NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (11.73 Ko)
(5-12-84) page 1
Small-C 2.1 User Notes
This diskette contains version 2.1 of the Small-c compiler. It runs
under CP/M 2.2, Requires 56K bytes of RAM, and makes use of the
Microsoft MACRO-80 package. The following files are on the diskette:
CC.COM Executable Small-c Compiler.
AR.COM Executable archive maintainer.
CC.SUB C to COM compile steps.
CCCC.SUB C to COM compile of the compiler
NEWLIB1.SUB Extract from CLIB.ARC & compile library modules.
NEWLIB2.SUB Assemble library modules.
NEWLIB3.SUB Build new relocatable library from .REL files.
CLIB.REL Small-C relocatable library.
STDIO.H Standard header file for all compiles.
AR.C Archive maintainer source.
CC.ARC Small-c compiler source archive.
CLIB.ARC Small-c library source archive.
For a description of the Small-c language and its library functions
see "The Small-C Handbook" by James E. Hendrix (Reston Publishing
Co., Reston, VA, March 1984). This document describes procedures for
using the compiler, compiling the compiler, and compiling the
library. Also described are some new features which were developed
since publication of the book.
First, make a copy of this diskette, then put it away for safe
Keeping. Next, set up a double-density system diskette in drive A
containing only the following files:
The .SUB files assume the presence of such a diskette. The
NEWLIB?.SUB files require the capacity of double-density 8" diskettes
(about 500k bytes). If your drives cannot provide that capacity, it
will be neccessary to modify the .Sub files to do their work in a
piecemeal fashion.
The compiler translates a subset of the C language into Intel
assembly language mnemonics. It supports only integer and character
data types. Arrays are limmited to one dimension. It does not
support arrays of pointers, structures, or unions. Also missing are
sizeof, casts, #if expr, #undef, #line, and the ?: operator.
External functions are automatically declared, but external variables
page 2
must be declared explicitly. Functions always return integer values.
Globals may be initialized using the = syntax, but locals cannot.
Locals are always automatic, and the specifiers auto, static, extern,
register, and typedef are not accepted at the local level. Only
extern is accepted at the global level. Character variables are
expanded with sign-extension when they appear in expressions;
character constants are not.
To avoid clashes with user chosen names, the original Small-c 2.1
library named its system-level globals with a leading underscore
character. However, versions of MACRO-80 before 3.44 rejected such
names as external references. So, to accommodate users of older
copies of MACRO-80, the leading underscores were changed to the
letter U. The following global names are now used in the library and
must, therefore, be avoided in your programs:
Uadvance Ualloc Uarg1 Uauxef
Uauxfl Uauxrd Uauxsz Uauxwt
Ubdos Ubufptr Uchrpos Uclreof
Uconin Uconout Udevice Udirty
Uend Ufcbptr Ufield Ugets
Ugetsec Ulex Ulink Uloadfn
Umain Umemptr Umode Unewfcb
Unextc Ungetc Uopen Uparse
Uprint Uputsec Uread Uredirect
Uscan Use Usector User
Useteof Useterr Ustatus Uvec
Uwrite Uxaddr Uxend Uxeof
Uxflush Uxnext Uxread Uxsize
Small-c programs (including the compiler) make use of the relocatable
object-module library CLIB.REL. The module CSYSLIB contains
system-level functions which are automatically loaded with every
program. These functions provide for UNIX - like I/O rdirection
(including concatenation of standard output) and command-line
argument passing.
This implementation begins program execution at main() rather than
the first function as some earlier versions did. Note that "main"
MUST be in lower-case letters; otherwise, the compiler will not
generate "Ulink" as an external reference and the program will not
link properly at load time.
This implementation supports the reading of disk directories. A
directory is made to look like an ASCII file of filenames, one to a
line. A directory is indicated by a drive specifier without a
filename. For example, the specifier B: indicates the directory on
drive b. X: indicates the default directory. Fopen() and freopen()
accept these "directory" names just like any other name. Directory
names may also be used when redirecting the standard input file.
Directory files may only be read; writing produces an error.
Isatty() answers YES to directory files, cseek() returns EOF .
fflush() does nothing, and ungetc() works as usual. This feature
takes up .3k bytes which can be eliminated by deleting "#define DIR"
in CSYSLIB.C before compiling it. The function dir() has been
dropped in favor of this more generalized (and UNIX-like) approach.
