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SIDE 1 Wriggler Written by Devonshire House © 1985 Romantic Robot SIDE 2 (TAPE version ONLY) THE MOONS OF JUPITER Written & performed by A. Goldscheider Produced by Romantic Robot © 1984 Red Bus Music Ltd. _______________________________________________________________________________ LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: (To obtain symbol '1' press SHIFT and the key on the right of P) DISC VERSION: Insert disc with the Side A upwards. CPC 664/6128: Type 'RUN"W' & press ENTER. CPC 464: Type '1disc' and press ENTER. Then type type 'RUN"W' and press ENTER. ************ TAPE version: Ensure the tape is rewound with Side A facing up. If disc drive attached, then type '1Tape' & press ENTER. CPC 464/664: Press CTRL & ENTER on the number keypad together CPC 6128: Press CTRL & ENTER together. _______________________________________________________________________________ Side B on tape contains a bonus from ROMANTIC ROBOT - THE MOONS OF JUPITER, original music to wriggle to THE WRIGGLER. Produced by ROMANTIC ROBOT, it was written and syhthesized by Alexander Goldscheider. THE MOONS OF JUPITER is published by the Red Bus Music (International) Ltd. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________________________________________ If interested in some of our other products, ask your local dealer or write direct to: ROMANTIC ROBOT 77 Dyne Road London NW6 7DR WRIGGLER is a game set on an extensive map of over 250 locations, of which the six pictured show only an example. There are many routes you may take, but to successfully complete the game you must expect to go through four basic areas.: 1) THE GARDEN - a complex maze out of which you will probably not find your way until you have played the game several times ... 2) THE SCRUBLAND - where you can relax a little and try to bring your energy back to scratch ... 3) THE UNDERGROUND - miles of stretching labyrinths containing among else moving floors and rising heads which you must carefully balance on to cross crevasses or climb walls. One slip and you may end up in HELL ... 4) THE MANSION with THE LIFT SHAFT - an intricate web of corridors around a seemingly bottomless shaft. You will need not only the lift but also the right key to the right doors - and one may lead to the Planet Surface ... As your play progresses you will encounter new and varied creatures, learn about the value and importance of different objects and their influence on your energy and score. Your way to the finish will never be the same as each game is set up differently. But there is a way and perhaps you may be the first in the thirty years of the Maggot Marathon to find it. "THREE ... TWO ... ONE ... GO!". And with a single shot from the starter's gun the regional champions of the Annual Maggot Marathon bite their lips and quickly set off on the most dangerous and highlighted event of the insect world sporting calendar. As you set your pace for the race ahead your mind begins to drift when you think about the fame, glory and honour for the first contestant who completes the race in over thirty years. You are suddenly brought out of your dream as you realize you are being trampled on by an ant. You jump out of its way, thankful it did not follow you as others may do. But now in your weakened state you need food. Ah, you see some, but how do you get to it? And here is a key and an ant spray but which will you take? Watch out for that spider! One touch from him and you are dead! Look - a parachute. You may need it later ... But you cannot get to it as you slip off the moving floor and with your life energy drained plunge to your death with only the thought of what might have been ... _______________________________________________________________________________ If YOU feel YOUR program could be a hit, perhaps WE could help to make it one. Why not contact us, in the strictest confidence, for evaluation and possible marketing of your product. Write to: ROMANTIC ROBOT 77 Dyne Road London NW6 7DR
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