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Virgin Atlantic Challenge
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NOTICE PDF n° 1 (205.17 Ko)
Notice en espagnole (6 pages)
Discovery Informatic
Transféré par : CPCManiaco
Taille réelle : 2412 * 1174 px = 686.91 Ko
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (6.21 Ko)
In the summer of 1986 the crew of VIRGIN ATLANTIC CHALLENGER once again attempt to win the coveted BLUE RIBAND title for Britain by crossing the ATLANTIC OCEAN in the record time of 3 days and 10 hours. The VIRGIN ATLANTIC CHALLENGE GAME is a fun simulation of Richard Branson’s part in this exciting and dangerous event. _______________________________________________________________________________ As RICHARD receives alerts from the boat’s computerised systems he must respond at BREAK-NECK SPEED to various pieces of equipment needing his attention. He must KEEP ON COURSE and in good time, but not so fast the BOAT BREAKS UP! REFUELLING is also necessary and avoiding the HAZARDS of the deep blue sea, additionally he must take MONEY MAKING (or breaking) decisions that are telexed to him from all parts of the VIRGIN EMPIRE. In the VIRGIN ATLANTIC CHALLENGE GAME you take RICHARD BRANSON’S part in crossing the Atlantic in RECORD-BREAKING time. You must respond quickly to all the tasks involved in keeping the boat at a GOOD SPEED – but not so fast that it BREAKS UP. You must keep ON COURSE, except for the occasional HAZARD in your path and you must REFUEL. Additionally there is MONEY to be made for VIRGIN, so there are still business decisions to be made. The main area of play is over two screens and RICHARD must race from one piece of equipment to another in response to the ALERTS reported to him by the boats computerised system along the bottom of the screen. The status line at the top of the screen shows your FUEL SITUATION, BEARING, RUDDER, and your PRESENT SPEED in knots. To use the equipment, stand in front of it and press FIRE or the SPACEBAR. A WINDOW will open and display the information you need. Press FIRE or the SPACEBAR when you are finished. Opening the RADAR WINDOW shows the radar screen on the right and several panels on the left. The top box tells if it’s a TANKER or a HAZARD in the path of “CHALLENGER II.“ If it’s a TANKER it will show up as a “BLIP” on the radar screen when you are within 100 miles of it. A HAZARD doesn’t show up as a “BLIP.” The other panels show RANGE and BEARING. When you are within 50 miles range of the TANKER, you should make your way to the COCKPIT, where you will see the TANKER from the window. You must then steer towards the TANKER. When you are beside it you will automatically REFUEL, but you must be in the COCKPIT to do so. If the radar shows “HAZARD” you must avoid the object in your path by SLOWING DOWN drastically or push HARD RIGHT or LEFT on the RUDDER for a while. Do this from the COCKPIT with the joystick or I and P keys. Your ACTUAL BEARING is shown on the top line, the bearing shown in the RADAR WINDOW is the CORRECT one. When these readings differ you must go to the COCKPIT and move the JOYSTICK LEFT or RIGHT or press I or P to adjust the RUDDER. The bearing on the top line should read the same as the reading in the radar room. The MAP WINDOW will show the best possible course as calculated by the on-board navigation systems, including the positions of the REFUELLING TANKERS. Your position is indicated by a small, SQUARE CURSOR. The ENGINE ROOM WINDOW will display SPEED, TEMPERATURE and STRESS readings for each engine (GREEN – STARBOARD and RED – PORT). The box at the top shows your overall average speed. EXCESSIVE HEAT and OVERDUE STRESS will need to be corrected immediately by adjusting the speed as you are driving the boat TOO HARD for the present weather conditions. You may ADJUST the speed by pushing UP or DOWN on the JOYSTICK or by pressing 1 or A, either in the ENGINE ROOM or in the COCKPIT. Ignoring TEMPERATURES of over 200° and STRESS of over 80% will eventually cause the boat to BREAK UP. A healthy sailor must EAT and if you get too busy to remember regular meals your performance will suffer. You must open the GALLEY WINDOW to prepare and eat your meal, it is time consuming, but watching those calories mount up ensures you will be in PEAK CONDITION to complete the journey. Business carries on for RICHARD, even at sea and the communications system in “CHALLENGER II” allows messages to reach him about important decisions to be taken. When you receive a message that a TELEX has arrived, the TELEX WINDOW will reveal the message. Pushing LEFT or RIGHT or pressing I or P will highlight YES and NO, pushing FORWARD or pressing 1 will select the highlighted answer. The cash effect on your decision will show immediately. This box shows how much money you’ve MADE or LOST since the boat started the journey, RED indicates you have LOST profit. Naturally, if you happen to be too busy to answer your telexes you will LOSE money anyway. To enter the COCKPIT climb the stairs at the back of the boat. As already mentioned, you may alter SPEED and DIRECTION here. You will need to be here when you rendevous with the TANKERS for REFUELLING, otherwise you will not be successful! TIME is displayed here in DAYS, HOURS and MINUTES. To be a RECORD-BREAKING success you must keep up as fast a speed as weather conditions will allow. “CHALLENGER II” carries as little fuel as possible to keep weight down, so you must keep a good course so as not to WASTE FUEL. Very HIGH SPEED will burn more fuel, but you will burn some fuel at all times to keep the engines running even when at 0 knots. TO LOAD HOLD DOWN THE CTRL KEY AND PRESS THE SMALL ENTER KEY KEYBOARD CONTROLS 1 = UP I = LEFT A = DOWN P = RIGHT SPACEBAR = FIRE OR USE A JOYSTICK All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. WARNING: These programs are sold according to VIRGIN GAMES LTD’S terms of trade and conditions of sale. Copies of which are available on request. ℗ 1986 VIRGIN GAMES LTD © 1986 VIRGIN GAMES LTD.
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