page 3
The steps involved in compiling a program are documented in CC.SUB
Examples of invoking the compiler follow:
CC compile console input
giving console output
CC <FILE1 -L1 -P compile FILE1 giving console output,
list the source as comments in the
output, and pause on errors
CC <FILE1 >FILE2 -M compile FILE1.C giving FILE2 and monitor
progress by listing function headers
on the console
CC FILE1 FILE2 >FILE3 compile FILE1.C then FILE2.C into a
single program in FILE3
CC FILE1 >FILE2 -O -A compile FILE1 giving FILE2,
optimize size over speed,
and sound the alarm on errors
CC FILE1 compile FILE1.C giving FILE1.MAC
CC FILE1 FILE2 compile FILE1.C then FILE2.C
giving FILE1.MAC
Any number of files may be concatenated as input by listing them in
the command line; in that case stdin is not used. Standard CP/M file
specifications, including logical devices, are accepted. The listing
switch has two forms:
-L1 lists on stdout (with output) as comments
-L2 lists on stderr (always the console)
Pressing control-s makes the compiler pause until another key is
pressed, and control-C aborts the run. Enter a CR to resume
execution after a pause because of a compile error. If input is from
the keyboard, control-z indicates end-of-file, control-x rubs out the
pending line, and DEL or BS rubs out the previous character. If the
compiler aborts with the letter M on the screen, there was
insufficient memory to run it; a 56K system is required. If it
aborts with the letter R on the screen, the standard input file has a
redirection error (no such file) .
page 4
Comments in the front of the file ar.c describe the operation of the
archive maintainer AR.COM. To get a list of the contents of each
archive for future use in building new archives from scratch, put a
copy of the distribution diskette in drive B: and enter the commands:
This procedure requires the full capacity of a DOUBLE DENSITY
diskette in drive A, set up as described above.
1. place a double density diskette containing only CLIB.ARC in drive B
2. Issue the command SUBMIT NEWLIB1 to extrace from the archive and
compile each of the library modules. This temporarily relocates
CLIB.ARC to drive A and produces about 80 .MAC files on drive B.
The extracted .C files are deleted.
3. Issue the command SUBMIT NEWLIB2 to assemble the library modules.
The .REL files are placed on drive A. You will need to respond
with a control-C at the end when the assembler prompts the
console with an asterisk.
4. Issue the command SUBMIT NEWLIB3 to build a new library. Drive B
is erased, CLIB.ARC is moved back to b, the .REL files are moved
to B, and a new CLIB.REL is created on both A and B.
The .REL file should be kept so that it will not be necessary to
recompile every function the next time you build a new library. The
order of the modules in the library, as established in NEWLIB3.SUB,
is important. It must begin with LINK and CSYSLIB and end with CALL.
In between, modules are arranged as alphabetical as possible allowing
for forwark references between some of the modules. Modules which
are used less frequently are optimized for size over speed.
To compile a new copy of the compiler from CC.ARC:
1. Place a diskette containing only CC.ARC in drive B:
2. Issue the command SUBMIT CCCC to compile and assemble each of the
four major parts of the compiler and then link them together,
this will leave CC.COM, CC.ARC, and the .REL files on drive B.
page 5
The following functions were added after publication of the "The Small-C
- auxbuf (fd, size) int fd, size;
This Small-C function allocates an auxilliary buffer of size bytes
for fd. It returns zero on success and ERR on failure. Fd must be
open, and size must be greater than zero and less than the amount
of free memory. If fd is a device, the buffer is allocated but
ignored. Extra buffering is useful in reducing disk head movement
or drive switching during sequential operations. Once an auxiliary
buffer is allocated it sticks for the duration of program
execution, even if fd is closed. Calling this function a second
time for the same fd returns ERR but, otherwise, has no effect.
Alternating read and write operations or performing seeks will
produce unpredictable results. Ungetc() will operate normally,
however. Ordinarily, it is counter productive to allocate
auxiliary to both input and output files.
- ctellc(fd) int fd;
This Small-c function returns the offset(0-127) to the current
byte in the current buffer for fd. the current byte is the next
one that will be read from or written to the file. No account of
ungetc() calls is taken.
- pad (str, ch, n) char *str, ch, int n;
This Small-C function fills the string at str with n occurrences of
the character ch.
- rename (old, new) char *old, *new;
This Small-C function changes the name of the file specified by old
to the name indicated by new. It returns NULL on success,
otherwise ERR.
- no pointer arrays
This message indicates an attempt to declare an array of pointers.
This version of Small-C does not support them.
The functions dtoi(), otoi(), utoi(), and xtoi() (pg. 103)
return ERR if the number being converted would overflow a 16-bit word.
NOTICE TEXTE n° 2 (2.27 Ko)
Small-C and Small-Tools Order Form
Quantity Item Each Total
____ Small-C 2.1 (with handbook) 39.95 ______
____ * The Small-C Handbook 14.95 ______
____ Small-Tools (with manual) 35.00 ______
____ * Small-Tools Manual (photocopied) 5.00 ______
____ ** Small-Tools Manual (on diskette) 15.00 ______
Postage and Handling 3.00
Plus $6.00 Overseas Air Mail ______
TOTAL ______
* Applies toward later purchase of the package.
** Requires signature on distribution agreement.
[ ] 8" SSSD CP/M
[ ] 5.25" SD North Star CP/M
[ ] 5.25" DD North Star CP/M
[ ] 5.25" QD North Star CP/M
[ ] 5.25" (ms) Apple CP/M
NAME: ________________________________ DATE: ______________
COMPANY: ____________________ DEPARTMENT: ____________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________
Include self-addressed, stamped envelope with queries.
Enclose check, money order, or purchase order for total amount
and send to:
J. E. Hendrix
Box 8378
University, MS 38677