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© WACCI (1991)
Wacci Public Domain Disc 07 - Utilities - CPM 3.1 (PLUS) Only


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WACCI PD DISC SEVEN WACCI PUBLIC DOMAIN DISC SEVEN ------------------------------ These programs run under CP/M 3.1 (plus) only THIS DISC CONTAINS: Ref. Program Size Description 7/01a DISC.BAS 3k } Instructions & disc contents 7/01b DISC.DOC 4k } 7/02a FORM3.COM 1k } Utility to allow you to read & write to 7/02b FORM3.DOC 2k } PCW format discs. 7/03a MIKEDIT.COM 7k } Easy to use line & text editor 7/03b MIKEDIT.DOC 1k } 7/04a SUPERZAP.COM 11k } Super track & sector editor, with in-built 7/04b SUPERZAP.DOC 16k } program de-bugging options 7/05a ZDEBUG17.COM 10k } Z80 interactive program de-bugger. 7/05b ZDEBUGT7.COM 4k } 7/05c ZDEBUG17.DOC 16k } 7/06a UNZIP.COM 15k } Unpacks library files created by PKZIP. 7/06b UNZIP.DOC 3k } (library files ending in *.ZIP) 7/06c EXPLODE.OVR 3k } Overlay for UNZIP.COM 7/06d UNSHRINK.OVR 2k } ditto 7/06e UNREDUCE.OVR 2k } ditto 7/07a NEWCCP.COM 5k } Adds lots of useful new commands to the CP/M 7/07b NEWCCP.DOC 4k } operating system. 7/08a ANDYBASE.COM 41k } Superb Database, v1.1, now shareware 7/08b ANDYBASE.DOC 14k } 7/09a WCOUNT.COM 6k } Count the number of words, lines and characters 7/09b WCOUNT.DOC 1k } in an ascii text file. 7/10a UN33.COM 2k } Unerase erased CP/M files 7/10b UN33.DOC 2k } 7/11a ARK11.COM 9k } Creates *.ARK archive files, easy to use with 7/11b ARK11.DOC 5k } full instructions. Version 1.1 7/11c ARKDATE.HEX 1k } 7/11d ARKDATE.MAC 4k } 7/12a DC-CPC.COM 26k } Spreadsheet similar to supercalc 2, easy to 7/12b DC-CPC.DOC 17k } use and learn. Fewer options than Supercalc. 7/12c DC-CPC.KEY 1k } Converted from the PCW program DCALC. Full 7/12d DC-CPC.SUB 1k } instructions included. 2 example spreadsheets 7/12e DC-EX1.DCL 3k } included. 7/12f DC-EX2.DCL 1k } 7/13 DCALC.COM 26k } PCW version of DC-CPC. Uses the same instruction } file and documentation. 7/14a ARC24.COM 14k } Creates *.ARC archive files, easy to use, 7/14b ARC24.DOC 2k } includes full instructions 7/15a UNARC.COM 5k } UN-ARChive archive files created with ARC24.COM 7/15b UNARC.DOC 2k } or ARK11.COM 7/16a ADRIVE.COM 1k } Switch between a nornal and an 80 track drive A 7/16b ADRIVE.DOC 1k } Document file 7/16c ADRIVE.Z80 3k } Source code 7/17a ASSIGN.COM 2k } Redirect disc commands from drive A to drive B, 7/17b ASSIGN.DOC 1k } B to A, and so on ... 7/18a CRUNCH28.COM 6k } Latest version of Crunch, crunch archive files 7/18b CRUNCH28.DOC 12k } to save disc space. Creates *.?Z? files. 7/18c UNCR28.COM 9k } UN-CRunches *.?Z? files. 7/19a EXTDISC.COM 1k } Change the drive parametes to allow PCW, DATA, 7/19b EXTDISC.DOC 3k } SYSTEM and other disc formats to be used. 7/20a FORMAT.COM 3k } Format discs to the new parameters created by 7/20b FORMAT.DOC 4k } EXTDISC. 7/21a MENU.COM 7k } Simple & easy to use Menu program 7/21b MENU.DAT 1k } Options and commands for MENU.COM 7/21c MENU.DOC 3k } Instructions 7/22a QTEXT21.COM 1k } Speed up screen handling, faster VDU updates 7/22b QTEXT21.DOC 2k } Instruction file WACCI PUBLIC DOMAIN DISCS Clive Bellaby, October 1991 Public Domain programs have been donated by their authors for the free use and enjoyment of all. Public Domain programs may be freely copied and distributed. Public Domain programs may not be sold for profit or included with programs that are sold for profit. The programs authors retain the copyright to the program(s). All the programs supplied by Wacci have been tested on a Amstrad 6128. *** END OF FILE ***

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