-chewing is swallowing. It tastes awful, so don't swallow it! Remember not to bite off too big a piece from the quid and don't chew too long or too short. So, kids, chew until the quid is a good shape. You might try to hit your opponent. On his face would look best . . . _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * number of beers you * degree of difficulty of can buy the piano player present dance Dancing CONTROL (also by keyboard): 1. starting position - joystick in initial position 2. lift and bend right leg - joystick diagonally to the left and back. 3. lift and stretch right leg - move joystick diagonally to the left and back and press joystick button. 4. lift and bend left - joystick diagonally to the right and back. 5. lift and stretch left leg - move joystick diagonally to the right and back and press joystick button. 6. undo jacket (= lift skirt) - joystick forward. 7. raise hands to the right at shoulder level, turn hips to the left (= lift skirt and turn to the right) joystick diagonally to the left and forward 8. raise hands to the left at shoulder level, turn hips to the right (= lift skirt and turn to the left) - joystick diagonally to the right and forward 9. bend forward - joystick back 10. bend forward - simply press joystick button TOTTLE'S REMARKS: It's all very simple. Just follow the girl - but keep the beat! Remember that our guys are very spoiled, and if you miss the beat they will get more and more upset until they give Joy the piano player a bash on the nut. And then Joe will not continue playing unless the one who missed the beat buys him another beer. _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * The rhythmically heaving * The content of the udder indicates the beat milk-cans indicates with which the joystick how much there is still should be moved. to be milked to fill the cans. Milking CONTROL (also by keyboard): 1. Milk: Move joystick rhythmically corresponding to the figures shown. 2. Knock the opponent: Move joystick to the right and press joystick button. 1 5-------> 6/3 | ^^ /| ^ | | \ / | | | | x | | | | / \ | | | |v \v | v 4 7 | 2 ----------> 2 TOTTLE'S REMARKS: Hey, hey, hey! It's no problem to elbow your opponent, of course, but make sure the referee doesn't notice it . . . _____________________________________________________________________ _| ___________ ___________ ___________ |_ _| / \ / \ / \ |_ /. | | | | | | .\ \_ | | | | | | _/ |_ \___________/ \___________/ \___________/ _| |_____________________________________________________________________| * First you can see the * The contens of the * When you swallow the spoon; there, is shown tureen indicates how stew a tummy appears. how much stew you are much there is still to The degree of its currently spooning. eat. fatness shows how much air you are swallowing. Eating competition CONTROL (. . .): 1. Dip spoon in: joystick back 2. Balance spoon: move joystick to the left and to the right. 3. Slurp 4. Chew: move joystick left and right. 5. Swallow: pull joystick back and press joystick button. 6. Drink: joystick forward (only possible before you dip spoon in) TOTTLE'S REMARKS: Boys, eat carefully! If you swallow all the stew without chewing you will find yourselves belching. That takes time and it's bad manners into the bargain. Oh yeah, and keep stopping for a drink in between times: it helps to swallow more easily. Now tuck in! Beans are excellent stuff! Keyboard-Control ---------------- AMIGA/ATARI ST | UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT | >FIRE< | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 1 | Q | A | Y | U | SPACE | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 2 | Up arrow | Down arrow| Left arrow|Right arrow| ENTER | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| SCHNEIDER CPC (AMSTRAD) | UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT | >FIRE< | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 1 | Q | A | E | R | SPACE | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 2 | O | L | @ | [ | ENTER | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| C 64 | UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT | >FIRE< | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 1 | RUN/STOP | COMMODORE | 1 | 2 | CTRL | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------| Player 2 | ^ | = | , | / | CRSR U/D | ---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------|
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