COMPILATION -> Officielle
© WACCI (19??)
Wacci Public Domain Disc 78 - Amsdos - Games Disc Four

Mots Clefs


COMPILATION -> Officielle               
21OrBust, Another variation on Pontoon.
Addicted, Are you a computer addict.
Atomic, Play with atomic particles.
Attack, Defend yourself from the alien attack.
Cluedo, Follow the clues and solve the mystery.
Daleks, Get Dr Who back to the Tardis to escape.
Dotman, It's a bit like Pakman.
Goldmine, Collect all the gold to win.
Hangman, Guess the word before it's too late.
Hunt, A treasure hunt.
Isotopes, Avoid the walls to stay alive.
Moonland, Land safely on the moon and you survive.
Mower, Learn how to mow the lawn safely.
Oxo, Play a game of nought's and Cross's.
Pentominoes, A cross between dominoes and a jigsaw.
Racegame, Go horse racing and betting.
Reflect, The piece's shuffle - you put them back.
RobotRon, Robot Ron must crush the Ice Monsters.
StuntBike, Calculate the fuel needed to survive.
Tiles, Take the last tile and you lose.
Whackitt, Hit the moles to score.
Allout, Play Cricket against Australia.
Bouncer, get the ball though the hole.
Dino, Guide Dino though the caves to win.
ForceField, Escape the ForceField if you want to win.
League, Manage a football team.
Pontoon, The card game.
Priz, Escape from the planet Priz or all is lost.
PowerTetris, Power Tetris or what?
Rally, Guide your car though the tunnel.
Scomerge, Merges Power Tetris high-score tables.
Sequence, What comes next.
Snake, Eat mice and win.
SpaceBase, Defend the Space Base from Alien attack.
Wipeout, Knockout the bricks to score and win.

Edité par : WACCI


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